A minute ago, Ray Movie with the Wanderer's side.

"Ah hat shouldn't be your name, right?" Ray Movie continues to test while destroying the dessert of the other world.

Coral Miya Shinkai of Kaijima found her a few days ago through Yae Miko's relationship and asked her to make a doll of Miss Hina.

In the face of this kind of request, she naturally wanted to understand the cause and effect.

In this way, there is one more person who knows Goro's secret.

Ray Movie noticed that Miss Sheena's name was put a question mark in the live broadcast room at that time, and there was also a question mark behind the name Ahat.

Plus this kid feels the same as the wanderer who once appeared in the live broadcast room.

Ray Movie now has reason to suspect that these two are the same person!

Faced with the temptation of Ray's movie, the wanderer shot back: "Want me to sign up? Scold! Whatever you want to call it, whatever you want. If you have this time, you might as well think about how to answer the questions.

After speaking, the wanderer immediately burst out laughing, "Hahaha~~ Balzeb, these two questions are very headache for you!" I won't tell you the answer! The

reason why the wanderer is so happy is because he realizes that these two questions are the key to scoring points with Balzebra!

Lei Movie is not as much as the rock god in Liyue, and she spends almost all of her time in a pure land in a meditative way.

But he stayed in Meru for a long time, and the Meru rainforest script was not difficult for him at all.

Now the problem is the second question.

This question involves a lot of personal privacy, if you don't know about the grass god, then you can only answer it with inherent impressions.

Even if he had been with the grass god for a while, he couldn't tell which was the right answer.

But when the wanderer saw the four words of option E - educating children, he was inexplicably very upset!! Immediately take out a prop card!

Lei Ying saw that this kid not only provoked her everywhere, but also prepared to use prop cards, and she immediately took out one.

In fact, this kid is a little wrong, she has ideas for the second question!

In the previous second live broadcast, Nasida's metaphor and Xino's cold joke were really memorable.

But before this kid played 'The Emperor's Little Padded Jacket' that day, the one sent by Arataki... Who? After asking, I exited the live broadcast room, and naturally I didn't know what happened behind!

Although it has been determined that this kid has a relationship with himself, Lei Movie has not forgotten that when the final settlement is made, if the score is lower than the other party, he will be forced to charge a 'price'!

Ray Movie dares to guarantee that if she is drawn a 'price', it will definitely be another "nightmare".

But just when Lei Movie was preparing for a new round of temptation, several news broadcast in the live broadcast room completely disrupted her plan!

"Gee!" The wanderer did not expect this to happen, and the time was suddenly reduced by 80%!

He grabbed the little time he had left and immediately used a prop card - Truth or Dare - Truth or Dare!

The last sentence on the card's description says that this is a "possibly" item card with strong side effects, so choose carefully when using it!

[Item card used successfully! ] 【Effect

: Complete the challenge of truth or dare, successfully challenge, you will get a crucial clue! 【Truth

or tell: Show your opponents what you hide in your sleeve and reveal your inner secrets!】 【

Adventure: Make your own favorite dish for your opponent! 】

【Tips in this live broadcast room: If you choose a big adventure, please be careful and careful, and be sure to strive for fineness and perfection in every step! 】 The

sudden reduction in answering time and the effect of this prop card made the already unhappy wanderer even more annoyed.

The wanderer said rather unpleasantly: "Although I can't @ the interactive live broadcast room, but... Are you teaching me to do things? Although

the wanderer said this, he quickly chose the big adventure and immediately took action.

There is no time to make tea rice, just this minute or so, I can only quickly make a satisfying salad!

The ingredients are also simple, just cabbage, apples, bird eggs, potatoes, and various seasonings.

Under the sharp wind blade cutting, a satisfying salad was quickly completed and placed in front of Ray's movie.

Anyway, the prop card does not say how delicious this dish is to be made, time is limited, just make a living.

【Challenge completed! 】 Get a clue card!! Under

the pressure of tight time, the wanderer did not notice that the word "congratulations" was missing before the challenge was completed!

"This is... Do you make satisfying salads? Looking at the strange plate of food in front of him, Lei Ying asked suspiciously.

Obviously, the wanderer did not listen to the warm reminders in the live broadcast room.

All the ingredients are cut into different sizes, the seasonings are sprinkled as you like, and the salt has not yet melted.

And Lei Movie saw it with his own eyes, and this kid also poured the cup of 'bitter tea' that he had not finished drinking before.

Faced with Lei Movie's inquiry, the wanderer said indifferently: "It's not me to eat anyway!" "

Interactive live broadcast room: Huh~~

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