The golden sun shines in the sky.

The air was cold and windy, and when I looked down, I could see from time to time the towering peaks covered with snow.

At this time, the airship was about to cross the mountain range that blocked the west and the north, and it was this mountain range that blocked the cold wind from the north.

On the platform of the airship, Kane and others were looking at the surrounding scenery. The long voyage made them need to come out from time to time to breathe.

At this time, they were already wearing thick fleece clothes, which Kane had already prepared when he learned about the location of the dungeon.

For Kane and the others, it is usually difficult to see snow outside the dungeon.

After all, the place where they were before was the southwest of the world, where the climate was warm and the environment was suitable, and it was difficult to see heavy snow falling even in winter.

Now that they have entered the northern zone, it will not be long before Kane and the others will reach their destination.

There were also a lot of snowdrifts piled up on the plywood, and Kane and the others were helplessly pulled over by Li Lulu to help her build a snowman.

"Longbei is well piled!"

Facing Li Lulu's compliments, Lombe could be said to be stunned, showing off his works to Kane and the others.

"Ah! Metzkers are better than Lombe!"

Li Lulu's eyes twinkled with starlight, and she flew to and fro next to the snowmen piled up in Metzker and shouted.

"How is he better than mine?" However, everyone ignored Longbei's question.

Obviously, just help Li Lulu to pile it up, but for some reason, everyone is competing with each other.

The snowman is also getting more and more exaggerated.

Kane cheated on his own abilities and built a decent Gundam Yeti.

"This four-handed guy is doing a good job!"

"Really? I think the dwarf's pile is okay."

"Shouldn't it be the best-looking thing this human guy has built?"


There are also many airship passengers around, watching Kane's works and giving appreciation from time to time.


After three days and two nights of sailing, the airship finally landed on the border city of the empire.

Following the flow of people, they got off the airship and saw that they were wearing thick cold-proof clothing and windproof hoods on their heads.

Get out of the airship station and come to the city.

Most of the people who came and went during the 4 weeks were some strong men with a height of nearly two meters, regardless of men and women, their bodies were extremely strong.

Due to living in the cold zone all the year round, the skin color is close to white, and the hair color is also some black and brown.

Kane they don't plan to make too many stops here.

Instead, they go directly to their destination, a castle somewhere in the Empire, Frostwolf Castle, through a teleportation station.

The teleportation station that crossed the stream of people to get here.

Although this place is located in the border area of ​​the empire, it is, after all, the main route of communication with the West.

In addition to airships, all kinds of traders who pass through the mountains, as well as the terminal of the magic-powered train are here.

Therefore, the various buildings and economies here are still relatively prosperous.

Boarded the teleportation platform, and when the sun appeared again in front of them, Kane and the others arrived at their destination.

As soon as you step off the teleportation platform and come to the street, you can clearly feel that the number of explorers around has increased a lot, and the explorers in this place are all silver-level.

This city is not big, and the most conspicuous building is the stone castle in the center of the city.

From the outside, you can see that the entire castle was once built for war, and the surrounding walls and various war instruments are still placed on it.

The whole castle gives the impression that it has experienced the devastation of time and war, and still stands there stably.

But now Kane and the others have to find a hotel to have a good rest.

A few days of airship sailing is not at all uncomfortable, and their freedom is severely limited by the small space and limited range of movement.

Walking on the street, various buildings on the side of the road have totem signs or statues related to wolves.

Not long after walking, Kane and the others saw a place. From the outside, there was a very good hotel [Frost Wolf's Nest].

The roof of the entire building is a huge stone wolf head, which looks like a roaring into the sky.

Pushing the door open and entering the lobby is a decoration of a tavern, which should be a mixed operation model of a tavern and a hotel.

At this time, only a few people in the tavern were sitting and drinking silently.

Kane and the others walked towards the bar of the tavern.

"New guest, do you want to eat and drink or stay?"

A werewolf with white hair at the bar was questioning Kane and the others, with a rag in his hand to wipe the wine glass in his hand.

Kane looked around and asked, "Is there a room here for me and our teammates?"

Listening to Kane's question, the werewolf tilted his head slightly and looked at the people behind Kane.

"Is it such a rare combination? It's really rare, but don't worry, our hotel is very considerate, and of course there are rooms suitable for your teammates."

"Really, then please give us a room alone."

"Of course, please wait."

After waiting for the werewolf to open the room, Kane and the others took the keys and went to the back to find their respective rooms.

Since there are large bodies in the team, and the rooms of large bodies are basically on the first floor, there are almost no exceptions.

Kane opened the door of his room and looked inside. The decoration and various furniture in the room were very different from the previous places.

The bedding is almost all kinds of thick blankets, the floor is also covered with a thick layer of carpet, there is a stove next to it, the chimney extends out of the window, and the fire in the stove is still burning to warm the whole room.

The colors of the household items in the room are extremely gorgeous.

Marshmallow released its possessed form and floated out of Kane's body.

Then Kane took out some purchased magic materials from the space equipment and handed them to Yoyo under his feet.

When the airship was about to land, he told himself that the power in its body was about to be exhausted.

Finally started to wash in the room and take a bath. It is impossible to take a bath on the airship these days.

After finishing these things, Kane came out and knocked on the door of his teammates.

What's the first thing you do when you come to a new place? Of course it's a good taste of the local cuisine of this place.

Food conveys the races living in this area, their preferences, their living habits, and their appeal to nature.

After taking over the menu at the tavern, Kane looked like most of them were all kinds of barbecued and stewed meats. It was hard to see dishes with vegetables. Even if they were expensive, they were much more expensive than others.

After all, in such an area, green vegetables are relatively precious foods.

Order all the unique food in the place, especially their special food, Whole Beef BBQ.

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