in the ruins of the Gobi.

Kane's team quickly cleaned up all kinds of mechanical monsters that attacked around.

The mechanical monsters in these ruins cannot pose any threat to them in terms of quantity or quality.

It didn't take long.

No one was injured, and all the monsters in the ruins were easily eliminated.

When the bodies of these mechanical monsters were all turned into dust, everyone began to rummage for the magic materials that might explode.

After everyone has searched all the dust, they begin to gather the collected materials.

"Hehe, Li Lulu also found 4"

The dust on the little fairy's face was flying around holding the magic material.

Seeing Li Lulu's behavior as a child, Claire reluctantly grabbed her and took out a handkerchief from the space equipment to help her wipe it up.

"Hee hee hee"

Are you so happy?

The materials found by teammates and Kane were no different from the gears and nuts that had exploded before.

All are the same magic material.

Counting them, there are a total of 16 materials that exploded this time, which is more than the previous wave.

Now, the magic material on Kane's body is completely enough for one charge.

While Kane was contemplating, Claire came over and patted him on the shoulder.

Then he gestured with his head to the center of the ruins, where there was a mechanical puppet in a sitting position.

Kane retracted his mind and followed Claire to the front of the mechanical puppet.

Then, take out one of the magic materials that have just been put into the space equipment.

After watching his behavior, everyone took up arms and was ready to fight at any time.

Put the gear and nut into the groove in the middle of the puppet.

The blue light and the sound of mechanical activation sounded.

It is already known that this kind of mechanical puppet is hostile, so there is nothing to test.

Kane's hands shot spider silk directly, tying the legs of the mechanical puppet that had not fully awakened.

Then, wrap his arms around his body.

After Kane finished this series of operations, the puppet finally woke up completely.

The two eyes on the head, one large and one small, turned from blue light to red.

I want to struggle to get up and attack Kane and the others.

But he found that he couldn't move at all, and could only struggle in place.

After discovering that the puppet's eyes turned red.

Everyone was not polite, raised their weapons and greeted the puppet.

For Kane and the others, this kind of puppet that needs time to start is completely a food delivery.

When you start it, you are already a turtle in a urn.

Waiting for the body of the mechanical puppet to turn into dust.

Kane stepped forward and took out two magic items from the dust.

Look at the magic material that emits blue light in his hand.

It's exactly the same as the puppet that burst out before.

And the introduction on the blue transistor is exactly the same as the one that exploded before.

Not the other components of decryption.

No wonder the previous team didn't find any problems with this magic material.

After all, who would have thought that there are many decrypted props, not the only one.

Li Lulu fluttered her wings and flew over, looked at the blue transistor in Kane's hand and said with a smile, "Look, Li Lulu is also very good at finding things."

Although this is not what Kane imagined.

But still praised: "Indeed, you are the first in this treasure hunt game."


After hearing Kane's words, Li Lulu flapped her wings and flew around the crowd.

Suddenly Lilulu flew back and circled Kane's chest.

"Kane, can you show me what's emitting the mist?"

After hearing Little Fairy's words, Kane thought for a while, untied the outer wallet, and took out the Mist Medal inside.

"Ah! It's Mist's medal, the same as Sister Lulum, but it doesn't seem as good as hers."

After hearing Li Lulu's words, Kane understood instantly, it seems that one of her relatives is also a warrior of the mist.

"Li Lulu is not mistaken, Kane is indeed a good person."

【Link with Li Lulu】

After hearing the notification from the system, Kane looked at Li Lulu strangely.

It's only been less than a day since I met Little Fairy.

But when she saw Kane's Mist Medal, she completely believed Kane, why?

It seems that there are other secrets of this medal that Kane does not know.

But since the last player has also fully joined the team.

Maybe it's time.

Recovering the thoughts in his head, Kane looked at his surroundings.

"Let's rest here today"

After hearing Kane's words, everyone came back to their senses.

Because of that glowing cylinder on the sky of the dungeon, there is always a strong light.

As a result, they didn't notice for a while. According to the clock prepared in the city before, it was almost night outside.

It is indeed time to rest.

With such a large dungeon, it is impossible to say that the exploration is over in a while.

After seeing everyone nodding, Kane began to search in the ruins.

Find a good location and set up camp.

After walking around, I finally saw a good location. The three broken stone pillars were not far apart, and there were still a lot of stones piled up around them.

The spider silk was sprayed from both hands, connecting the three stone pillars, and finally weaving a top cover with spider silk.

These spider silks are not the tougher spider silks that Kane uses in battle, they are more common types.

In the absence of other consumption of the battle, maintaining such a spider silk does not consume much of his magic power at all.

Then, the gaps between the stones are filled with spider silk, so that a space enclosed on both sides of the triangle is constructed, with only one side without any objects, which is equivalent to leaving an exit.

This also blocks the light from the luminous body in the sky.

Then everyone entered the space inside and took out the tents and various camping items that had been prepared in the space equipment.

Lombe patted Kane on the shoulder as he passed by.

"It's nice to have you here, my good brother."

Kane smiled helplessly.

It didn't take long for everyone to build a simple camp in the space.

After building a fire in the middle of the camp, Claire began to take out the prepared ingredients from her space equipment.

After preparing all these, he suddenly turned to Li Lulu and asked, "What would Li Lulu want to eat?"

After hearing Claire's question, Li Lulu flew over instantly.

"I want something sweet, Li Lulu wants something sweet, okay?"

Looking at Li Lulu's twinkling eyes, Claire covered her mouth and smiled, "Of course it's fine."

"Hehe, Claire is the best"

As for Kane and the three big men, they played cards.

Cooking was a little too harsh for the three of them.

In the two days that Claire left, the three of them had already experienced each other's craftsmanship.


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