In midair, a transparent round and flat mechanical device was slowly rotating.

In Kane's eyes, the device was covered by two closed original covers, with sharp serrations on the edges.

This ring of saw teeth can rotate with Kane's magic output to cut.

Spend mana to make the device float within a 2-meter radius around Kane.

This is the most basic mechanical device in this book, the cutting disc.

Kane took out our old friend, a log from the space equipment.

Put the log on the desk and control the cutting disc. With Kane's control, the sawtooth of the cutting disc spins rapidly.

The cutting disc slowly hit the log vertically, and the sawdust of the log splashed out in an instant, and a gap was immediately cut.

Looking at the incision on the log, Kane was still satisfied. After all, the control of this mechanical device required very little magic power, which was completely within his acceptable range.

And the structure of this device is not difficult for Kane, and it is even simple.

Controlling the cutting disc by his side, flying around and making a whirring sound.

Controlling the magic power, I wanted to squeeze out another cutting disc. With the first success, this time the cutting disc. It was quickly constructed completely by Kane.

Then the two cutting discs were controlled to collide, and a string of sparks burst out in the air instantly, and a harsh metal collision sounded.

However, the two cutting discs were completely scrapped in a few seconds, and the scrapped structures were scattered away.

Kane fell on the bed and started to think.

Although the way forward has been found, it still needs other things to help.

My current core skills can be simulated as steel with [Material Change-Steel], but a slightly more advanced mechanical structure requires more than just steel.

Although the most core magic power transmission materials can be solved by the characteristics of the skills, a mechanical creation does not only need these materials.

By the way, there is also the skill of [Spider Nest Weaver], which can give the core skill the flexibility of silk thread.

But now these two properties of materials are enough.

It has been completely possible for Kane to dominate in bronze.

Standing up and looking at the sky outside the window, I looked at the quaint clock on the room, it was only afternoon.

By the way, I also made an appointment to find Entoma today to get information about the next dungeon.

Pushed the door and walked out, after talking to Lombe in the living room, he left the villa.

Crossing the street quickly, it didn't take long to come to the explorer's home.

From the flow of people coming and going at the door of the explorer's house, it can be judged that the number of explorers in this city has increased a lot recently.

Perhaps the news of the [Arena of Crystals] has been completely spread out.

Since I want to go to Crystal Town, I can only go through the city's teleportation array, this way.

Therefore, the explorers have to use the explorer's home here as a transit point.

Kane walked in with the flow of people, and many people came in and out, which also caused Edoma at the front desk to be a little busy.

Next to her is a high stack of documents, and there is a long queue in front of her. Basically, every explorer needs the documents next to her.

Kane walked over, and Entoma greeted him with a smile when she saw him.

Kane looked at the information next to her, and sure enough, it was all about the [Arena of Crystals].

"Kane, the information you want is over there. Go get it yourself. I'm a little busy right now."

After hearing Edoma's words, Kane nodded and didn't bother her anymore, but walked to the position she said.

Take out two documents from the drawer, the names on them are exactly what Kai wants to go to the dungeon.

Holding the document and saying goodbye to Edoma, she quickly passed through the explorer's house and returned to the villa on the same path.

Go back to the living room of the villa and put the documents on the coffee table.

Claire and Lombe also quickly surrounded them.

Kane pointed to these two folders and said, "These two are the dungeons we are going to clear next."

Then he opened the first file bag, and the dungeon information recorded in it was the 'junk dungeon' that Kane had been waiting for for a long time.

Kane picked up the information recorded in it and looked at it. There were only two thin pages. It seemed that there was not much information about this dungeon.

[Gobi Ruins] is the name of this dungeon. This dungeon is located in the coastal waters of the Kingdom of Heteris, Kanter Harbor.

The Kingdom of Heteris is located in the northwest of the border city-state, separated from the border city-state by a small mountain.

If it was at that time hundreds of years ago, it would have been impossible to reach that dungeon without a teleporter for a month.

As for now, you only need to pass through the transfer station, and you can reach the destination in a day, which is relatively not that far.

This dungeon is also a dungeon with mechanical knowledge, but the number of clearances recorded is actually only 5 times.

An early exploration of the Mist Council, an investigation and exploration of the Mechanical Association, and three explorations of ordinary explorer teams.

The unified information given by these 5 teams is garbage, because this dungeon has a strong randomness.

The monsters in the dungeon are also on the average difficulty of the bronze explorer, but the things that burst out are only magic materials.

However, half of the strength of an ordinary explorer is made up of equipment that exploded from the dungeon and consumables for various learning skills.

The mechanical knowledge inside has already been recorded by the Mechanical Association.

That is to say, many years ago, other fragments belonging to the same world as this dungeon were captured by the fog.

As for the specific information in this dungeon, only the area belongs to the Gobi Desert, where animals and plants are sparse. The environment is a bit harsh, and the dungeon is a bit wide.

As for the monsters in the dungeon, they are basically composed of some beasts and mechanical creations.

As for the landmark buildings, these have strong randomness, resulting in no specific records.

After reading the information in his hand, he handed it to the two of them, and then said, "This is our next stop."

Pick up another dungeon message about the [Dead Soul Graveyard Group] and open it to check it out.

This is actually a new dungeon. It has just been born for two months, and the only clearance record is actually the early exploration team of the Misty Council.

But there is a lot of information about the dungeon recorded above. This dungeon was marked with a copper red mark by the council.

The surface area of ​​the dungeon is not very wide, but there is an extremely wide underground area.

The monsters in the dungeon also basically belong to the undead type. It is recommended that the desired explorer team have enough light damage and undead damage immunity.

The entire dungeon clearance process has only one exit opportunity, and it is still in the middle of the exploration progress, so it is impossible to face the boss at the end of the level in a perfect state.

This situation has led to a very high mortality rate in this dungeon, and no unofficial explorer team has yet passed.

When you exit and then enter, there are only two ways to get out. One is to clear the dungeon, and the other is to have magical equipment that can directly pass out of the dungeon.

In addition, according to the news from the team currently exploring, this dungeon still has a very high regional randomness, so there is no decent map now.

I hope that explorers will consider it carefully.

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