This kind of video is not played, but first come to a warm-up question form, everyone in the live broadcast room has been mentally prepared, but they are still shocked by this question.

[Elias: Cluster Consciousness and Subconscious, Siraj, hey ~~]

[Kavi: Can Saino stop telling you that cold joke? Also, Why did Albedo of Mond fit in with him so well? What happened at the last Windflower Festival? 【

Uncle Tian: Sister Gan Yu is well-informed, and there is no need to say that her knowledge reserve is not to say, but her situation is what I am most worried about. [

Condensing Light: I'm the same, now I can only see what effect her prop card is. [

Kujo Jurao: That one named Ah Hat dared to talk to Lord General like this! [

Amber: So traveler, is your journey so exciting? 【

Jack: This is the experience of being an adventurer!】 I will also work hard for travelers! [

Adjara: What an arrogance! ] I also want to raise the Decree House! Kill the Great Sage!! As for

the secret of the House of Vitality ... [Collet: The secret of the House of Vitality reminds me of that bad experience. 【

Sora: The only two places that have creeped me out during my trip so far are the altar of Inazuma Tsurukan and the House of Vitality in the desert. 【

Xingqiu: So having said that, what happened to this vitality house? [

Tinaly: Hey ~ From the "Report of the Investigation Mission of the Holy Order", "Zandiq's Notes" and other materials, it can be proved that the House of Vitality is a hospital on the surface, but behind the scenes, it is doing crazy human experiments. [

Hu Tao: Needless to say, it must have been the sin created by that doctor! ] [

Ph.D.: Hehe, the rapid development of medicine is inseparable from human experiments, I don't think there is anything wrong with what I do, and....

The so-called 'man' is just a complex machine. As long as a certain part is disassembled and replaced, then it can show the power beyond common sense!

[Nasida: You are insulting the concept of life!

[Diluc: @博士, your statement is still so disgusting!

[Elheisen: This is the stupidity and arrogance at the end of academia. [

Jean: Still don't mention this unappetizing guy, what about C and D? 【

Lanraja: Nara Traveler! It's that diary! 【

Jede: Eternal oasis, the resting place of the flower god. 【

Marcela: The desert is cruel and merciless, and people's hearts are like mud! @婕德, since you are still alive, the Tanit tribe...]

[Elheisen: I heard that the Tanit tribe will adopt or rob young children and raise them to be "falcons" that are specifically loyal to the elders. [

Tanji: Are the people of the Tanit tribe still there? I was ordered by the Decree to provide educational support, and here's the result...]

[Sora [So: So you picked up the deck left behind by those people and played the Seven Holy Summons, right? @婕德, how are you doing?

[Jede: @空, well, I hope that the next time we meet will be on a sunny day. The

various discussions in the live broadcast room will not be mentioned for the time being, but everyone in the answer space, except for Kelly and Qiqi, basically locked their eyes on the correct answer.

Albedo: "The right answer is already obvious, don't you think so?" Saino

: "Well, although I haven't seen the legendary wonderful race with my own eyes, this question is basically not difficult, and the prop card can be saved." "

The situation of Yae Miko and Ganyu is similar.

Meru borders Liyue, and many of Meru's legends and stories are well known to Ganyu, including Lannaro, a dependant of the grass god!

Two key words are mentioned in the stem - "gods" and "travelers".

The Red King and the Flower God of Meru have long since fallen, and now the only god of Meru is the little auspicious Kusanagi-sama!

The examples given in the second paragraph of the stem are illustrating that this 'main line' is that travelers can participate in it and ultimately have an impact on that country.

There are only two options A and C that meet both of these points.

According to normal logic, option A is correct.

But the quotation mark at the end of the question shows that things are not so simple!

Having analyzed here, the correct answer is already obvious!

After Gan Yu submitted the answer, he just wanted to say something to Yae Miko, but he felt a sense of drowsiness hit him, and quickly shook his head to allow himself to sober up a little.

Then Gan Yu took out the two prop cards obtained at the beginning!

In another division.

The Wanderer and Ray Movie, one who has spent a lot of time in Sumeru, and the other Thor, who is an Inazuma, are all aware of many of Sumeru's stories and legends, and have locked the correct answer early.


Wanderer: "Balzeb! Didn't you hear me say I'm going to beat you here? Are you still in the mood for cake?

Ray slowly cut off another piece of cake with a knife and put it on a plate.

"Why not? If you refuse to tell me who you are, then in this space, you naturally have to find something to do. Would you like to try it too? "

Ever since Paimon obtained the seven-tier fruit cake from another world before, she wanted to try the dessert of this other world.

Especially after she got the fully automatic cooking machine, she tried to replicate it.

But in the end, due to her 'improper operation', the machine was damaged on the first day it arrived, and it has not been repaired to this day!

But I heard that Arataki sent that little girl named Kuki Shinobu to take the electrician certificate, do you want her to try it?

The wanderer looked at the seven-layer fruit cake that was nearly half wiped out by the thunder movie, and said disdainfully: "Greasy and crooked sweet things, teeth are going to be glued together, eat it yourself!" Saying

that, the wanderer also made a request to the answer space, "Is there tea?" The more bitter, the better, and the aftertaste is endless. "

[Received!] It is recommended that you taste the bitter tea brewed with industrial concentration of bitter vegetarian, a cup of refreshing and refreshing! Absolutely unforgettable for a lifetime! "

A taste of a lifetime?" What a big deal! Then bring me a drink. The

wanderer looked at the strong tea that appeared in his hand and drank a large sip directly!


The moment you enter the mouth, the taste that cannot be described in words instantly fills the entire mouth.

Even the wanderers almost vomited.

But Balzeb was opposite him, and the wanderer, resisting the desire to vomit, swallowed the tea into his stomach, and pretended to be indifferent.

But his hand holding the teacup trembling slightly, but it was clearly seen by Lei Movie.

Shadow is now more sure that he must have a good relationship with this kid.

Coupled with that special golden feather on his chest, Ying suddenly had a very bold guess!

Seeing that the time passed minute by minute, but the group of Kelly and Qiqi had a situation.

Kelly: "Qiqi, time is running out, you haven't answered yet."

Qiqi once again flipped through the notes that Bai Shu had written for her, "Yes... Answer... But seven seven... Don't know the answer.

"Kelly doesn't know the answer either, but Brother Kaia wrote in his notes, if I don't know the answer, let me choose one by feeling, does Qiqi want to choose the same option as Kelly?"

"Good..." Qiqi nodded slowly.

This operation of the two loli made everyone in the live broadcast room both funny and worried.

[Bai Shu: Thank you Kelly for your help, otherwise, Qiqi will have to hand over the white roll. ] [

Jean: I should thank Kaiya, I didn't expect you to summarize the precautions of the answer space. 【

Kaia: Just do me a favor! Although Kelly exploited the loophole in the live broadcast room, she did this, and in the end she and Qiqi would be tied. [

Zhongli: Let it be, I think no matter what the final 'cost' is, everyone in the live broadcast room will lend a hand. 【

Ding! The time is up! 【

The correct answer this time is C! 】

【Congratulations to all the members for the correct answer! 】 All points plus one! 【

Next, please watch the video - Forest Book! 】 】

【This matter also starts with a sunny day, that day... On the way, the traveler rescues a young girl who is besieged by mushrooms. [

This girl's name is Lana, and she is called 'a sinful NPC'!] The guide of the true main line of Meru! 】

【Tips: This video is extremely long, this live broadcast room tries to pick the key points as much as possible, please be mentally prepared! 】 [

Lana: Huh?? 】

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