"call out!"

A white spider silk flew over from a distance, and was tightly wrapped around the hook that wanted to swing down.

"There are still people, hurry up."

After seeing this white spider silk, the bird-headed explorer quickly shouted to the surrounding people.

Others also knew that there were enemies hiding around and quickly pulled out their weapons.


"Be careful, this attack is invisible."

A few people in the middle of their team, who knew they belonged to the mage and auxiliary professions by looking at their clothes, were hit by an attack that came from unknown sources. One of the healers was directly hit in the head and died on the spot.

The other few, although not life-threatening, still suffered serious injuries.

The two teams of explorers quickly organized each other.

"Get on the shield, heal."

With the command of the bird head explorer, 2 mages. There was also a warrior with a shield, who instantly covered everyone with a thin blue shield.

The surviving healer quickly treated the injured.

There was also an explorer who knew at a glance that he was an assassin. He disappeared into the air, and it seemed that he had come to look for Kane.

At this time, Kane was squatting on a branch, holding a huge sniper-type launcher in his hand, aiming at the explorers outside.

Another few transparent bullets were fired.

This time Kane only targeted one person.

The shield on the explorer who was treating his teammates was shattered by the first few bullets, and then hit the heart by a bullet that followed, and fell to the ground clutching the wound on the spot.

However, this blow also made the bird-headed explorer discover Kane's location, and quickly shouted at the place where Kane was: "There, fast, let's go."

After that, everyone rushed towards Kane's location quickly.

A few more bullets came, this time aiming at one of the mage who added a shield to his teammates.

A warrior explorer holding a shield noticed the attack, turned into a phantom and quickly came to the mage, holding the shield to block the attack.

However, his shield was also shattered by the knowing combo attached to these bullets, and he was also blown to the ground by the impact.

However, he was not injured, and after rolling a few times, he quickly stood up again.

Even under such an attack, these people did not stop running towards Kane, because they knew that they could not dodge such long-range damage.

Only by quickly finding Kane's position, preventing him from launching a long-range attack, and forcing him into a close-range combat can cancel this crisis.

According to the usual concept, the stronger the power of long-range attacks, the stronger the strength of melee combat.

A few more bullets came, and the warrior explorer, who had no shield, was punched through his head and fell to the ground.

"Ahhh! Don't let me catch you, or I will definitely eat you down one bite at a time."

The teammates who died in a row made this bird-headed explorer's anger fill his entire chest. These are the companions who accompanied him through life and death.

Although they are from different races, they all share the same dream and work hard for the same cause.

And none of the teammates behind him showed any signs of timidity, and some were just full of anger.

"A bunch of rats in the gutter are still showing some kind of companionship in front of me, it's ridiculous."

Kane's voice came from the forest not far away, and the anger of these explorers was about to burst through their heads.

Maybe it's because he has been with Lombe for a long time, and now Kane likes to poke at people's sore spots and expose people's shortcomings when he is cursing.

A few more bullets came, and the mage put two layers of shields on his own, but he still fell under the blow.

For the powerful penetrating power of Kane's attack, they had nothing to do. Due to the extremely fast attack speed, they didn't even have the chance to evade.

A person with a sensitive perception, as soon as he finds the bullet, the attack has already landed on himself or his teammates.

But this is of course, Kane has been promoted to the silver explorer.

The improvement brought by sublimation is in all aspects, physique, magic power, strength of magic power, wisdom, and even an unknowable soul.

Coupled with the expansion of the scope of the source skills, as well as a deeper understanding and manipulation of the source skills.

As far as the weapon Kane is currently holding, he would never have had the opportunity to hold it like this before.

Because the light length of this weapon is more than three meters, the gun body is more than one meter long, and the barrel is more than one meter long.

The magic power consumed by each blow, when he was at the bronze level, although he could afford it, he simply did not dare to be as extravagant as it is now.

The short journey was as thrilling as a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​flames. The teammates beside him kept blocking Kane's attack, and then fell powerlessly.

After paying the lives of his companions, the remaining explorers finally came to Kane with difficulty.

There are ten people in total, and now there are only four left who can see Kane's true face.

One of them was an assassin-type explorer who hid early. He was hiding behind Kane at the moment, trying to find an opportunity to attack him, but Kane had already discovered him, but he ignored him.

The other three, two of them are the captains of their own explorer team, the bird-headed explorer and the other four-eyed vertical pupil explorer.

The last surviving explorer was a red-skinned demihuman with square pupils holding a long knife more than two meters long.

They survived not because Kane didn't kill them, but because the bullets that Kane shot at the three of them were dodged, so the three of them were basically the strongest among them.

As for those who didn't hide, the bodies were already lying on the road.

These three people stared at Kane, their eyes have turned blood red, and anger has filled their whole bodies, they don't even dare to calm down.

Fear of calming down and having no guts to avenge his teammates.

"If you don't run, then you will die!" The bird-headed explorer roared towards Kane in a sharp voice.

After listening to his words, Kane smiled, and then scattered the gun in his hand: "Then guess, why didn't I run?"

How could the three of them still be in the mood to listen to him, the bird-headed explorer spread his wings, raised his claws and charged towards Kane.

Another red-skinned explorer with a long knife also took out the long knife and swung it down at Kane's position.

A turquoise blade slashed towards Kane.

And the explorer with four vertical pupils stared at Kane, with gray energy bursting out of his eyes.

Kane was held in place by the energy.

The bird-headed explorer saw that Kane did not dodge his attack, and the smile on his face became presumptuous.

"It's interesting."

As the words fell, a transparent iron fist suddenly appeared beside the bird-headed explorer, and a fist smashed towards him.

In order to avoid this sudden attack, he had to flap his wings to adjust his flight direction.

Then a transparent steel wall blocked the flying blade light, blocking the attack.

Several transparent spears condensed in the air and flew towards the four-eyed explorer who was staring at Kane.

He also noticed the transparent spear flying towards him, and had to roll to the side to avoid these attacks.

Following his actions, Kane similarly resumed action.

Then a transparent diamond-shaped spar appeared in Kane's hand, and there was black mist rolling in it.

The spar turned into a transparent spear, and Kane picked up a turn and stabbed fiercely behind him, only to see a golden light flashing past.

The hidden assassin-type explorer was pierced by the gun on his chest, and helplessly held the long gun that stabbed into his body.

The black mist in the transparent spear erupted in his body, his painful expression solidified, his head drooped weakly, and the scarlet blood slid down the transparent gunshot.

Kane drew his spear, turned and kicked hard.

The figure was like a flash of lightning, and it rushed towards the four-eyed explorer who had just rolled up.

Watching Kane attack his teammates, the other two quickly moved towards their teammates for support.

However, a few transparent spikes appeared inexplicably in front of them, and these sudden spikes stopped their movements and forced them to resist.

And the four-eyed explorer knew that he couldn't run away, and waving the steel whip in his hand, he pulled it towards Kane.

Kane wrapped a layer of transparent steel armor in his hand, grabbed the long whip directly in his hand, and pulled it back hard, pulling the opponent directly in his direction.

Feeling the power of Kane, the four-eyed explorer stared in disbelief.

A golden light flashed, and the crystal-like long spear had passed through his body.

"Although I am a hunter, I am quite confident in my melee combat."

And the red-skinned explorer with the long knife finally collapsed a little, shouting and running into the forest behind him.

However, Kane did not let go of the enemy's bad habit. A spider silk shot past, tying the explorer in the direction of Kane and quickly dragging it over.

The red-skinned explorer kept struggling. Because of the spider silk that bound his hands together, the long knife in his hand could not be swung at all, and fell to the ground while struggling.

He turned to look at Kane who was getting closer and closer to him, as if he had seen death.

Of course there is nothing wrong with that.

"Forgive me, for Misty's sake, spare my life, please, please..."

Facing the explorer crying for mercy at him, Kane showed no mercy, and the spear stabbed directly into his head.

Blue blood dripped to the ground along the tip of the gun behind his head.

Kane drew his spear: "Sorry, I don't have the bad habit of sparing the enemy's life, so rest in peace."

In the end, only the wildly screaming bird-headed explorer was left.

He was exhausted from dealing with the transparent spikes that kept hitting him, his wings had been stabbed with blood holes everywhere, scars all over his body, and feathers scattered all around him.

Kane, who was walking towards him, waved his hand, and the transparent spikes that had stabbed on the birdman dissipated, and the blood hole in his body instantly spurted blood frantically.

The bird-headed explorer knelt on the ground feebly.

He raised his head and looked at Kane in front of him, and asked in a weak and hoarse voice: "Who are you, you don't seem to be a member of the parliament, why are you stopping us."

"Me? I'm just a passing explorer."

Hearing his answer, anger could not help pouring out again, but the tip of the gun had already pierced into his head.

This kind of guy, just die with doubts.

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