The few people who received the message from the fog looked at each other.

Then they turned their attention to Kane, and at this time, the captain was needed to make a decision.

Looking at the eyes of everyone, Kane couldn't help but think.

In this dungeon, in fact, everyone has not suffered any injuries, nor has they consumed much physical strength or any magic power.

The monsters in this dungeon are too weak for them, and the only thing that makes them tired is the environment here.

But now that they have encountered this oasis, it can greatly reduce their exhaustion, so Kane decided not to return this time, and has been connected to the leader's house before going back to rest.

Tell people what you think.

Claire and the others nodded in agreement, and they also felt that there was no problem with Kane's thoughts.

Since it was decided like this, everyone started to continue what they were doing.

Claire has also cleaned herself up, and now she will take over the cooking activities of Kane and the others.

Now it was their turn to see them go to the lake to soothe their mood.


After a night of rest in the oasis, on the second day, everyone faced the next trip with a full spirit.

Now the advancing team is basically led by Yunyou, and before they could follow the trail of the edge of the fog.

Now that there is no reference object after entering the interior, they can only rely on Yoyo to carry out calculations to lead them.

Although they couldn't let go of the slightest space in this dungeon, they didn't want to go any more wrong ways.

Guaranteed quality and efficiency.

Don't know if it left the isolation zone from the oasis.

The ruins of the surrounding buildings gradually increased. After realizing Kane and the others, all kinds of mechanical monsters rushed out.

Small ruins can be encountered every less than half an hour away.

It's just that the monsters in these small ruins are much weaker than the outer ones, and the whole thing is tattered.

Not long after walking, I finally came across a large ruin.

In this ruin, all the buildings have not been completely destroyed, but most of them have just collapsed. There are still some outlines left to see their original shape.

After checking the situation, Kane took the team to the edge of the ruins and attracted all the monsters.

Then organize the formation, perform their respective duties, and efficiently clean up these monsters.

Just as Kane and the others had almost cleaned up these mobs, a mechanical roar came from the center of the ruins.

With this sound, two identical mechanical roars were heard on both sides of the ruins.

Kane quickly opened his eagle eyes and looked in the direction of the sound.

Three groups of magical reactions similar to the previous giant mechanical spiders came into view.

"Alert, 3 elites."

The teammates quickly made preparations, and their current state is still in good condition, and these little monsters can't consume much of their physical strength.

The sound of rolling sounds came from a distance.

Three huge mechanical monsters spliced ​​by various mechanical parts rushed out, all relying on a huge wheel of gears under them.


A huge lightning struck one of the mechanical monsters, and the strong electrical stimulation instantly paralyzed the entire machine to the ground, and the current flickered from the body.

Then Lilulu found the opportunity, and a rainbow-like beam of light instantly rushed towards the paralyzed mechanical monster, easily penetrating the entire monster.

Lombe, who turned into a little giant, raised his shield, drove the iron wall shield to the middle one, and directly overturned it to the ground.

At this time, Metzker suddenly said: "I'm here to help him destroy this monster"

Then four blue magic hands flew over with four needles.

Then the last one will be handed over to Kane and Claire.

The pale figure rushed towards the monster in an instant. Kane also gave up the long-range attack this time, and launched spider silk to pull him over.

This huge and bizarre mechanical creature slowed down in an instant, and then spider silks entangled and jammed the joints where it could move.

Kane, who had come to the monster's side, pinched various tempered bricks and stuck them in the monster's joints.

Then 4 barrage dragonflies poured out ammunition crazily around the entire monster, and the battering combos exploded on the monster's body.

This monster was blown to pieces in a few seconds and fell to the ground.

There was a sudden explosion in the direction of Lombe next to him.

Kane, who had already dealt with the monster, looked to the side.

It turned out that when Lombe suppressed the monster, the explosive needles held by Mezick's four magical hands were inserted into the monster's body.

The sound of the explosion just now was the sound from the activation of the four needles.

The three large elite monsters were all wiped out in less than two or three minutes in Kane's hands.

After the corpse turned into fly ash, the crowd began to look for the spoils.

When all the loot was gathered in Kane's hands, it was discovered that except for these tiny loot.

The three large elite monsters only exploded a medium amount of magic material.

And these three medium-sized magic materials are all polluted cores, with yellow and blue.

So is the central part still polluted in the end?

After packing up the spoils, everyone simply searched the ruins and left with peace of mind after confirming that there were no more monsters.

Follow Yoyo's footsteps, circle around the center, and continue to start the journey forward.

After Kane and others swept through like locusts, all the monsters along the way were not spared.

Everyone is like this. They rest when they are tired, build a camp when they are sleepy, and move on when they wake up.

Fortunately, after entering the central part, you can see some oases from time to time, and these oases have become Kane and their camping places every day.

It was a comfort to their tired spirit.

Under the cleaning along the way, almost all the cores displayed the word "contaminated".

And all the energy crystals that exploded were only blue and yellow, and the last red was not seen at all.

This situation made Kane wonder, is there something like a red energy crystal in this dungeon, or does this decryption site really have to be in this dungeon?

Now we can only pin the hope of the red energy crystal on the final leader of the final pass.

On Yoyo's map, the blank space in the middle was quickly filled, and in the end there was only a small darkness in the middle of the map.

After a few days of travel, everyone also swept the center part, leaving only the largest ruins in the dungeon in front of them.

This should be the location of the boss at the end of the dungeon shown in the dungeon information.

Except for a few scattered buildings that have collapsed, the rest of the buildings are relatively intact, and the original appearance can be seen.

The stone temples, square and square, are arranged in a well-proportioned manner.

It has a style that Kane and they have never seen before, giving people a sense of order.

When Kane and the others stood not far from the ruins.

The misty message resounded in their minds again, which also meant that they had indeed come before the leader of Guan Di.

Now is the last chance to get in and out, whether to exit the dungeon to rest and face the boss here in perfect condition.

Everyone has already discussed this situation and agreed that they need to leave the dungeon to rest.

After all, even if you clear the dungeon without exiting, it won't do any good, so why bother yourself.

A gust of sand blew past, and everyone disappeared in place.

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