Mozi Xuan eyes light, subconsciously fall with his master.

"Drink it!" Wei Chi Ming opens his lips lightly.

Mo Zixuan nodded. As if he had been granted an amnesty, he picked up his glass and sipped it gently. After that, he praised the wine repeatedly. Uncle Zhu laughed as if he had eaten honey.

Aunt Tong tasted all the dishes Xiao moxin made, and finally pointed to the plate of wild chicken: "girl! Does this dish have a name? "

"It's called spicy chicken!"

"How delicious Aunt Tong smacked her lips, a little embarrassed and said, "can you teach me how to make this dish?"

"Of course

Hearing her answer without hesitation, aunt Tong immediately bent her eyes: "great! When the two children come home, I will cook this dish for them. They must like it very much! "

"Why aren't the children at home?" Listening to her mention of the child, Xiao Mo Xin realized later what was missing in the family.

"They have all gone to the city to learn crafts. Why can't they live on hunting all their lives like us?" Mentioning the two children outside, aunt Tong had an obvious feeling of missing: "although we have no culture, we also know that in the present world, one more craft will lead to another life in the future!"

Xiao Mo Xin was a little surprised, obviously did not expect that their ideas, should be so transparent; however, on second thought, it is not difficult to understand their approach, after all, the world's parents, which is not for the sake of their children's future.

After a meal, it can be said that there is no monarch or minister, no master or servant, only the equality and enthusiasm between people.

After dinner, after chatting for a while, uncle Zhu took everyone out of the room.

"There are only two rooms in the house, and two bedrooms for the children. You can distribute them freely and make do with one night!" Uncle Zhu slightly apologized.

"The room is just enough, uncle Zhu. You don't have to work with it. Go back to your room first and have a rest." Xiao Mo Xin advised to say.

"You should rest early, too!" Uncle Zhu said hello. He didn't stop for a long time. He turned around and went to his room.

Mo Zixuan raised his hand and encircled rui'er's fragrant shoulder: "Lord! Princess! Rest early

"You too!" Xiao moxin.

"Well!" Mozi Xuan should sound, embracing his daughter-in-law, line to the next room.

"Tired after walking all day?" If you are tired, you should go into the room to have a rest.

Xiao Mo Xin relaxed: "it's really a little tired!"

As the voice falls, step into the room.

It's not a big bed. It's comfortable to sleep alone. It's bound to be crowded if you sleep alone.

"Wash and sleep!"

"Good!" Xiao Mo Xin answered a voice, washed a face with him simply, then and clothes lie down.

Wei Chi Ming raises her arm slightly and hooks her into her arms.

Xiao Mo Xin took advantage of the clever nest and his chest, listening to his powerful heartbeat.

"It's still half a month or so before we can reach Cang yaochao. I don't know what happened to jin'er now?" A few days ago, they were delayed in their journey because they had received a fierce ghost. As a result, they arrived at least a few days later than originally planned.

"Xiao'er has not sent a letter from a flying pigeon, saying that jin'er wrote a letter of peace. Now she must be safe and steady at the side of the thirteen princes!" Although Wei Chi Ming is also worried about jin'er's current situation, some things will not change because of worry.

Therefore, instead of making trouble, we should try to believe in our daughter's ability to protect herself.

Xiao Mo Xin pursed her lower lip.


Xiao'er's pigeon missionary soothes most of her anxieties and worries, but it's only one day that she hasn't seen jin'er's soul in peace. How can she be at ease?

Wei Chi Ming seems to feel her mind, embracing her arm, slightly tightening: "don't think wildly, go to sleep, tomorrow morning will be on the way!"

“…… Good Xiao Mo Xin answered a voice, the maidservant waved the disordered thoughts in the brain, slowly closed the eyelids.

She hoped that she would be safe until they did.


the next day.

Xiao Mo Xin wakes up and finds that all the men are not there. She looks at her eyes suspiciously: "who are they? Did they all go hunting with Uncle Wang? "

"Miss, what a clever plan!"

“……” Xiao moxin.

If she can say it, she will say it casually. She has never had any hope. Can you guess it?

"They've gone. It's almost an hour. If you count the time, you should come back soon." Pistil son estimates a way, along with Tong aunt together will do the breakfast, first end to the table.

Seeing this, Xiao moxin came forward to help.

When the breakfast was ready, there was a random sound of footsteps and laughter outside the door.

The three people look sideways, not Wei Chi Ming and others, who else can it be?

But at the moment, they each took a lot of prey in their hands, which can be said to be a lot of harvest.Aunt Tong straightened up and went out.

"Ah Tong! Thanks to these two little brothers, we can harvest so many prey today! " Uncle Wang was very happy with his smile. Obviously, he was very happy with today's bumper harvest.

"After so much fighting, how can we finish it?"

"I can't finish it. I'll take it to the market and sell some silver later. By the way, I'll see the two children!" Uncle Wang told me what he had planned all the way.

Aunt Tong smell speech, pupil tiny a bright: "I go with you!"


With breakfast, Xiao moxin and others did not delay at all. They simply cleaned up and set out. By the way, they took Uncle Wang and his wife to the fair some distance away.

"You two! Thank you Before getting off the bus, Uncle Wang and aunt Tong express their thanks to Xiao moxin and Wei Chi Ming.

Xiao Mo Xin laughs: "to thank, we should thank you first, for yesterday's reception and hospitality!"

"You're welcome. It's just a piece of cake!" Uncle Wang waved his hand.

"That's what we're doing!" Xiao moxin with similar words, return with him.

Uncle Wang and aunt Tong looked at each other and saw a touch of joy and smile in each other's eyes.

"All right! It seems that you have something urgent, so we won't delay you. If you have a chance, you are welcome to come back in the future! " Uncle Wang's generous invitation.

"Come when you have a chance!" Xiao moxin answered.

After a few simple greetings, Uncle Wang and aunt Tong got out of the carriage. After a while, they disappeared into the crowd.

Carriage, slow again.

Xiao moxin's head leans into Wei Chi Ming's arms.

Wei Chi Ming took advantage of the situation to encircle her fragrant shoulder: "what's the matter?"

"I just think that, in fact, their simple and plain life is also very happy!" Xiao Mo Xin suddenly felt a murmur.


Xiao moxin shook his head, looked up at his eyes, staring at his eyes: "not to mention envy, can only say, there are thousands of happiness in the world, fortunately, I have you in my happiness!"

Wei Chi Ming hears speech, the heart slightly moves: "this king is also!"

Fortunately, I have you in my happiness!


when Xiao Jiner was asleep, she felt a little heavy and uncontrollable. She flew up from the bed. More importantly, there was a strange sound of bells in her ear.

This kind of strange, make small sincerely son heart big frighten, brush of from sleep open eyelid.

Then, a low incantation came to my ear.

From small to big, heard countless incantations of small Jin son, this moment, the heart has no reason to overflow a thick panic.

She didn't know why the Taoist appeared suddenly in the palace, but she knew clearly that she had to leave here quickly, otherwise, she might end up in a terrible situation.

This understanding flashed from the mind at the same time, small sincerely son don't do much to think, along the bed on the edge of the window will want to fly out, ready to escape first to say.


As soon as she got to the window, she was bounced back by a strong spring.

Small sincerely son shrieks a, the body heavily falls to sit with the ground.

Don't care about the pain, small sincerely son quickly lift Mou to look, see all around the window, don't know when, unexpectedly was pasted full of Rune paper.

She can't escape She can't escape

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