With the shaking of the entire dungeon stopped.

The mechanical head in the sky silently looked at the sky of the dungeon, perhaps this was his last glance.

He lowered his head and glanced at Kane and the others.

"My name is Koboker, and maybe we'll meet again."

Even with the mechanically synthesized voice, he could still feel extreme sadness in his words.

His world, perished, is in his hands.

Then, just like the death of the monster in the dungeon, it turned into a piece of fly ash and disappeared.

A shiny object floated towards Kane from where he disappeared.

Reach out to catch the item.

Look at the last item left by the mechanical head.

This was the last decryption item Kane needed, a red lens.

So this mechanical head is the last life left by the red machinery?

No wonder the entire dungeon was cleaned up, and no red mechanical race was seen.

Pick up the red lens in your hand and identify it.

【Kinetic Energy Crystal-Red】

【Magic Material】

[Color: Copper]

[Attribute: Medium boost magic stone energy]

[Introduction: The mechanical intelligence race imitates its own most essential energy, and builds an energy core with extremely strong energy. 】

(Secret Intelligence Department: The decrypted props are complete, gather them and follow the guidelines, and the hidden things will be revealed.)

Looking at the identified item information, sure enough, it was the last decryption item.

The final decryption information is also shown below.

But don't worry, everyone has not taken the spoils of war after the death of the leader of Guan Di.

A burst of energy scattered from the place where the leader of Guan Di died, and charged into everyone's bodies.

This is the reward for clearing dungeons, increasing their magic power.

However, they haven't collected the magic items that the leader exploded.

Just when Kane wanted to look for it, Yoyo had already slid over with two items.

He touched Yunyun's head.

"Thank you"


Picked up the item from the Yoyo mechanical claw.

One of them seems to be a contaminated mechanical core. This mechanical core is a full circle larger than the one obtained before, and the core is covered with blood-colored lines.

Another chip-like object, about the size of a person's palm, was densely engraved with the square symbol that Kane couldn't understand.

Identify the core first.

【Contaminated Ultimate Core】

【Magic Material】

[Color: Copper]

[Attribute: A large amount of magic stone energy is increased]

[Introduction: There are traces of resistance in the core that have resisted pollution for thousands of years, and finally gave up resistance. 】

A lot of charged magic materials, equivalent to a new skill, hard currency.

Look at another chip.

【Data chip】


[Color: Copper]

[Attribute: Obtained after use - Mechanical Structure Knowledge]

[Introduction: The mechanical lifeform Skebu, the mechanical design drawings designed when he was young, and some practical construction knowledge. 】

After reading the introduction, Kane used the item directly.

Various data drawings and knowledge of mechanical structures were instantly integrated into his mind, and Kane quickly put quick reading into the skill grid.

The brain is processing this knowledge quickly, storing it in the mind in categories.

Kane briefly glanced at the knowledge and design drawings. These knowledge were more advanced things he needed.

Looks like there is something to learn.

Put these two magic items into the space item.

He looked at the red crystal in his hand.

Kane took out the other two colored lenses from the space equipment, and then put them together.

The crowd watched Kane's actions.

Red, yellow, and blue crystals collide with each other.

Slowly floated into the air, and then floated toward the ruins.

The crowd immediately followed.

The three-color crystal floated slowly in front.

Then he entered the building where the leader of Guan Di was before.

It seemed to sense something, and the floor in the building showed a long metal tunnel from both sides.

The width and length of this tunnel are close to eight or nine meters.

This time, Claire was fully able to enter the space inside.

Follow the three-color crystal to drill into the underground space.

The surrounding of the tunnel still reflects the luster of metal.

After coming to the bottom of the tunnel, there is a whole flat and spacious space, and a square stone platform slowly rises from the ground.

The tricolor crystal is inserted on top.

Then the stone platform slowly cracked, revealing the object in the middle.

This is a brilliant spar.

Kane walked forward slowly, held the spar in his hand, and then started the identification.

【The source of machinery】

【Magic Material】

[Color: Copper]

[Attribute: After use, get an additional skill slot - copper color]

[Introduction: The source of the birth of mechanical life forms, the core of life left by starry creatures. 】

Kane's hand holding the spar began to tremble with excitement.

He raised his head to look at the crowd.

"I don't like this shiny stone."

"I don't like it either."

"Need not"

"Li Lulu has this kind of thing herself."

The warm heart added a touch of temperature, and the plants in the heart began to take root.

He opened his mouth, and all the words he wanted to say were finally turned into one sentence.


Everyone looked at Kane and smiled and didn't say anything.

Hold the spar and choose to use it.

Kane can feel his skill level, adding one more level, as if the soul has been strengthened.

Summon [Adventure Book]

When I saw the page of my skill grid, there was a copper-colored blank space below the three skill grids.

I put the [Eagle Eye] that I replaced in the previous battle on it, and I really felt the strangeness of the eyes, so I can use it.

For Kane, with one more skill grid, the improvement of combat power is not as simple as a single star.

Although he can only use copper-colored skills, it is still a huge improvement for him now.

"Then there is nothing missing from the entire dungeon now, and we can be considered to have officially cleared the customs."

"Then go back"


Everyone came out of the ruins and chose to return.

The fog in the sky hangs down like a waterfall, like waves, instantly filling the entire dungeon.

Kane and the others stood there, waiting for the fog to wrap them around.

Then it went dark.

They can feel the fog and strengthen their bodies, which is the reward the world has given them.

The capacity of magic power is increasing, and the source of life has also been strengthened.

The crowd appeared outside the dungeon, then silently left the outpost outside the dungeon.

shortly after they left.

An exclamation came from the outpost.

At this time, they may have left the harbor through the teleportation station and headed for the capital of the kingdom.

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