[Giant Wood Forest] The teleportation platform of the dungeon.

A team of explorers showed their bodies. Judging from their clothes, it seemed that they had just finished exploring the dungeon, and they were still a little embarrassed.

This team of explorers are all kinds of non-human races. When they left the fog post, they took out dark cloaks from the space equipment and put them on.

The dark night is the best camouflage for them.

They walked slowly on the flagstone road leaving the Mist Outpost.

When the outpost was no longer in sight, and after observing that there was no one else around, they dodged and burrowed directly into the jungle next to them.

Moving swiftly in the forest, trying not to make any noise and reducing the traces left behind.

some time passed.

Not far from their journey, a dilapidated wooden hut finally appeared.

This is the hunter's hut where Kane stayed in the evening.

The group of black-robed Asians surrounded the wooden house and looked at the wooden house in the lead, as if to determine the direction.

Finally, he determined the direction he wanted and said to the people behind him, "Here, come with me."

After that, the group of explorers in black robes moved quickly in the same direction, and disappeared from sight after a few jumps.

However, just behind them, there was a figure hanging in the distance, and then the figure disappeared again.

I can only vaguely see that something seems to be closely following this group of people, disappearing and appearing, vague.

Relying on the skill [Child of the Forest], Kane felt something approaching from a kilometer away.

In addition, it didn't take long for him to trigger a few spider silk trigger devices that he had placed next to the hunter's hut, and he knew that someone was coming.

As for why he placed a vigilance device next to the hunter's hut, it was because the traces during the day made him a little suspicious, so he placed one casually to comfort himself.

I just didn't expect to be bumped into by him.

After changing [Night Walk] to the skill level, he followed closely behind the group of people. He really wanted to know what was in the Laka Forest that required these people to enter and leave frequently.

Based on his familiarity with Laka Forest, this is just an ordinary small forest, except for some rich medicinal herbs around it, there is nothing special about it.

But it is such a small forest. In the past two weeks, nearly two teams of explorers have been operating frequently in it, and their footprints are almost all over the forest.

Following the group of explorers, they circled around the forest several times, and they finally stopped.

Seeing them stop, Kane also climbed to a branch with a good view but with a strong concealment.

The lead explorer took off the hood on his head, revealing a bird-like head.

Extending his palm from under the cloak, it was a bird-like palm with only four fingers, with sharp claws on the fingers.

He used his claws to dig the bark of an ordinary tree next to him, and a shimmering rune appeared and then disappeared.

"It's here, we'll wait here for a while."

It didn't take long for Kane to sense that not far away, another group of people walked towards it.

Looking in that direction, there is another team of explorers whose magical reaction has reached the copper-colored bottleneck.

They should be the people this group of people in black robes are waiting for.

After they appeared, the black robes on their bodies were exactly the same as that of Kane and this team. It seemed that they belonged to the same force.

The two teams quickly joined together, and the other leader also took off his hood.

What appeared was a humanoid figure, but it had 4 eyes, and all of them were of a race with vertical pupils.

Afterwards, everyone took off their hoods, all kinds of alien intelligent life, some race appearances, Kane has never even seen.

They tapped a few times on their chests face to face, and said, "The white fog has no shape, and the black fog will last forever."

When Kane heard their words, he instantly knew who these people were.

Explorers are a profession that may lose their lives at any time, and there are all kinds of people among them. Misbehavior, treacherous, evil, greedy and lustful people abound, but even these people still believe in the mist.

But some people are different. These people are basically from the fragments of the world that have been absorbed and transformed by the fog and become part of their own world.

In many world fragments, in addition to the remaining environments of various former worlds, there are still many primitive intelligent races living in them.

A dungeon is formed after a series of unknowable actions after the fragments of the world are captured by the fog.

And these original intelligent races that still live on the fragments will basically be closed in the dungeon, stagnating life, and then some of their powerful life energy replicas will fight for the dungeon.

After the research of the council, if the body of the replica is in the dungeon, it will save energy and exert its strength better.

After the dungeon is completely opened, and then digested by the fog to become a part of itself, these beings will be freed and placed in the fog of the world border.

When the size and number of these world fragments are large enough, the world ring will be formed.

Then he truly integrates into this world and becomes a part of this world.

But this will give rise to a problem. These intelligent beings still retain their memories of the past, and most of them will thank the mist for accepting them as part of the world.

But there is no lack of a race among them. They don't have much reason. They feel that the fog has hurt their former world and destroyed the place where they were born.

When these people accumulate more and more, and then find someone who has the same idea as themselves, they can't wait to become a whole.

It's called Black Mist.

Afterwards, he kept destroying among the explorers and around the world, in order to vent his inner hatred and disgust for the world.

And look forward to one day destroying the world, and the biggest culprit in their hearts, the mist.

However, under the various siege, interception and severe crackdowns by the Mist Council and the forces of various ethnic groups in the world, their forces have been weakened again and again.

It's hard to hear from them now.

Of course, no one would think that these people would become extinct, because although there are not many such fools, there are not many, and every time the Ring of the World appears, a large number will appear.

Now, the black mist, which was only in the middle of various information, appeared in front of Kane.

So when Kane heard that these people were Black Mist, his inner worry quickly rose because it was too close to the town of Kara.

Most of his friends and significant others are in this place.

Humans were once one of the first races in this world, and they belonged to the intelligent beings in the black mist, and they were important targets of hatred.

For such a terrorist organization, no matter whether you are a civilian or an explorer, you can kill it.

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