In the early morning of the second day, Kane and the others got up early to pack up their belongings, and then sat at the transmission station to the most prosperous port in the kingdom.

This time the transmission was just a short blackout.

Long Snake Harbor.

Walk down the teleportation array and leave the teleportation station.

Look at this coastal city in front of you.

Looking around, you can feel the city, which is not much smaller than the city of lions.

After all, the coastal city here is an important commercial hub in this kingdom, and it is also the largest coastal city. The sea route connects the surrounding countries.

After all, the Kingdom of Heteris is surrounded by mountains, and all land routes from the kingdom are extremely rare and difficult to travel through.

It is no exaggeration to say that this city is the lifeblood of the kingdom.

Passing through the bustling area of ​​the city, you can see the commercial atmosphere of the city from everywhere on the road.

This is a city with history.

It gives people a peculiar atmosphere, and beggars and various homeless people are rarely seen on the roadside.

Speaking of which, Kane has been to three cities in this kingdom, and there seem to be no beggars, big or small.

Although the kingdom is still under the feudal system, it has done a good job in various social systems, and there are very few acts of oppression of the people.


There was an inexplicable movement in the distance.

Just when he got down from the transmission station, Kane saw a track similar to a train from a distance, maybe a similar vehicle was activated.

Even now that the teleportation array is popular, this mode of transportation that can transport a large amount of goods at one time has not been banned. After all, the energy consumed by the teleportation station to transmit a large amount of materials will greatly reduce the profit of the goods.

So now the transmission station is generally only used to transmit personnel, or some emergency supplies.

Through the city, slowly rush towards the sea.

It's still early, so don't rush on your way too quickly, the scenery of the exotic city is also a rare beauty.

The Kane team slowly came to the coastal port of the city.

Densely packed with various cruise ships lined up in the port, countless goods were transported to the freighter, and countless goods were transported down, and there were also various machines similar to hanging towers around to assist.

Dense workers are like ants surrounding the port and everywhere. Looking around, there are many freighters waiting on the sea in the distance.

These freighters are all made of steel, and the power source should be the core energy technology provided by the Machinery Association.

The Machinery Association has a very high reputation in the eyes of ordinary people, because since the establishment of the association, the technological innovation brought by it has benefited countless ordinary people who have not been able to become explorers.

The various technological innovations brought by it have also madly forced governments and countries everywhere to move forward.

Large-scale exchanges of fire between various countries and forces are not allowed, but all kinds of open and secret struggles are always indispensable.

Struggle and development are the eternal themes of intelligent creatures.

A huge cruise ship can be seen not far from the harbor, and its name is clearly written on the side of the cruise ship.


This is the cruise ship Kane and the others will take.

You can see a long queue under the cruise ship. The people in the queue are from all kinds of races, and they are basically explorers from the perspective of clothing and the smell they exude.

The destination of these people is the same as Kane and the others, because the ship is direct.

Over time, more explorers lined up behind Kane.

This red-label dungeon [Dead Soul Graveyard Group] seems to be more popular than I thought.

Such a high death rate, why?

Judging from the breath that Kane felt from these explorers, most of them had reached the bottleneck of copper color.

This can completely determine that they are basically all here to seek breakthroughs.

But red-label dungeons are not rare, why do these people choose this dungeon with a high mortality rate.

It seems that when he and others cleared the [Gobi Ruins], something must have happened that caused the [Dead Soul Graveyard Group] to become very popular.

The team moved forward slowly, and it didn't take long for Kane and others to board the cruise.

When boarding the cruise ship, the staff also sent Kane a cruise introduction to each of them, which wrote a topographic introduction to the various facilities of the cruise.

The Soropon has a static suspension system, which will not affect the rest and entertainment of the guests on board when the cruise ship encounters strong winds and waves.

When the weather is calm, the people on the boat will even feel as if they are on land, and will not feel any discomfort in sailing at sea.

The ship is also equipped with a variety of powerful defensive shields and strike systems, which can protect the hull from any threat when encountering sea monsters.

Everyone began to find their own rooms according to the guidelines on their own tickets.

Although Lombe is usually a little careless, he can still show his careful side when necessary.

For example, the rooms of everyone are directly connected, occupying this area, and there is a small living room where everyone can rest.

There are just two rooms in this team rest area, which are more suitable for Claire and Lilulu.

It stands to reason that due to the special characteristics of Claire and Lilulu, their rooms may be far away from Kane and the others.

But Lombe still found the best place for them.

After finding his room, Kane lay on the bed.

Marshmallow left the room slowly, and went to the living room to find Yoyo and Li Lulu to play with.

For the lively and active it, the brief time possessed by Kane almost suffocated it to death.

Kane, who was lying on the bed, called out the [Book of Adventure].

Turn to the page of core skills and look at your energy bar.

Copper 99%.

After experiencing the rewards for clearing the dungeon and completing the relic quest, it was directly strengthened to the highest level of the current level.

And not just himself.

Open the information bar of your teammates, everyone's energy bar has reached 99% copper color.

And after leaving the dungeon, they exchanged their feelings with each other, and they all clearly felt that their bodies had been strengthened a lot, and their magic power was much higher than that of their peers.

Sure enough, what you get for the mist service is never bad.

This trip is conservatively estimated to take 8 days.

Although the cruise ship is large, it does not have such facilities as a training ground, nor does it dare to install such a facility.

So Kane prepares to rationalize the knowledge in his head these days. The more he understands, the more obsessed he becomes.

After washing in the bathroom in the room, changing into casual clothes, I came to the small living room in the middle.

Claire and the others had already played Mist cards in the living room, and the table was piled with all kinds of snacks, all of which were given by the cruise ship.

Kane also suddenly became interested at this time.

Immediately joined the poker team.

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