"You, you..." Li Dazhong's fingertips trembled and heavily pointed at them, but he didn't say anything for a long time.

"Enough!" The emperor's voice is not big, but he is very dignified.

Mr. Li was so worried that he took back his fingertips.

After the emperor watched him deeply for a few breaths, his eyes turned to the Fu Yin: "have their identities been checked?"

"Report back to the emperor! All checked, they are really ordinary people! " The official didn't dare to hide anything and told the truth.

The emperor nodded: "since it is found out that it is a misunderstanding, let the people go!"

"Yes The official answered.

"The emperor is wise! Long live the emperor, long live the emperor Thanks to all the people.

The emperor waved for them to go.

All the people got up and turned back according to the way they came.

It wasn't until the people in the front row were gone, and several people kneeling and in the back row were exposed in the public's sight.

The emperor's dignified eyes fell on them: "but what's wrong?"

"The emperor is wise!" Five people kowtow.

"One by one!"

"Yes Five people answered, and immediately, the middle-aged man on the far right took the lead in saying, "tell the emperor! CaoMing is the boss of Qingyuan hall. Two days ago, people in the government suddenly rushed into Qingyuan hall and said that someone reported that CaoMing sold fake medicines and killed people. CaoMing is really wronged! "

"The Yamen officers have found several kinds of fake medicines in your Qingyuan hall. Now you dare to complain in front of the emperor. Do you want to deceive the emperor?" Mr. Li rebuked him.

The emperor's eyes were not happy.

Can't you see that he is too radical today, which is very different from his usual performance.

When the middle-aged man heard the speech, he burst into tears. "CaoMing has been a doctor for more than 20 years, not to mention how first-class the technology is, but over the years, CaoMing has been working hard to cure every patient. It is not easy for CaoMing to save enough money and set up his own shop. How can CaoMing do things that are not allowed by nature and smash his signboard at this time?" At this point, the middle-aged man kowtowed heavily: "please give the emperor a lesson, and give justice to the grassroots!" "Emperor! CaoMing is the boss of Fenglai restaurant. Two days ago, a group of people went to CaoMing's restaurant to have a meal. They suddenly complained of stomachache. They didn't say that the food in CaoMing's restaurant was not clean. They went to the government and sealed up CaoMing's restaurant. They also spread rumors that the food in CaoMing's restaurant was not tasty and they couldn't sleep at night Where should we go to redress the injustice? " The man, about 50 years old, wiped his turbid tears and kowtowed heavily: "today, the grass people dare to ask the emperor to make the decision for the grass people and return justice to the grass people!"

"It's a fact that people are eating out of order. Now you're here to deny it. Isn't it unreasonable?" Mr. Zhou in the crowd, speak out at the right time.

The man, who was about 50 years old, immediately replied, "there's no problem with the dishes in the Caomin restaurant. It's the group that has the problem!"

"There's no proof for what you say, but do you have proof?" Zhou Da's humanity.

"There's evidence, the little one has evidence!" A emaciated man on his side hastily said: "the small one is the waiter of Fenglai restaurant. After that group of people complained of stomachache, the grasshopper tasted every dish on the table, and did not show any discomfort at all!"

"You are from Fenglai restaurant. Naturally, you can help your own people to speak!" Mr. Li scoffed at his words, obviously holding a strong skeptical attitude.

The emaciated man was not in a hurry when he heard the words. He said again, "the grass people still have evidence!"

"Say it The emperor signaled.

The emaciated man nodded: "after that group of people framed us that day, the grass people deliberately left a heart, quietly followed behind the group of people, and finally saw that they entered Li's house in the east of the city!"

All the civil and military officials were in an uproar.

"Framed! The frame of chiguoguo Mr. Li immediately denied it and said to the emperor, "emperor! These people are clearly eager to jump over the wall and want to frame up Wei Chen, so as to clean themselves up! "

"Cao min dares to swear to heaven that every word he says is true. If he has half a false word, he is willing to fight five thunders in heaven!" The emaciated man swore his innocence.

"Emperor! The grassroots can prove what he said is true A chubby middle-aged man said.

The emperor's eyes fell on him: "who are you?" "Report back to the emperor! CaoMing is the owner of auspicious cloth shop. A few days ago, a middle-aged man went to CaoMing's shop to buy a batch of high-quality cloth. But within a few days, he came to the shop and said that the cloth was shoddy, which not only faded, but also made his skin allergic. In a rage, he smashed CaoMing's shop. He went to the government to report CaoMing's shop Don't go down The chubby middle-aged man sighed heavily: "the grass people don't know how to run into this kind of bad luck when they do business in a regular way? It was not until the shopkeeper found out that this man was from Li's family that the grassroots realized the trickiness of it"Framed! This is a frame up... " Mr. Li blushed and yelled, as if he would rush up at any time, as if he were fighting with them. "You know best whether it's a frame up or not!" The chubby middle-aged man was not afraid of him, so he went back directly: "Why are all the shops that have recently had an accident from Xiao Shizi? Why did two shopkeepers find out one after another and accuse our people of going in and out of your Li mansion? Should Mr. Li give a good explanation


"Cao min clearly remembers the appearance of the man who came to the auspicious cloth shop to make trouble. He is tall and thin, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, especially the two black moles the size of rice grains on the side of his right cheek. They are still fresh in memory." The last short man said.

"Isn't that man the housekeeper of Li's house?"

"He is indeed the housekeeper of the Li family. I have a deep memory of his two black moles!"

"If it's true, isn't Mr. Li a thief shouting to catch a thief?"

"It's not only a thief shouting to catch a thief, it's just not fatal. Even Shizi Xiao dares to frame him up!"

"Who said no!"


Mr. Li heard all the opinions of the civil and military officials, even subconsciously alienated, and his heart was in a state of unprecedented confusion. He subconsciously fixed his eyes and looked at Wei Chi Rui.

Wei Chi Rui's eyes suddenly cold, which mixed with a little warning.

Mr. Li suddenly realized his gaffe and quickly took back his eyes.

Secretly pray, just no one noticed his subtle move. Compared with his heart, Wei Chi Rui wants to be rude.

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