Kane in the sky was looking at a large ruin in front of him with his eyes open.

After moving forward for so long, I finally encountered a large ruin. Kane is now opening his eagle eyes and carefully observing the situation in the ruins.

From the magical reactions scattered all over the ruins, it can be seen that there are no monsters out of range.

"Marshmallow, fly down."

Feeling that the investigation was almost done, Kane flew towards the team below on a cotton candy.

Claire below saw Kane and the others coming down, and immediately stopped moving forward, waiting for Kane's information.

"How about Kane, are there any ruins ahead?"

Kane jumped off the marshmallow.

"There is a large relic in front of it. Looking at the response and quantity of magic power, it is not much different from what we have encountered before."

After all, the magic reaction in the previous ruins is not too strong, just need to maintain due vigilance and quickly clean it up.

After hearing Kane's message, everyone quickly organized a formation, took up arms and rushed in the direction pointed out by Kane.

Everyone who was already familiar with the monsters in this dungeon had no intention of hiding them, and rushed directly into the ruins.

The characteristics of the monsters in this dungeon, everyone has almost figured out.

These monsters belong to the kind that have strong defenses on the outside, but are extremely fragile on the inside, but think about it. Although they are wrapped by the outside iron sheet, the internal parts are relatively precise. Once any part is damaged, there will be obvious signs of damage. failure, and subsequently become a lamb to be slaughtered.

The attack of the crowd is either internally destructive or extremely penetrating.

Not to mention the incarnation of a ghost like Claire, who passed through these monsters and affected the functions of her whole body.

Longbei directly transformed into a little giant, and then deployed the iron wall shield, and roared loudly.

Basically, all the mechanical monsters in the entire ruins were attracted.

The image of these monsters has basically not changed. They are either spherical sentinels flying in the sky, or mechanical spiders on the ground with two round claws extending their claws.

As for Kane's three skills, [Magic Reserve] has replaced [Knowing Combo] as a permanent skill.

Kane's current permanent skills are [Hawkeye], [Spider Nest Weaver], and [Magic Reserve].

[Eagle Eye] This skill will be replaced at any time as the battle situation changes, but it will always occupy the skill grid. After all, its reconnaissance effect is really useful.

A battle rarely lasts an hour, so there is only one chance to change your skills. You must ensure that your resident skills can handle most situations.

The iron wall shield deployed by Lombe can block most of the range in front, while Kane creates steel walls directly along the edge of Lombe's defense and on both sides.

This will prevent everyone, and all the parts in front.

Claire, on the other hand, relied on her ghostly speed and ability to pass through objects, scurrying around in the monster group to kill the Quartet.

The object being passed through can only take cold damage and be slowed down because it is a machine. If it is flesh and blood, it will suffer a certain amount of undead damage.

But this slowdown is enough for now.

This situation can ensure that they can't keep up with Claire, and will be massacred by her.

And those mechanical monsters that had rushed to the defensive wall were greeted by Kane's Metal Storm.

The high-strength penetrating power of the bullets, once penetrated into their bodies, accidentally hit some more sophisticated parts, and they were paralyzed on the spot and lost their combat effectiveness.

And the group of monsters in the back would be hit by a shining star in a rainbow-like trajectory from time to time, and then exploded into confetti on the ground.

And the spherical sentinel flying in the sky was even worse. It was either hit by a sudden bullet or hit by a shining and lovely star, and then crashed.

Lightning strikes from time to time in the sky.

Once the lightning falls on the monster pile, the surrounding machinery will be paralyzed in a large area.

Who would have thought that the output of everyone could not match the lightning of cotton candy.

As the marshmallow starts to thunder down.

In less than two or three minutes, all the mechanical monsters surrounding them were beaten to pieces of scrap metal.

"It's really rubbish, can you give me some strength, a big guy."

Each battle does not last more than 10 minutes.

This made Lombe, who had not yet started to warm up, extremely dissatisfied, and cursingly returned to his original body shape.

Looking at the dust on the ground, everyone's head was big for a while.

The process of finding loot may take longer than the process of killing monsters.

Kane doesn't want to find treasure in the dust anymore.

"Li Lulu, let's blow air together to blow away all the dust."

Hearing Kane's proposal, Li Lulu fluttered her wings and appeared beside him.

"Okay, okay!"

"I'll come first and blow the wind."

Li Lulu puffed out her cheeks and blew a strong sigh of relief towards the deformed magic wand.

After seeing that Li Lulu had started to move, Kane also squeezed out an electric fan that was nearly two meters wide and started it up.

The wind power activated by the two instantly blew the dust all over the place, and rainbows passed through them.

A touch of dust filled the surroundings, indicating that these monsters once existed.

After the dust was almost blown away, everyone began to bend over to pick up the magic materials on the ground.

It feels more satisfying than picking up money.

This time, the luck seems to be not very good. The monsters that are close to 60 have only obtained 20 magic materials.

After packing up the spoils, I began to carefully search the ruins.

If there is no accident in such a large ruin, there should be an elite monster.

This is their experience during this time.

Kane also opened his eagle eyes and shot around.

But this time there was an accident. Everyone carefully searched the ruins for a long time, but they didn't even see a complete thing.

"It's really strange, is there no mechanical monster like before in this ruin?"

When people are in doubt.

Yoyo, slid over from not far away.

"Master, come and see"

Pulling Kane's trousers with a hook was about to drag him in one direction.

Kane also followed Yoyo's guidance and walked forward.

The crowd followed suit.

After walking a distance, Yoyo stopped.

"That's it, it seems to be empty down there"

Yoyo pointed to a floor on the ground, and then cast a three-dimensional topographic map in the air.

It can be seen from the three-dimensional picture that the floor under Kane's feet seems to have a tunnel connecting the bottom, but because the space for sending is too deep, Yoyo cannot scan it. After all, the penetration depth of this light is limited.

However, the tunnel of the upper part is also well represented, and there is a hidden space below.

In fact, many dungeons have this kind of hidden space. After all, the dungeon itself is a fragment of other worlds.

If there are other spaces hidden in the original area of ​​​​the shard, these spaces will also be perfectly replicated after being turned into a dungeon.

If there are any high-energy items hidden in the space, after changing back to the dungeon, it will be copied by the fragments instinctively and become valuable magic items.

Of course, it is also possible that it is a simple hidden space with nothing in it, and this thing can only depend on luck.

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