Just when everyone in the live broadcast room thought that the video was almost over, they ushered in an ultimate tear gas!

Here in the World Tree, the two grass gods finally meet.

Nasida's voice was a little choked, "Everyone has been... I miss you all the time. But... It's brutal! How can ... How can I forget you just like that! The

Great Cishu King, who had become smaller, gently hugged Nasida and said softly, "Don't be so sad, Buyel."

"As a wise man, you should enjoy the joy of finding the answer at this moment."

"That's the answer you've been looking for."

"I want to know the whole picture."

"Let the world, forget me completely."

Nasida trembled and raised her purifying hands and soothed them on the back of the Great Compassion Tree King, tears dripping down her cheeks.

The Great Compassion Tree King's body gradually dissipated.

Under the embrace of Nasida, the body eventually turned into countless green leaves and floated to all corners of Meru.

"I am the man of propositions and the one who solves.

"Saving the world with the dream of the world was my answer."

"Goodbye, O people of Meru."

"May you have a good dream tonight."

Here, the light curtain also gradually turns black.

【Ding! 【

The video has been played! 】 But

whether it is the barrage area or the answer space, it is all silence.

In everyone's ears, it seemed that the voice of the Great Mercy Tree King could still be heard.

Thoughts of regret, unwillingness, and reverence lingered in everyone's heart.

Finally, I understood why they didn't remember the Great Compassion Tree King.

It took a long time for Nasida to break the silence.

[Nasida: You don't need this, with this interactive live broadcast room, I believe that the Great Compassion Tree King will meet you sooner or later. 】Yes


Everyone remembered that there was this magical interactive live broadcast room!

[Haiba Xia: I forgot Lord Dacishu King! [

Amber: For the sake of the people, the Great Compassion Tree King is really great!

[Xingqiu: Even at the last moment, King Dacishu still remembers the people of Meru, and her deeds should not be forgotten like this.

[Tian Tiezui: Yes, I'll sort out the information later and change this nameless video to the form of a storytelling. 【

Coral Palace Shinkai: When the Meru people were no longer plagued by illness and were able to embrace beautiful dreams, the god who loved the world deeply and sacrificed everything for the survival of the world was eventually forgotten by the world. [

Dolly: I suddenly think that the A option in the first question is also a very good choice. 【

Keqing: A selfless god like the Great Compassion Tree King deserves the respect of each and every one of us. [

Xin Yan: The moment the music in the video started, I wondered what kind of story it was to be worthy of this heart-wrenching music, but my idea was too narrow. [

Chongyun: There is a sentence in the general outline of that "Royal Sword Art" called 'born in heaven and earth, contrary to nature, the avenue is nameless, and all things are nurtured forever', now I kind of understand the meaning of this sentence. [

Paimon: I didn't expect so many things to happen that day, no wonder traveler, you have been depressed since the beginning of today's live broadcast.

[Sora: Mr. Zhongli once said to me, "You are a chronicler of the history of Tivat, please remember the meaning of your travels".

At first, I didn't understand it, but as my journey grew, I gradually understood the weight of this sentence. 【

Zhongli: The journey will eventually come to an end, but what you experienced during the journey is also a rare memory. 【

Goro: The World Tree's ability to forget is so powerful! 【

Kazuto Arataki: Didn't you say that the forest will remember everything?】 But how can I forget everything except travelers!

[Wendy: No, the Great Compassion Tree King sacrificed himself to save thousands of living beings, and the memory of her did not disappear, but was engraved on the living beings of everyone in Tivat. 】

【Kazuto Arataki: Huh?? 】

【Kuki Shinobu: Boss, you go back to the Arataki faction first, I will explain it to you carefully, and then we will talk about the funding of the gang. [

Lei Dian Jin: But in this video, there is really a lot of information exposed. The one who wants to provoke the Demon God War is the hat in the answer space.

[Diluc: Not only that, but there is also the figure of the Doctor's guy. [

Kavi: And the gang from the Holy Order! How did I happen so much that something happened at that time! Otherwise, I can participate! 【

Nilu: Isn't Ah Hat a representative of the Sayin School of Competition in this year? There are still regular student status! I was even invited to a lecture!! [

Dixia: If Ah Hat really did those things, then what is going on with everything that is happening now? [

Candice: It should be Lord Kusanagami who made a move, otherwise it would be impossible to explain. 【

Collet: Why would Kusanagi-sama let such a person stay in Meru? [

Mona: I just divined a bit, this person's seat of life is a guest seat, a life of twists and turns, and a bad fate. [

Hu Tao: I always feel that although today's live broadcast has solved some puzzles, it has brought more puzzles, and I don't know if there is a sixth question. As

soon as Walnut's voice fell, the voice in the live broadcast room sounded.

[Before watching the video, please answer the last question of this live broadcast within the specified time! ] 】

【Sixth question, please briefly summarize the difference between the god of Mond Wind, the god of Liyue Rock, the god of Inazuma Thunder, and the god of Meru Kusa with children within the specified time.】 】


[Requirements: Try to be concise and concise, no more than 50 words.

As soon as the question came out, the first person who was surprised was not those in the answer space, but Wendy!

"No matter how outrageous this question is, but among the four gods in the question, now only I have not been exposed, and this time I finally can't escape?"

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