Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 174 The sublimation of their respective skills

When Kane was experimenting with his sublimated source skills.

Beside her, Claire and the others were also conducting their own experiments.

Lombe entered his little giant form, but this time, instead of being a little giant more than two meters high, he directly became a real giant to the level of 5 meters high.

The skin has also changed from the original color to a stone-like, gray-black. Judging from the burning condition of the beard on his chin, it seems that even the bloodline has been strengthened, and the burning brightness and shape of the beard are more gorgeous than before. many.

Not only this situation, but even the Holy Light Hammer and Tower Shield in his hand have grown to his own size, becoming a level that can be used by a 5-meter-high like Longbei.

Lombe was now able to hit the ceiling of the palace with two hard jumps, and then he seemed to be controlling his strength, changing from 5 meters to 4 meters.

After experiencing the current feeling, after waving the hammer a few times, it changed from 4 meters to 3 meters, and finally changed back to my original body shape.

It seems that after the sublimation of his skills, his defense should be strengthened, and he can control the size of his overall body at will, which should be up to 5 meters. You can also make your armor and weapons change with your size.

The 5-meter-high figure is holding a tower shield and unfolding the iron wall shield. Kane can't imagine such a defensive range, and the iron wall shield is only a copper-colored skill.

Flip the skill book to the team page, click on Longbe's avatar, and carefully check the introduction of his upgraded original skills.

[Original Skill: Titan Incarnation] (Double your body size, the highest multiplier is 5 times, and at the same time, you can make the equipment on your body change with your body size. With magic resistance, reduce agility.)

[Level: Silver 1%]

These two items are the information that changed on the information bar after Lombe sublimated. The introduction of skills was similar to what Kane thought, and these were all information that could be obtained from the surface.

Then Kane observed Claire's situation. Claire just kept increasing the strength of her body after the experimenter's own sublimation.

Keep attacking the floor and stone pillars, testing your strength, and running or jumping to see your improved agility.

The use of the original skill only switched the weapon in his hand and the armor on his body. Kane didn't feel any improvement except that there seemed to be no delay.

Then open the [Book of Adventures] and click on Claire's avatar.

[Original Skill: Knight's Treasure] (You can put armor and weapons in it. Spend magic power to switch between armor and weapons, and the equipment in the arsenal will be automatically repaired and maintained.

Equipment that is placed in the treasury for a long time will improve its quality upwards, and will not stop until it is the same as the user's origin. After unbinding the equipment from the arsenal, the weapon will return to its original quality.

Equipment with an exclusive name will be strengthened in the arsenal. If the equipment is lower than the user's level, the user can spend mana to force it to temporarily upgrade it to the same level as himself. Weapons of the same level as himself can spend mana to temporarily upgrade it to the same level as himself. Get a temporary boost, you need to call its name when switching. )

[Level: Silver 1%]

After the sublimation of Claire's original skills, the name did not change much, but the introduction directly changed from a short introduction to a whole skill introduction.

In the treasure house of Claire's original skills, the original copper-colored equipment can be upgraded to silver quality after being stored in the treasure house for a long time.

And weapons and equipment with exclusive names, no matter what level they are used, will be forced to upgrade to the level of Claire.

For example, the once copper-colored equipment [Meat Grinder] can no longer keep up with Claire's power, but now Claire's treasure trove has been upgraded, and after pulling it out, it can be forcibly upgraded to The quality of silver, if you stay in the treasure house for a long time, can even be automatically upgraded to the quality of silver.

The improvement of this skill ensures the diversification of Claire's equipment. After all, it is very difficult to have equipment that matches her normally, let alone a lot.

As for the improvement of Metzker, Kane has already seen it.

Because not only four magical palms, Kane saw it, he was even able to create two magical eyes.

It seems to be reproduced in his eyes.

Click on the avatar of Mezick on the team page to view the detailed introduction of other skills.

[Original Skill: Magic Parts] (In the range that the user can see or perceive accurately, create magic hands and magic eyes. The number of magic hands and magic eyes depends on the user's body.

The magic part will not be destroyed by physical attacks, once destroyed, it will take a certain period of cooling before it can be created again. The magic part can also be used, and the user needs to use all the skills to use this part. )

[Level: Silver 1%]

The improvement of Mezick's source skills is not much different from what he had obtained before. The only improvement is that he has two more eyes that can replicate magic power.

And Kane has now thought of how to use this skill of Metzker.

For example, Kane's [Eagle Eye], if this skill is handed over to Metzker, what concept will it have?

He can see a very far range with his own human eyes, and then creates an eye again within a very far range, using that magic eye, and using eagle eyes to extend its range, which means that he can see in a very far range. distance to operate on something.

It seems that his eagle-eyed skill stone has another user.

Finally, there is Lilulu.

Kane didn't see any improvement in her skills, maybe even if it did, Kane wouldn't be able to find it.

After all, Li Lulu's skill effects are too heavy and unreasonable, and the power is somewhat arbitrary.

And Lilulu didn't seem to test her own growth, but summoned a fat ghost and played in the air.

You can only click on her avatar, and Kane checks it himself.

[Original Skill: The Power of Fairy Tale] (As the spirit of fairy tales, it is a skill that must be awakened, allowing all spells and skills of the user to be transformed into dreamy and sweet fairy tale magic. Now the influence of fairy tales is wider.)

[Level: Silver 1%]

Except for the name of the original skill and an explanation of the expanded range of influence, Lilulu's skills have not changed in any way.

For this so-called larger scope, there is no specific performance. We can only see how Li Lulu uses it in the future, and then we will know how her original skills have been strengthened.

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