The night sky is full of stars.

In the pub on the first floor of the hotel.

Above Kane's dining table, Li Lulu and Phyllis were hugging each other, and the two young ladies happily held hands and circled in the air.

Light laughter surrounds everyone.

Phyllis is here, so their teammates should also be here.

Kane turned his head to look in the direction Phyllis came from, and sure enough, he saw the pair of eye-catching antelope horns.

The other four teammates of Phyllis were walking towards Kane.

Their captain, the antelope horn girl came over, shook hands with Kane and said, "It's finally time for you. Speaking of which, we haven't introduced ourselves yet, it's really rude."

Then she started introducing her teammates to Kane and the others.

"My name is Amis, and I'm the captain of this squad."

Then she pointed to the very ordinary human beside her, who seemed to be the mage in the team when he was dressed, and he was the one who held up the shield for her injured teammate at that time: "This is the mage in our team. , Rock."

She pointed to the strong man behind her again. From the scales on his neck behind him, he could tell that he was not a human being: "He is a warrior in our team, Ka."

The male elf in their team did not let their captain introduce them, but stood up and saluted Kane and their team: "Thank you very much for saving the lives of me and my teammates, my name is Chase. , In order to express my gratitude, please be sure to accept this item."

After speaking, he picked up a small box from his hand and handed it to Kane. From his determined actions and expressions, it could be seen that this item, Kane, and the others must be accepted.

After pushing and shoving a few times, he found that his attitude was firm, and Kane reluctantly took the box.

Then he began to introduce the items in the box to Kane: "This is a leaf dropped from our mother tree, which can heal a lot of injuries."

After listening to his introduction, Kane opened the box, and inside the box was a transparent crystal-like leaf emitting a faint green light.

【Leaves of the Mother Tree of Grace】


[Color: Copper]


【Slowly improve your physique】

[Slowly recovering spirit]

[Skill: Mother Tree Blessing] (Destroy the equipment after use, and instantly heal all injuries on the body.)

[Introduction: The Mother Tree of Grace is the sacred tree of the woodland elves. According to legend, their family was born from the mother tree. 】

A very precious life-saving item, which is equivalent to an extra life after possessing it.

However, he should not have brought this item with him at the time, otherwise he would not have almost died in the dungeon.

In fact, this item was the Woodland Elf who specially sent someone to treat Chess after hearing that he was injured, and left two pieces of such equipment in case of emergency.

Kane closed the box, and then put it into his space equipment. With this thing, the team also has a life-saving equipment.

Seeing that they didn't seem to have eaten yet, Kane called the waiter over and ordered a large batch of barbecued meat and wine.

Then squeezed with his teammates, gave up half of the seats, and invited Amis's team to sit down together.

As for the fact that they have just eaten, they have been promoted to silver, and the energy they need to consume has also increased a lot, so for eating this kind of food, basically you can eat as much as you want.

No matter how much you eat, it can be quickly converted into energy by them and stored in the body, so you don't have to worry about the so-called obesity problem.

With this level of savior relationship, the friendship between the two teams quickly warmed up.

After a table full of barbecued meats and several large baskets of wine were served, everyone ate each other and chatted casually.

As for whether the character of the opposing team is bad, and whether it is worth making friends, you only need to look at Li Lulu's performance to know.

Kane used to chat with Lilulu.

She is the spirit of fairy tales, and she will surely become the guardian of innocence and children. She is naturally close to those who are kind in her heart, and naturally hates those who are ugly in her heart.

She became friends with Phyllis, and she was willing to communicate with Phyllis's teammates, which represented their team and was not someone with an ugly heart.

As time passed, the mutual understanding of the two teams improved rapidly.

The strong foreigner named Ka also seemed to be very good at drinking, which was right in Lombe's arms.

The two of them are now blushing.

In the night sky, the full moon has long been hanging high. Fortunately, this pub is open 24 hours a day, otherwise Kane and the others would have been driven away.


The next morning, Kane woke up from his sleep.

Press on the aching head.

At that time, only Ka and Lombe were drinking together at the table, but at some point, they became two teams, competing with each other for their drinks.

Then it became that both sides were all overturned, but Ka and Longbe, who had been fighting wine, stood to the end.

They brought their teammates back to the room, and also agreed to a showdown next time.

Just for the next Dwarf Oktoberfest.

The curtains were opened, and the sun shone through the window and fell on Kane's face.

I covered the sunshade with my hand and looked at the time. It was almost noon now.

After turning over and getting out of bed, after taking a shower, put on your usual clothes, then packed up the luggage in the room, and brought Yoyo and cotton candy to the pub on the first floor.

As a result, he woke up at the end, and it seemed that he had to practice his drinking well.

After a meal with my teammates.

"Then let's go to the ticket booth to buy our own tickets to go home, and remember to meet at the City of Lions a week later."

As soon as Kane finished speaking, Li Lulu fluttered her wings and hugged Marshmallow and Yoyo with tears.

Seeing Li Lulu's appearance, Kane patted his forehead helplessly, but it was only a week away, it was not like parting from life or death.

Then Lilulu took out her magic wand and drew a small circle in the air.

A door of light shining with colorful colors appeared in the air.

"Then Li Lulu will go home first, see you next week."

He waved his arms to the crowd, then rushed into the portal and disappeared with the portal.

Didn't he just have a heartbroken expression?

Everyone looked at this scene in confusion, and there was a trace of envy in their eyes.

This skill is so convenient.

Then everyone came to the teleportation station, and Claire and Kane said goodbye and walked to the other side of the station.

When parting, Kane blinked at Claire, and then tapped the ruby ​​on his body.

And Kane, Lombe and Mezick will be teleported to the City of Lions together before parting ways.

After a series of teleportation, they returned to the familiar city, the City of Lions.

"Then I'll go first, Lombe, you guys pay attention to safety."

"Okay, no problem, see you next week, my good brother."

Then the three of them disappeared on the teleportation platform.

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