[Tips: Since the background music of this video belongs to a certain national language in another world, before officially playing the video, a 'text comparison table' is released for your reference! ]

Albedo had only a little interest in his second creation video.

But after seeing the video synopsis, he realized that it would be unusual for this to be a video.

And the first two seconds of the video gave him a great shock!

The naked Albedo was covered by a woman.

But in the next second, the woman put her hand on Albedo's shoulder.

Albedo's originally godless eyes began to take on color.

The woman in the picture is none other than his long-lost teacher and his relative, Rheindot!

Compared with the previous videos from another world, this is the first time that everyone in the live broadcast room has seen a black and white video.

The description of "language" in the background music also made everyone's scalp tingle.

"Words are a spell that fascinates and intoxicates mankind forever!"

It was also from here that everyone realized that this so-called background music seemed to be very different from those they had heard before.

Because this background music does not have any instruments playing, all sounds are played by 'vocals'!

Everyone who originally had the mentality of 'watching and having fun' about the Erchuang video is now watching it extremely seriously.

Albedo in the video is no longer as smooth as he was at the beginning, but similar to what he is dressed now.

Albedo smiled and took a book from the woman's hand and began to study alchemy.

He is the most satisfying of Rheindott's many creations.

The other failed objects in front of him eventually became materials for painting.

It was not long before Albedo felt the beating of the heart for the first time.

"Is this the joy of 'birth'?"

But when Albedo sat in the chair and looked into the mirror, he did not see his reflection.

Instead, he saw a puppet mocking him.

At this moment, Albedo began to doubt the existence of the self.

His beating heart was also tightly 'bound' by the rose vine.

Responsive viewers in the live broadcast room found that the lyrics at this time were - "Words are the troubles of geniuses and fools." "

But Albedo in the video also changed from the most dazzling 'rose' in the nursery to the gardener in the entire garden because of this.

In the future, he will look at other failed works with a new eye.

As it is said in the music at this time - "Love them, but also have awe."

Albedo dressed in a white dress and holding a bright red rose, like a gentleman, invited a doll to dance.

His ultimate answer is to choose to coexist with the 'vine' in his heart and maneuver around it with ease.

Seeing the emptiness of this scene, I thought of the scene where Albedo deliberately erased the stars on his neck at the end of the 'real and false Albedo' incident.

"At the time, I originally thought it was a prank by Albedo, but judging from this video, it is Albedo who no longer cares about the 'stars' because he has become a 'gardener'!"

"And the gardener's duty is to select the good and discard the bad."

The video took less than a minute, but Sora was already covered with goosebumps from this video.

"This work is so strong! Everywhere is full of art and thought! Although

Sora was sighing, his gaze never left the light curtain, for fear that he would miss many details if he missed a second.

Albedo in the video finds a new pleasure - painting!

But the Cecilia flowers he painted never went beyond the outlined lines.

But when Albedo began to create many different kinds of roses, and tried to find out the differences between each creation and the 'value' of creation.

His paintings are finally out of bounds, but Albedo is smiling happily.

Because he finally found the joy of creation and broke the shackles of common sense.

But this joy did not last long.

When the Cecilia flower could not be turned into a rose, when the failed creation turned into powder, when the grass beneath its feet began to wither.

Albedo realized that he could not find the joy he had created again.

Faced with this dilemma, Albedo made a very bold decision!

He will be regarded as the supreme treasure of the "golden" note in the eyes of everyone, and he will be mercilessly thrown into the air.

After abandoning rigid knowledge and structure.

He! Finally found my own way to create!

I found the sensibility that belongs to 'people'!

And the video also came to an end when Albedo slept on the green grass!

【Ding! The video is complete! Although

this video is an extremely excellent work, because it is a 'stream of consciousness', many people do not understand it, and there is a polarization in the barrage area.

[Dixia: Eh... It's a good work, but there are many things I don't understand. 】

【Kazuto Arataki: Me too! 】 Especially the lyrics that Shinobu helped me translate, I didn't understand a single sentence! 【

Bennett: Eh... I also don't know anything about the content of the video. [

Painter Van Meer: This video is simply a masterpiece! ] Especially the last ten seconds, which gave me a great inspiration! 【

Xingqiu: This is the golden gyration commonly used in art works, and it should also refer to something.

[Kavi: The artistry contained in this video is, in my opinion, definitely the highest since the start of the live broadcast room. [

Sugar: Mr. Albedo once said, 'Drawing is just a blueprint for alchemy!'] Now I kind of understand what that means. [

Timaeus: In the first few seconds of the video, triangles, squares, and circles appear successively, all of which have their own special meanings in alchemy. [

Coral Palace Shinkai: Around fourteen seconds into the video, those characters appear in Fuchishita Palace, which translates to 'albedo'. [

Xin Yan: The music is vocal from beginning to end, which gives me the feeling of breaking into a forbidden place. 】

【Shikanoin Heizo: To summarize the entire video in one sentence, it is the ignorance of new students, the surprise of breaking through self, and the comfort of jumping out of the frame. [

Nilu: But who is the lady at the beginning of the video?] And the 'creations' that appear in the video, what the hell is this...]

[Dainsreb: This is the one who once brought the disaster to the destruction of a very prosperous country, and the creator of the Inazuma Golden Beast King. [

Piero: She is the sage of Canrea, an alchemist known as "gold". [

Chongyun: Combined with the video, isn't Mr. Albedo ...].

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