on desolate land.

Kane and others are walking forward with the little girl rice grains.

"Mi Ni, what happened to your previous village?"

Claire asked the rice grain in her arms.

It seems that due to the ceremony of Li Lulu just now, this little girl is now. Regarding the fact that his parents and friends are gone, although he is sad, he doesn't fall into the crying scene like before.

"In the morning Mi Li was playing with friends in the yard, but my mother asked my uncle and aunt to run over in a panic. My mother carried me into the room and hid me on the floor so that I didn't hear any sound and didn't answer, she said. She came to me in a while. But Mi Li heard all the screams outside, and suddenly fell asleep."

Hearing Mi Li's answer, Kane couldn't help frowning.

Basically didn't get any useful information.

Thinking of this, Kane suddenly asked Yoyo at his feet, "Yoyo, can you tell where we are on the map now?"

Before entering the dungeon, Kane handed over the map of the dungeon to Yoyo and let it scan into his information database.

Kane asked Yoyo once when he was in the village, but due to insufficient geographic information scanning at the time, he couldn't tell where they were on the map.

So Kane and the others followed the traces left by the monsters that attacked the village and rushed in an unknown direction.

After hearing Kane's words, Yunyou performed a simple scan around the place again, and then threw the map of the dungeon in mid-air.

A flashing red dot was marked on it, marking Kane's approximate location.

Looking at the location on the map, Kane kept analyzing it based on the intelligence in his mind.

The map of the entire dungeon is similar to a semicircle. The volcano where the demon warlord was sealed is located in the north of the center of the map. A military fortress is built around the volcano.

And the north is a large mountain that spans the entire map.

The other three directions of the volcanic fortress form a semicircle, and three defensive circles are arranged on the outer layer.

There are quite a few humans living in the middle of each defensive circle.

And Kane and the others are now located in the outermost defensive circle, so it can be seen that the village is also in the middle of the first and second defensive circles.

This shows that the first layer of defense circle has basically been destroyed by the devil and the monsters led by it.

So the time period in which Kane and the others are now can basically be determined after 150 years, either the second or the third defensive battle.

As expected, the dungeon smelled again.

After telling their teammates their guesses, everyone was mentally prepared for the next battle.

Then let Yoyo lead the way, heading towards the volcanic fortress in the center.

Kane, on the other hand, took a cotton candy and flew high into the sky to detect the surrounding situation with eagle eyes.

And the group of monsters that attacked the village left the traces in the same direction as Kane and the others were going.

Kane stood on the marshmallow and looked into the distance. He could see the corpses of many monsters along the way, and most of them were human stumps that were destroyed.

From some intact parts, it can be seen that most of these are unarmed civilians, and only a few are armed.

After all, these demon-led monsters have no so-called moral consciousness.

It didn't take long for Kane to see a group of figures fighting each other in the distance.

Observe carefully

Those figures were led by a knight in military armor and led a small number of soldiers, and some strong men were holding tattered weapons against the monsters in front.

Behind these people are some thinly dressed women and children.

Even though there were not many monsters they resisted, only a few 10 or so, these humans were still beaten and retreated.

Opening his eagle eyes, he saw that, except for the leading knight and the two guards beside him, who had magic powers, the rest were ordinary people.

And the magic reaction of those monsters has reached the standard of medium and upper copper color.

"1 kilometer ahead, there are 10 monsters, the magic response is not strong, and other humans are resisting."

Kane lowered his head and communicated to everyone below through the ruby ​​clip on his collar.

After the teammates received the news, Claire took the lead and turned into a white ghost, rushing forward.

And Kane rode the marshmallow above and quickly followed.

Longbei, Lilulu and the others followed later with rice grains.

The knight in heavy armor was shouting at the soldier he swung down: "Hold up the shield in your hand, poke hard with your spear, and back up slowly, don't be in a hurry, behind you are your family members, who swear to what you want. protected people."

Then he swung the long sword in his hand, and a halo extended from under his feet. The soldiers who were being shrouded in fear seemed to have the courage to resist the flesh-and-blood monsters in front of them.

But no matter how strong they are and how much courage they possess, they are just ordinary people.

These skinless, as if only flesh and blood monsters, are extremely powerful, and an instant attack can cause serious casualties to them.

Even the knight above couldn't help but feel hopeless.

He has fought these monsters for a long time. These are just cannon fodder, but after all, he is only one person. He was separated by the team and led some soldiers to rescue these civilians who were suddenly breached and had no time to move.

Unexpectedly, because there are too many civilians to be rescued, and he is really not a qualified commander, he is indecisive, missed the best chance to retreat, and was stopped by the remaining monsters.

The head of a monster in front that was about to bite the fallen soldier suddenly exploded, and blood splattered on the soldier's face.

Then a pale white figure suddenly rushed over, and the blade with holy light in his hand cut off the two flesh-and-blood monsters in front of him.

The other flesh-and-blood monsters that were about to attack were attacked by invisible attacks, pierced through their heads and fell to the ground.

In an instant, these monsters that caused great pressure to the soldiers were wiped out.

Those human soldiers and the civilians behind them were shocked and had no time to react.

He had been prepared to lose his life, but was suddenly rescued.

The white figure revealed its prototype and returned to its normal posture.

He is dressed in golden armor, wears a crown, and holds a golden sword in his hand.

Coupled with the size of a half-man, half-horse, some civilians knelt directly on the ground and shouted something.

At this time, another cloud floated down in the sky, and Kane's figure showed his true face on the cloud.

The way the two of them appeared brought a great shock to the group of soldiers.

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