Kane and the others, along the road in the middle of the strange woods, marched towards the central castle.

The cold wind blew the branches of the trees along the road, making strange noises.

Until Kane and the others came to the gate of the castle, there were no dungeon monsters to stop them along the way.

The castle was surrounded by a circle of dark walls. In front of Kane and the others was a huge stone gate with a pattern painted on the stone gate, which Kane and the others had seen in the occupied city.

The height of the entire castle is much higher than Kane and the others imagined, and the tallest stone tower is close to fifty or sixty meters high.

There are still various holy statues standing all over the castle, but now these statues are dyed black and there are all kinds of dirt marks on their bodies.

Claire and Lombe, standing on either side of the door, pushed hard towards the stone door.

As they exerted their strength, the entire stone gate began to vibrate, and the fine dust shook off, and then began to be slowly pushed away.

It is easy to see. It is a small square. In the middle of the square stands a fountain. However, this fountain is not carved out of stone, but is made of various skulls and bones of the body, and the water is no longer sprayed out. , but a bright red liquid with a stench.

The lawns around the square are full of all kinds of tattered and old tombstones.

But the whole square was empty.

Kane and others cautiously entered the gate of the wall, passed through the square in front of the gate, and came to the real entrance of the castle.

After pushing open the iron gate of the castle, everyone filed in.

As soon as Kane and the others stepped into the castle, all kinds of candles around them ignited a faint blue flame.

Kane and the others entered the hall at the entrance of the castle. Although all parts of the hall were dilapidated and covered with dust, they could still see the glory of the past.

Standing in the hall, Kane and the others are confused. There are various passages and rooms here, where do you know where the leader of Guan Di is?

"It doesn't matter, just find a place and walk first."

After finishing speaking, Kane took his teammates into one of the passages, and then entered a small garden through the passage.

The plants and flowers in the garden had already withered and decayed, and then a carrion in a dress was seen standing in the middle of the garden, and the clothes on his body were already dark.

Seemingly sensing the arrival of Kane and the others, she turned her head and howled as she walked towards them staggering.

A Holy Light bullet pierced her head, ending her life.

Seeing that there was only this monster around, they had no choice but to move towards the corridor ahead.

As a result, he inexplicably wandered into an exhibition hall full of tapestries and oil paintings.

Kane and the others just entered the exhibition hall.

There were all kinds of weird laughter around.

"Well, someone's here."

"It's fresh soul, delicious."

"Hahaha, eat, eat."

The portraits and blankets showed all kinds of weird faces, screaming and laughing at Kane and the others, flying around them.

These strange things are possessed by souls that have been brutally killed and become evil spirits.

Lombe directly took out his giant hammer and jumped up. It was a hammer against the oil painting flying around in the sky. The oil painting was smashed to pieces, and the damage of the Holy Light attribute directly melted his soul.

The oil painting screamed and disappeared into the air, turning into a wisp of dust and falling down.

With the first attack launched by Lombe, everyone's attack followed.

The bullets emitting golden light keep hitting the oil painting tapestry flying in the sky. Each hit will cause a huge hole. The edge of the hole is stained with holy light, and the magic will continue to spread to 4 weeks. .

Claire's golden light blade can take away an evil spirit with every slash.

The two holy light butterflies flew directly into the evil spirits in the sky, and the group fluttered around inside, and all the evil spirits that touched the flapping wings of the holy light butterflies would burn out a big hole.

The whole exhibition hall was filled with piercing screams and screams.

After everyone's simple warm-up exercise, the entire exhibition hall was already dilapidated and covered with cobwebs. Now, a thick layer of ash has been directly spread on the ground, making it even more ancient.

After searching for the loot, I finally got a few trace materials.

It is not a solution to wander around the castle like this, after all, Kane and the others need to maintain a good state to face the last boss.

Let Yoyo lead the way, and let it calculate which way is more likely to lead to the center of the castle.

After all, he is a king, and he should live in the center of the castle.

Yoyo started walking in front of the team, constantly turning on the scanner, scanning the surrounding terrain.

They started to wander around the castle with Kane and the others. There would be evil skeletons and carrion in the rooms of the castle from time to time, burrowing out from every corner and attacking Kane and the others.

In the end, it turned out that the decision to let Yoyo lead the team was very correct.

Kane and the others finally came to a large corridor in the middle of the castle, looking at the length of the corridor basically running through half of the castle.

In addition to the carpet laid in the middle of the corridor, various portraits with crowns hanging on both sides, and tattered flags floating around, there are also many armor statues on both sides of the corridor.

Just before he took two steps in this corridor, Kane instantly pulled his teammates to a corridor next to him and hid at the corner.

Kane stuck his head out and looked into the distance, where a team of magical reactions was walking towards them.

Soon they came into Kane's field of vision.

Claire also stuck her head out on Kane's head, while Li Lulu lay directly on his head.

As for Lombe, it must only be below Kane.

"This armor is a bit handsome! It looks very sophisticated." Lombe said as he looked at the team in heavy armor who were walking slowly from the corner.

Claire also observed carefully: "The specification of this kind of knight should be regarded as a royal guard. You can see that there are special knights behind them, holding a banner with their legion's coat of arms."

"A team of elite knights, a total of 6 people, let's go."

Kane's eagle eyes have already seen the strength and components of the pair of knights, which is completely within their response range.

After hearing Kane's order, Claire took the lead, turning into a white afterimage and rushing towards the team of knights.

Lombe followed with his shield and charged forward.

And Kane kept firing ammunition to cover them up.

After the white afterimage passed through them, a layer of frost covered their armor, slowing their movements.

Lombe's charge slammed into the two knights holding large shields in front of them. The huge force knocked them back a few steps, but it didn't cause much damage.

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