“……” Xiao jin'er.

The more you say, the less formal you are!

If he continues to argue, he doesn't know what he will say?

This understanding a, small Jin son decisive end this topic.

Looking at her angry cheek, Mo Jin Chi laughs and wants to squeeze it, but there is no third hand at the moment.

Xiao jin'er gave him a white look, pretending to be proud and don't open her cheek.

Mo Jin Xi's eyes crossed with a smile of doting, hoping that the road had no end, so he held her until the end of time.

Xiao jin'er didn't last half a quarter of an hour, and she said goodbye to her cheek. When she saw the sweat from his forehead, she subconsciously took out her handkerchief and wiped it clean for him.

"Not angry?" Mo Jinxi joked.

Xiaojin'er wrinkled her delicate nose: "do I look like such a mean person?"

Ink brocade Xi Sha has its thing way: "unlike!"

Small Jin son smell speech, quite useful of curved eyes.

Mo Jin Xi shook his head and felt that the person in his arms was really more and more easy to coax.

Xiaojin'er moved in his arms, changed a more comfortable posture and continued to nest: "yes! You said some time ago that you were going to send beimingying to nunnery. Did you send her to nunnery? "

"Two days ago, my grandfather sent for a message that he had already sent it!" Mo Jin Xi calms down. There is no special emotion on his face.

Xiaojin'er nodded clearly, but she couldn't bear it: "she is still younger than us, but in the next few decades, she has to put aside the prosperity of the world and often accompany the ancient Buddhas. I don't know whether it can be applied?"

"To do wrong is to pay the price!" Mo Jin Xi's mood is still no ups and downs, as a statement to spit out a fact.

Xiaojin'er naturally knows this truth, but still feels that her life is too sad, and Mo Yunluo is worthy of death.

No matter what she did wrong, she was beaten to the skin by a man all day. This kind of crime is really beyond ordinary people's tolerance.

Xiaojin'er thinks that if she meets such a man, she will want to get rid of him.

Mo Jinxi couldn't see what she was thinking. She said with a smile: "first, you will never be in her situation. Second, even in that situation, you can choose to leave instead of putting yourself and your family on the edge of the sword!"

If it wasn't for his mother's concubine to notice something strange and make him send people to pay more attention to her, how could she get the news immediately after the crime and kill Xiao die?

In other words, if Xiaodie is still alive this time, because she is just a brain impulse, now the Beiming clan has become a river of blood because of her murder of the prince.

Xiaojin'er naturally knows how dangerous this is for the Beiming clan.

But any young lady who has been pampered since childhood can't swallow this breath.

"You don't always dislike her. Why do you feel aggrieved for her today? Well Mo Jin Chi can't see her careful thinking, slightly helpless to ask.

Xiao jin'er tilted her head and thought seriously: "probably because we are both women!"

Ink brocade Xi smell speech, immediately happy: "this reason, really can't refute!" Xiaojin'er spits out the tip of her tongue playfully. The next moment, she says contemptuously: "although Beiming Ying is a little impulsive, your twelve imperial brothers are too unscrupulous. Even if you can't win the crown prince's place, you'll get angry with your wife after you go home. It's not that you just hit her to death, but that you don't fight back!"

"Listen to you, seem to support her to hire murderer to kill?" Mo Jinxi's eyelids narrowed slightly, which was faintly mixed with several dangerous meanings.

"No! Absolutely not Xiao jin'er gave a dry smile and denied it.

All right!

Anyway, it's the brother who died! "She should be punished for doing wrong. Since she chooses to take this road of no return, she should be prepared to take all the responsibilities!" At this point, Mo Jinxi's words suddenly changed: "to protect her life is the greatest kindness to her. As for her future life, she is still at ease in front of the Buddha to redeem her


“……” Xiaojin Ermo.

I don't want to talk anymore!

Aware of the silence of the person in his arms, Mo Jin Xi droops his head and looks at her seriously: "jin'er! You remember, no matter when and where you are, don't put yourself in danger because of impulse. Step back, you may find that you have other better choices! "

This, small Jin son is quite agree with.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to put myself and my family in danger!"

"Good boy Mo Jinxi printed a soft kiss on her forehead: "OK! Do not mention these past things, affect the mood

"Well!" Xiao jin'er answers and turns the topic.

Between talking and laughing, unconsciously walked all the steps.

Xiaojin'er slipped from his arms for the first time: "are you tired? Find a place to rest firstMo Jinxi shook his head: "go to repay the wish first!"

"Are you sure?" Xiao jin'er is not at ease. She is afraid that he will hold on.

"Sure and sure!"

Xiao jin'er hears the words and has nothing to say.

Only in the heart of a silent fill - you good physical strength!

I don't know what she thought, Mo Jinxi led her toward the hall.

There are always many pilgrims in Guangyuan temple. Mo Jinxi and Xiao Jiner do not show their identity and make them special, but line up in the crowd.

It took more than a quarter of an hour to enter the hall.

In front of the Buddha on only incense, not long stay, ink brocade Chi lead small Jin son line out of the hall.

"Let's go and have a look at the original wish ribbon!" Small sincerely son side eye, hope toward him.

Mo Jin Xi Chong drowned a smile: "good!"

Two people line to wish tree, standing in the original position, one can see dancing with the wind, belongs to their ribbon.

Compared with the original solitude, now there are more other ribbons around.

Small sincerely son nest in his armpit, lip side overflow a soft smile: "you say, we this calculate is surrounded?"

"Better than alone!"

"So it is Small sincerely son eyebrow eye a bend, draw back the vision, depend on to embrace him to pull out waist pole completely, cheek along with the situation stick his chest: "Brocade Chi! Thank you

"Well?" Ink brocade Xi Hang head, looking at the person in the arms.

"Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for making me so happy!" Small sincerely son rare sensibility, but at this moment, these words but involuntarily from the lips overflow.

"Fool!" Mo Jin Xi Chong kneaded her soft hair: "it's you who light up my life, and what I want to do most in my life is to make you and your children safe and happy!"

Small sincerely son hears speech, tiny red eye socket, encircle his straight waist pole of arm, unconsciously tighten.

To meet him and marry him in this life is the most correct and happiest choice in her life.

With his company, this life is enough.

Mo Jinxi gently hugs her and rubs her soft hair with her chin.

In his life, from the years of ignorance to growing up, she is not the most correct choice, but also the most indispensable existence in his life.

He did not know how long his life would be, or how many hardships he would experience in the years to come?

But he is willing to spend the rest of the day with her, watching the sunrise, watching the sunset, watching the whole Cangyao River and mountain! Willing to spend all her life, change her smile, always around!

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