Kane and the others opened the broken iron door.

The iron gate, which was already in tatters, was pulled directly to the ground, making a loud creaking sound.

This sound seemed to disturb the deceased sleeping in the cemetery, the grave bags behind the countless tombstones began to vibrate, and the soil on the surface was slowly peeled away.

On some of the outstretched arms, there are still tattered and smelly rotten flesh, while some are completely withered and yellow bones.

These corpses climbed up from the cemetery at an extremely fast speed, and in a short while, the entire cemetery was filled with various dilapidated corpses.

Some of them tilted their heads and hung their clothes before they died, which were already dark and tattered.

There were also some corpses, which seemed to have just been buried in the soil not long ago, and scraped a lot of their carrion next to the mud pit they had drilled out while struggling to get out.

The rotting corpses made a hoarse sound, stretched out their hands, and staggered towards them, their tattered palms still scratching in the air.

The stench and rotten breath drifted towards Kane and the others.

The first one who couldn't stand the smell was Li Lulu. She directly waved the magic wand in her hand, and the breeze began to blow forward, blowing the smell away.

Feeling the breeze, Metzker directly took out a bottle of Holy Light Elixir and turned it into mist and sprinkled it into the air.

The milky white shimmer drifted to the carrion in front of the corpse with the breeze. The mist of these holy lights attached to the carrion, burning their flesh, causing them to roar in pain.

But that didn't stop them from moving forward.

Lombe raised his shield, opened the iron shield, and kept ramming forward.

The carrion in front of them was constantly being pushed down, and they couldn't stand firm at all as they stumbled. The giant hammer of the Holy Light in Lombé's right hand swung to and fro, causing serious damage to these carrion.

The pale figure walked through the carrion group, but what she was holding in her hand was no longer a weapon attached to the pale mist, but a golden one-handed sword 'Pilgrim'.

This weapon caused extremely high damage to the carrion, slashing on them like a hot knife slipping butter, and the carrion groups along the way were cut in half.

Kane did not choose to use a long-range attack this time, but pressed [Long Spear Skill] and [Martial Intuition] into the skill grid.

Wielding a long spear, killing the carrion in front of him.

The long spear that covered the sky was held in Kane's hands after a long absence. The white jade-like spear head was attached with the Holy Light Potion, and it would take away a carrion with a single wave.

This group of low-level undead creatures, facing the attack of the Kane team with Holy Light damage, did not pose the slightest threat, and they were trampled to death one by one like ants.

But there seemed to be countless corpses buried in the whole cemetery, all kinds of which had no rotten flesh, and the dead bones composed of withered yellow and white bones were still crawling out of the soil.

What followed was an even more rotten stench.

"Lilulu, I can't stand being stinky, you damn rotten bones"

As the little fairy shouted, the holy light butterflies flying on both sides of her suddenly became huge and flew into the sky.

Then it hit the ground like two meteors, and the two strong lights illuminated the surroundings as bright as day. The dazzling light made Kane and the others couldn't help but close their eyes.

The light waves erupted from the two meteors transformed by the holy light butterfly swept the surroundings fiercely, and all the swept dead corpses turned into ashes as if they were burned by flames.

When the bright light disappeared and Kane and others opened their eyes, the carrion all over the ground had long since disappeared, leaving only ashes all over the place.

Longbe stared at Li Lulu with wide eyes, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "Awesome! It's nice to have a mage in the team."

In the past, the team suffered from cluster attacks, but now that there are mages in the team, they no longer suffer from insufficient area attacks.

However, Li Lulu, who made such an attack, was also out of breath. It seemed that she had consumed a lot of magic power.

"Hehe! Li Lulu is very strong."

Kane squeezed out two electric fans and kept blowing the ashes and dust on the ground.

Then everyone began to collect the spoils of war on the ground.

So many rotting corpses, although the individual strength is a mess, but the number is too large, and 5 pieces of loot have been found piecemeal.

It has been a long time since the equipment has been identified, which makes Kane feel a little itchy.

Pick up the top bone dagger and identify it.

【Poison Bone Broken Dagger】


[Color: Copper]


【Quick shot】

[Add a small amount of toxin when attacking]

[Introduction: It is a sinister and vicious weapon made from the bones of the sick person soaked in venom. 】

It's a good start. I didn't expect such a weak monster to be able to explode such good equipment, although none of Kane and the others are suitable for this equipment.

But as long as it is a good thing, it will make people happy, whether you can use it or not.

Hand the dagger to the crowd and let them see if they need it.

Then pick up the second piece of equipment.

【Tattered clothing】

Damn, it's actually magic equipment without attributes. This is the first time Kane and the others have released such rubbish equipment, even dogs can't wear them.

Feel free to throw this rotten dress into the space equipment.

next next.

【Vicious Skeleton】×3

【Magic Material】

[Color: Copper]

[Attribute: Slightly increase magic stone energy]

[Introduction: The vicious bones of those who harbor resentment and die. 】

Three magic materials, better than nothing.

Now that the surrounding monsters have been cleaned up and the equipment has been identified, the team will continue to move forward.

No one wants that dagger, so it can only be thrown into the space equipment, and see when there is an opportunity to dispose of the unnecessary equipment in the space equipment at one time.

It seems that after leaving the densely packed cemetery at the door, there will be fewer tombstones around in the following journey.

Of course, less here means that compared with the cemetery in front, there are still tombstones all over the ground, but the distance is not so close.

As Kane and the others moved forward, some undead creatures would crawl out from time to time in the graveyard behind these tombstones to attack them.

It's weak and smelly, and it doesn't really explode loot.

But if you don't kill them, you will follow them all the time. In case a magic material will explode, if you miss it, it will make Kane feel heartache.

I handed 4 sniper rifles to Claire and the others, and asked them to practice target shooting around him. They were very interested in these weapons that Kane had pinched.

Coupled with the fact that Kane has learned a lot of mechanical knowledge, the weapons that have been transformed again, whether it is the feel of the hand or the tactile feedback from the shooting, make them feel excited.

It can be said that it was a lot of fun to play.

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