The chainsaw sword in his hand was made, and Kane just wanted to stand up, but his feet were soft and he couldn't help jumping to the ground.

Four magical palms appeared beside Kane in an instant, supported him steadily, and slowly sat on the ground.

Kane took out another bottle of magic potion from his pocket and poured it into his mouth.

After waiting for some magic power to recover, Kane picked up the chainsaw sword in his hand, and the magic power began to diffuse out of his hand and poured into the magic power circuit in the sword.

The chains on both sides of the chainsaw sword began to whirring, and as the chains turned faster and faster, the white matter that formed the blade began to lose its hold.


The chainsaw sword exploded and shattered into white pieces on the ground.

Kane picked up the pieces on the ground, looking at the pieces in his hand, Kane couldn't help laughing.

Although it takes a lot of magic power to make the object constructed by transparent rubber into a permanent creation, even the most basic hardness of plasticine will consume Kane's current magic power.

But this did not affect Kane's excitement, because he saw a bright future.

I am only bronze now. Once I become silver, my original skills will be strengthened even more. Then I will find a way to upgrade [Golden Crucible] into silver skills.

How could Kane not be excited by the prospect of combining these two skills.

"Can you create magical objects?"

After hearing Claire's words, Kane put away his excitement and replied: "It's ok now, but it's just that it consumes a lot of magic power and it's not very practical."

They also saw Kane's performance just now, which can be regarded as making Kane's skills more reasonable.

If you can create magical items at will, and the consumption is still low, then there is no reason for it.

But the illegitimate child of the mist has been carved on Kane's forehead by them.

Now that Kane's skills have also been tested, it is time to rest.

After checking Yoyo's battery, it was still very sufficient. After handing over the task of vigil to Yoyo, everyone entered the tent to rest.


They rested for nearly 12 hours that night.

After packing up the camping items, everyone came to the place where they landed before.

Kane looked around, except for their own traces, Kane found no new traces.

This means that no other explorers came to the 3rd floor again when they were resting last night. Or he came, but he was extremely vigilant and covered up his traces.

Since they are now on the edge of this dungeon, they just need to move forward.

The underground cemetery on this floor seems to be more alive than the upper one. Although it is said to be alive in a necromantic-themed dungeon, it is a bit weird, but it is true.

For example, Li Lulu is currently holding the flower that emits a faint white fluorescence, and the light blue illusory butterfly flying up and down around the flower.

Such a scene can be seen next to fluorescent plants everywhere, and there are ghost fires floating around in the sky. They seem to have life and can see faces in the flames.

The expressions on these faces are not painful, some are just infinite calm.

The top of the cave in the space still has thick and long stone pillars hanging down from time to time.

Of course, the skeletons that rise from the ground from time to time are also characteristic of the entire dungeon, but fortunately, the monsters on this floor seem to be all kinds of skeleton monsters, and there are no rotting corpses and zombies, which makes the smell in the air, It's a little easier to accept than the above.

Kane and the others didn't go for long.

Suddenly, a shock wave of the soul came from a distance. When the shock wave passed through Kane and them, they seemed to hear a huge roar in the distance.

Such soul fluctuations are not only received by them, but also by the surrounding skeletons.

The various dead bones that were scattered all over the ground began to link and stick to each other with the slight tremor.

Various grotesque skeletal undead have been created, some of which can still be seen in their original form.

Others are completely composed of bones of various parts of various races, which are randomly combined together, and even actions feel laborious.

When Kane and the others saw such a scene, they instantly became vigilant. But these skeletons completely ignored Kane's existence and rushed in the direction of the shock wave.

Seeing such a scene, Kane thought for a while and said, "Let's follow along and take a look at the surroundings."

After speaking, everyone formed a formation and ran forward behind the skeletons.

When Kane and the others rushed to the direction of the shock wave, there were shock waves from time to time, which continued to spread.

I didn't run very far with the skeleton.

Finally, they saw the monster that emitted shock waves. It was a giant skeleton about 8 meters tall, with a human-like skull on top. His spine was slightly curved, and he held a huge bone rod in his hand. Roaring to the sky from time to time.

His roar didn't make any sound, but a shock wave came out, and Kane and the others could clearly hear its roar after passing through the shock wave.

It seems that this shock wave is not used to cause any damage, but some kind of move to summon the undead.

This giant skeleton seemed to be fighting someone. The boulders in front of them blocked some scenes under the giant skeleton, and they could only see countless skeletons surrounding him.

Only Kane, relying on the ability of eagle eyes, saw the dense reflection of magic power under the skeleton giant, among which there were 4 magic power reactions, which were extremely obvious.

It was the copper-colored explorer, the magical reaction to reaching the bottleneck.

I saw the skeleton giant raise the bone stick in his hand, and the blue soul fire instantly ignited on the bone stick, and suddenly waved downward.

The speed of this blow was extremely fast, and Kane almost couldn't see its trajectory with his eagle eyes.

As the blow fell, Kane was able to see the 4 obvious magical reflections, and one of them disappeared directly.

With a wave of their hands, everyone quickly passed through the boulder in front of them, and the scene under the giant skeleton was finally revealed in front of Kane and the others.

Countless skeleton monsters piled up under him, and 3 explorers were being besieged by them. Next to the explorers was an orangutan who was more than three meters tall, waving his arms to help them clean up the surrounding area. Skeleton Soldiers.

Seeing that they are wearing a [treasure box] exploration team, these people are the team of explorers who conflicted with Kane and the others on the boat.

A corpse can be seen not far away, and the face cannot be seen clearly, but the clothes on his body should be one of the explorers in that team.

If this dungeon is now the two of them, then they are the ones who set the trap.

According to the text of the despicable style of their exploration group [Treasure Box], it is very likely that they set a trap.

While Kane and the others were still observing, the skeleton giant held up the club for a long time and swung it down again.

A scream came.

With his eagle eyes, Kane could clearly see that two similar explorers were directly knocked away by this stick, the armor and magic shield on their bodies were instantly shattered, and the magic response disappeared.

With the death of the two explorers, the gorilla disappeared into the air.

Now there is only the drunk big man on the boat before, still struggling to support, and his mouth is shouting something.

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