Chapter 166 Climbing to the top (plus 55)

Lilulu fluttered her wings and circled around Kane, shouting incessantly.

"It's amazing, Kane is amazing, such a big metal armor can be melted into a piece of iron by you, how did you think of it, teach me quickly."

Kane smiled, reached out and rubbed her head, but did not answer her, but directly squeezed a large bullet screen dragonfly, and then put her on it and sat down.

Controlling the barrage dragonfly to fly up and down around.

This thing diverted Li Lulu's attention in an instant, sitting on the barrage dragonfly screaming strangely.

Later, Kane brought everyone to the steel plate where the metal armor was melted.

Kane squatted down and put his hand on the steel plate. A colder cold than other metals spread to his hand. He wanted to identify it, but there was no response.

It really seems to be just an ordinary steel plate.

Longbei was lying on the steel plate, stroking lightly with his hands, and seemed to be very interested in this steel plate. He seemed to recognize this material.

Looking at the appearance of Longbei, Kane asked, "How is it? Is there anything special about the material of this steel plate?"

As for Kane's question, Lombe ignored it, and continued to obsessively inspect the steel plates.

Looking at Lombe's obsessive look, Kane stood beside him, not disturbing him.

Everyone just watched Lombe's behavior silently.

Of course, except for Li Lulu, who was sitting on a barrage dragonfly flying over his head.

After a while, Lombe finally left the steel plate.

Reluctantly, he retracted his gaze, turned his head to look at the people next to him and explained, "This kind of material is now very rare outside, it once appeared in a certain dungeon, and the situation of that dungeon is now impossible to record, but the properties of metal are has been recorded in the book.

That is the ultimate magic resistance. Although this steel plate material cannot achieve complete magic immunity, it can at least reach 70% magic resistance, which should be a degraded version of that material.

If you use this material to create a suit of armor, it is simply the killer of the mage and the nightmare of the caster. "

So this may be the reason why Kane and the others, attacking with the Holy Light attribute, could not cause any serious damage to this undead.

So now there is an important question.

Kane walked over and picked up the large piece of steel plate and asked, "Then do you think this thing can be taken out of the dungeon? Shouldn't this be a loot that exploded?"

For Kane's question, everyone shook their heads blankly.

They have never experienced such a thing.

But it stands to reason that when such a monster dies, at least a piece of magic material must be exploded, but this time it didn't explode, I don't know if it can be included in the steel plate.

"Forget it, forget it, put it in the space equipment first. If it's gone after the customs clearance, then naturally it won't be able to take it out of the dungeon." After that, he threw the steel plate into the space equipment and put it away.

However, this time Kane was not in a hurry to continue to move up, but sat directly in place.

"Take a break, wait until I recover my magic power before going up"

After listening, everyone also sat down one after another, took out some snacks from the space equipment and ate.

When the time was almost over, Kane stood up and patted the dust on his butt: "Let's go, let's continue."

After everyone organized the formation, they continued to move forward.

Along the way, there is nothing around, only the bare mountain walls and the biting cold wind.

As we got higher and higher, some piles of snow began to appear around the mountain walls, and the road under our feet became smooth.

Kane and the others kept moving up, and the snow behind them accumulated more and more, until the entire road was covered with snow.


Hearing Kane's shout, everyone stopped.

"Everyone raised their legs and moved closer to me."

Except for Claire, who suddenly realized, everyone else was dazed, but they still obeyed, and Kane raised their legs one after another.

Then they felt that there seemed to be something more on the upper of their shoes, stepped on the ground, and found that the grip was more stable, and basically they would not slip again.

These were the cleats that Kane pinched for them.

Lombe also jumped twice happily, testing the anti-slip effect under his feet: "Yes, Kane is really good."

"Okay, let's move on."

After that, everyone gathered around Kane and continued to move up the mountain.

The cold wind on the side of the road was blowing more and more fiercely, and even blizzards began to blow. The clothes on their bodies were all kinds of armor and leather armor, and they did not bring any warm clothes.

The cold wind mixed with ice and snow was even more biting.

Kane directly squeezed out a semi-circular cover to cover the crowd. The cold wind was instantly resisted by the cover, and everyone felt the air warmed up instantly.

However, this thing can't follow Kane to move forward. It can only add two pulleys below, and then let everyone push forward. Compared with the biting cold wind and ice and snow, the effort is nothing at all.

"Hot Ball"

Li Lulu let out a soft drink, and the magic wand in her hand turned into a balloon tied with a rope. The balloon floated on her head, emitting a warm fire.

Pulling the balloon emitting hot air, it flew over everyone's heads: "How is it? It's very warm."

Although it is indeed warm, but for such strange magical special effects, everyone can only complain silently in their hearts, and then praise her.

Over time, the snow on the road has become thicker and thicker, and the process of traveling has become more and more difficult.

Everyone no longer communicated and moved forward.

After an unknown time, finally, Kane saw the end of the road, and the top of the mountain was in front of them.

"Come on, work harder, the top of the mountain is ahead."

After hearing Kane's words, everyone raised their heads slightly and looked at the top. After confirming that Kane was not mistaken, everyone was instantly excited, pushing the hood and moving forward frantically.

Finally reached the top of the mountain.

As soon as I reached the top of the mountain, I could not feel the slightest cold wind and snow, as if I had entered another world. I turned my head to look, and it was clearly still outside, blowing the cold wind and snowing.

Looking up and looking around, what appeared in front of Kane and the others was a smooth field. The ground was covered with neat stone slabs. There was no gravel or any decoration on the field. Only a black stone stood in the center. pavilion.

You can clearly see a circular hole in the center of the stone pavilion, but a figure wearing a robe is sitting on the edge of the stone pavilion.

Looking at this figure, Kane and the others instantly became vigilant and took their weapons.

In the two days of the weekend, I finally coded out the chapters of the leader's addition. It's not easy. I'm exhausted and my head is empty.

Finally, ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month.

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