“…… I can't help it

Xiao Mo Xin hears speech, noncommittal, low smile a, turn a topic: "go!"

Voice down, the first step forward.

She doesn't need, they can't help being grateful, what she needs is that everyone is safe, and she and the children can return to the floating island as soon as possible.

"Well!" Gao xuehuai answered in a low voice and stepped to keep up with her.

When they walked a distance, they heard the distant cry, not one or two, at least ten.

"Come closer and see what's going on first!" Xiao Mo Xin lowered his voice.

"Good!" Gao xuehuai nodded.

Two people step at the same time put light, light hands and feet toward the direction of sound.

When they were close enough, they quickly hid behind a piece of rubble.

By the light of the bonfire, we can clearly see that more than a dozen men and women are still tied to the ground, including eight women, each with tears.

There were seven bandits in charge of the guard around, each of them strong and powerful.

If they fight alone, none of them is their opponent.

"It seems that we can only outwit them!" Xiao Mo Xin said in a soft voice. His eyes were all around him. After confirming that there were no other robbers, he thought quickly: "in this way, you can lead the two robbers away first, and I'll try to deal with the rest!"

He had already used a spell before, but Xiao did not dare to use it rashly. He dealt with too many people at one time, so as not to consume too much energy in the end. Instead, he folded himself in.

"Can you?" Gao xuehuai is not at ease to ask.

Xiao Mo Xin nodded: "no problem, you can go at ease!"

"Thank you!" A thousand words, Gao xuehuai condensed into the simplest and most solemn "thank you"; immediately, after a deep look at her, he arched his body and turned to the other side. When he was sure that he could not find her from this position, he suddenly stood up and challenged the pirates not far away, shouting: "what are you guys, bullying a group of weak women and childe brothers If you have the ability, you can catch me! "

“TMD! There are also those who come to the door on their own initiative! " With a curse, the pirate pulled out his sword and ran after him.

Seeing this, Gao xuehuai started running.

Xiao moxin watched helplessly, Gao xuehuai in the front, three pirates in the back, slowly disappeared in sight.

Immediately, the eyes fell on the four pirates who stayed here and continued to guard.

Take out a piece of Rune paper from the sleeve and pour out a string of incantations from the lips.

For a moment

With the sound of "go", there was a sudden gust of overcast wind around.

So familiar with the cold wind, the four left behind pirates were shocked, subconsciously raised their legs and wanted to leave.

However, they are faster, and several ghosts are faster.

Not to give them the opportunity to step forward, several ghosts instantly entangled them, so that they could not move.

To be sure that there is no fish around, Xiao Mo Xin steps out from the rocks.

"Yes, it's you!" The pirate's voice trembled. Seeing her was like seeing a ghost.

Xiao moxin raised a perfect smile: "are you very happy to meet again so soon? Excited? "

“……” The faces of the four pirates turned white at the same time.

There is no excitement and happiness, but it is full of fright.

After saying hello, Xiao Mo Xin did not continue to waste time, came forward, one by one to untie the Gongzi elder brother and the ladies were bound wrist.

"It's a fight, isn't it?" Xiao Mo Xin eyes light, fall with several childe elder brother's body.

The boys nodded mechanically.

Xiao Mo Xin eyes light, scan a wood stick not far away: "take a stick to knock them dizzy, tie up!"

After being slightly stunned, the young brothers, without hesitation, felt the stick and knocked the four pirates unconscious. Before using it, they tied their ropes and tied them directly into Mahua, so that they could not move even if they woke up.

Xiao moxin untied the rope on the last man's wrist, and his eyes fell on the big knife on the waist of the four pirates: "take out the knife and go to save others. If you can't fight, just fight like them. Don't wait for someone to save you."

When the young brothers heard the speech, their faces suddenly turned red and white.

"What are you waiting for me to teach you?" Xiao Mo Xin's eyebrows stand up and thinks that they are really stupid.

The childe brothers came back to their senses, and their eyes fell on the sabre on the pirate's waist.

"Fight with them!" I don't know who yelled.

The rest echoed: "yes! Fight with them

Words sound falls, draw out pirates waist to wear knife, quickly toward just three pirates to leave direction chase.

Xiao moxin looked at the four pirates who were in a daze, and together with her people, she put them in the weeds, and hid them, then straightened up one after another."Come with me!" Put down this words, Xiao Mo Xin takes the lead, according to the road back.

The ladies of all families dare not be slighted, but hurry to follow.

Far away

Rui'er almost forgot to breathe when she heard the approaching footsteps.

“TMD! Where are people hiding? Why didn't you see a half figure after turning around? "

"I think so. They're all hiding!"

"What we say is nonsense. If we don't hide, can we not find people?" Voice down, the pirate eyes can not help falling with the front of the Bush: "you say, where Tibetans?"

Two pirates followed his eyes and their pupils lit up: "it's really a good place for Tibetans!"

"Then don't go in and look for it! "

" yes! " The two pirates answered, took three and two steps, walked to the Bush, picked up the Bush and got in.

Rui'er hugged the two children's arms and trembled slightly.

Hearing their footsteps coming closer and closer, rui'er knows that she can't wait to die. After xiaojin'er whispers in her ear, she holds her in one hand and Xiao'er in the other, and walks hard in the bush.

"Straight ahead, on the right!" The first pirate noticed that the bushes were shaking in front of him and immediately gave a warning.

Two pirates smell words, quickly toward the front right side to squeeze.

Rui'er's heart "clatters" and she can't help quickening her pace. But as soon as she quickens her pace, jin'er stumbles and nearly falls to the ground. Finally, rui'er's anxiety can only be turned into a dry one.

For a moment

Rui'er with two little guys, out of the Bush, just ran a few steps, behind the two pirates, also drilled out.

Hearing the movement behind her, rui'er is in a hurry. She bends down and wants to hold xiaojin'er up, ready to run faster.


Without giving her a chance to get up, the pirate kicks her back. Rui'er jumps forward uncontrollably. Xiaojin'er in her arms drops out of her hand and falls back one meter away

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