On the scorching Gobi Desert.

A wall of white fog stretched across the sky and into the distance.

Kane and others moved slowly along the white fog wall.

After leaving the small ruins before.

They never encountered any other ruins, but they did encounter one or two mechanical monsters alone.

When they saw the white fog wall, they had been walking along the trail of the fog wall for almost three hours.

The endless Gobi Desert, the same scenery, the scorching sun, the scorching air, all made them feel a little bored.

on the sky

Kane was already lying on Marshmallow's body, showing his head and looking down, insisting on his duty of investigation.

A ruin that was finally seen again in the distance.

Kane couldn't wait to fly to his team and told them the good news.

They quickly rushed to the ruins they just discovered. The area of ​​the ruins is basically similar to the two first discovered by Kane.

When they entered the ruins, the mechanical monsters that appeared from all over were, as expected, scorpions and sandworms.

But this time, the number of these mechanical monsters seems to be much larger than before.

Of course this is a good thing for Kane and the others.

With the previous killing experience, this time they killed monsters more efficiently.

In less than 10 minutes, they wiped out all the mechanical monsters in the ruins.

Each began to clean up the spoils in his own direction.

Give Kane the magic materials he has collected.

There are nearly 30 monsters this time, and 22 materials have been exposed.

Then he now has 25 trace magic materials and 4 medium magic materials on him.

However, two of them belong to decryption items, and if the number of decryption items is not known, they cannot be used for now.

Then you can still draw a skill.

After packing up these spoils, everyone came to the middle of the ruins, and they found another mechanical puppet without energy.

This time, the mechanical puppet lay directly on the ground.

After turning it over, a groove for the material was exposed in the middle.

Spend 2 trace materials to activate this golem.

After defeating, you will harvest two medium amount of magic materials.

For this kind of monster, Kane can only say.

More, I can take it.

Still use spider silk to control the puppet first.

After the puppet had absorbed the energy, its eyes glowed red, expressing hostility, and everyone immediately solved it.

As for why not kill it immediately, but wait until he emits a red light to show hostility, is that because if he encounters that kind of intelligent machinery, he will miss important information?

Although there is not necessarily such a thing, but I am not afraid of ten thousand just in case.

It doesn't take much time after all.

Why not do it?

After the remains of the puppet turned into dust, Kane took out two magic materials from the dust pile.

It's no different from those puppets that burst out before.

The ruins have been cleaned up.

Everyone started to move forward according to the original route.

The boring journey started again.

Only the small relics that they encounter from time to time can slightly adjust their boredom and boredom.

There are still no novel monsters in these ruins, either mechanical scorpions or mechanical sandworms.

Not even the mechanical monsters that Kane and the others encountered before, similar to the combination of gears.

It seems that this area is all these two types of monsters, maybe the next time you encounter other different monsters, even if you leave the original area.

Now they are resting in a relatively intact small ruins.

According to the timing tools they purchased in the city before, it should be almost night outside.

They are going to take a brief rest here and then move on, until they meet the next ruins and then take a long rest.

The crowd sat together.

Eating food prepared last night.

"The environment in this dungeon is even more disgusting than monsters," said Lombe annoyed, biting the meatloaf in his hand.

Li Lulu was lying on the marshmallow, eating an unknown fruit in her mouth.

She doesn't seem to like eating meat very much. From yesterday to now, she has been eating all kinds of desserts, cakes and fruits.

"Ah! Li Lulu is going to die. There are all iron heads here, and none of them have any favorite animal friends."

Although everyone knows that this is her complaint.

But it appears to have injured a member of the team.

Yoyo, who had been beside Marshmallow, made a low mechanical sound and slipped into Kane's arms.

With his cute mechanical eyes, he looked at Kane and asked, "Is Yoyo also an annoying iron head?"

Hearing Yunyou's question, Kane smiled helplessly, then reached out and touched its head.

"How come, Yoyo is an indispensable member of our team. He has helped us so much, how can he be an annoying iron head!"

And Li Lulu also discovered her gaffe at this time.

A rainbow flashed and hurriedly appeared beside Yoyo.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Li Lulu didn't mean it, Li Lulu was talking about those ugly bugs, not cute Yoyo"

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly hugged Yoyo.

"Hee hee, Yoyo knows, I just pretended it, I want to liven up the atmosphere."

Yunyou made a playful electronic sound and happily circled in place.

After hearing Yoyo's words, Kane was inexplicably funny.

Pointing Yunyun's head with his finger.

"Who taught you all this?"

"It's Lombe, how's it going? Did you liven up the atmosphere? Master?"

"Some have some"

Kane replied with some helplessness, and glared at Lombe with his eyes.

Facing Kane's eyes, Lombe smiled awkwardly.

"I just said that it can be done. I didn't teach it. It's too smart."


Hearing Lombe praising himself, Yoyo slid over happily.

Claire finally couldn't bear it anymore, she hugged Yoyo into her arms and rubbed her face frantically.

"Of course it's true, Yoyo, you are the cutest."

In this way, everyone rested in a relaxed frolic, recovering their somewhat tired spirit.

It looked like an hour had passed.

Kane stood up and clapped his palms.

"It's almost done, let's move on, we'll be building a camp until the next ruins."

After hearing Kane's words, everyone got up, patted the dust on their bodies, packed up their things, and started to organize the team, and moved on along the planned route.

And Kane also took the cotton candy on the sky again, maintaining his scout duty.

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