When Kane slid over on his skateboard, Lombe ran over immediately.

"Good brother, your stuff looks good."

Lombe looked at the skateboard under Kane's feet and said with some interest.

Hearing his words, Kane didn't know what he wanted to do: "Make one for you, only within 10 meters of me, or it will disappear."

As soon as he finished speaking, a custom-made skateboard appeared in front of Lombe.

"How does this thing work?"

"Just step on it with one foot and push hard with the other foot."

"Simple" Longbei nodded, stepped on it directly, and finally fell to the ground with the smooth wheels: "This thing is still a little difficult to operate."

Although it was not easy to operate, he fell down the first time, but Lombe seemed to be really interested in this thing and began to keep experimenting.

After looking at them both, Kane ignored him and came to Claire's side.

"How is the situation now?"

As for Kane's question, Claire tilted her head to indicate the place where the crowd gathered: "Mezik is treating those knights, and it shouldn't take long to finish. By the way, these are the demons we just destroyed. The loot that exploded, you put it away first."

Hand a bunch of magic items to Kane.

Kane didn't take a closer look, and put them into the space equipment.

It didn't take long for these injured people to be stabilized with the joint efforts of Mezick and the Holy Maiden.

The saint took off the white gold-rimmed hood on her head and walked over with a huge golden scepter in her hand.

Delicate facial features, long smooth golden hair, and a golden headband on his forehead, inlaid with countless emeralds and complex patterns.

She came to Kane and bowed in front of them.

"Thank you for the support of the warriors, otherwise I and these innocent lives will go to my god."

"Needless to say, these are what we should do. Now we are rescuing the living forces in this area. May I ask which areas on the map do you and these civilians come from? We can avoid these places and rescue more people."

Listening to Kane's words, Yunyou also cooperated and projected a map into the air.

Although this saintess was surprised to see their behavior, she was still able to distinguish the seriousness, and immediately pointed to the virtual machine picture in front of her and said.

"Almost all the towns on the road to this town, the remaining lives were rescued by us. I hope this news can help you."

After Yoyo wrote down the news, he began to re-plan the route.

And Kane also said to the saint: "We still have more places to go to rescue, so I'm sorry, and you pay attention to safety when you go back."

"May my god bless you."

After saying goodbye to the Holy Maiden, Kane got on his horse, and his teammates also returned to their respective mounts and began to follow Yoyo's guidance.

The Holy Maiden just stood there, quietly watching Kane and the others disappear from her field of vision.

A knight next to her looked at her and couldn't help but reminded: "Sir, it's time for us to set off. There is still a long way to go before the second line of defense."

"Well, let's go."

Then the saint started to organize her soldiers and knights, surrounded the civilians in the middle, and slowly advanced in the direction of this second line of defense.

Time began to flow slowly in the dungeon. After all, this dungeon is no longer a copper-colored regional dungeon. Time and various changes in day and night and weather will be clearly reflected here.

Starting from the silver dungeon, each dungeon will be close to the original properties of its world unless it has its own particularity. This means that the changes in various weather environments are fluid and are no longer static.

All kinds of monsters are no longer like the copper-colored dungeon, like machinery, closer to the original personality of the monster, more intelligent and flexible.

The sun in the sky of the dungeon began to gradually disappear, followed by a half-red crescent moon, and night fell.

And Kane and the others also kept supporting the teams they could meet along the way, and annihilated all the monsters and demons they could see along the way.

On the wasteland, taking advantage of the night, Kane and the others slowed down their progress and began to simply eat the dry food carried in the space equipment on horseback.

As for camping and resting in place, there is no need. They have already sublimated into silver, even if they operate sleeplessly for several days and nights, it will not have much impact on their combat effectiveness.

Even if Kane and the warhorses under Metzker's feet have been marching for such a period of time, it doesn't seem to have caused them any loss, but thinking about it is right, after all, this is a world with extraordinary power, even horses, compared to The past life is also much stronger.

Kane controlled the warhorse under him and came to Claire's side.

"Do you feel it?"


Perhaps it was Kane's arrogant behavior along the way, which was too conspicuous. They could feel something maliciously staring at them ever since they entered the night.

But these malicious creatures did not act, but followed closely behind them.

After confirming that Claire felt the same way, Kane communicated to the ruby ​​clip on his collar.

"Metzker conducts ultra-long-distance reconnaissance behind us, pay attention to concealment."

After Metzk heard Kane's message, he immediately began to use his original skill and Hawkeye's combination.

The release distance of the Magic Eye and Magic Hand depends on the range that Metzker can accurately perceive or see clearly.

The magic eye on Marshmallow was transformed into an eagle eye, and the eagle eye could see the farthest distance, and another magic eye appeared again.

When this magic eye also becomes an eagle eye, the detection distance is greatly improved.

Sure enough, I saw a clear magical reaction not far away.

Two silver magic responses more than three meters high were clearly imprinted in Mezick's eyes.

Metzker communicated the information he saw, the direction and distance, to his teammates through the ruby ​​lapel pin.

In this way, everyone communicated through the ruby ​​lavalier.

The two monsters that followed must be eliminated. After all, there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

"Lilulu, you and Lombe take a marshmallow to the sky, and then slowly approach the location of the two monsters, control and destroy one of them. And Claire and I rushed over at the fastest speed, dragging live and destroy the other."

It's a very simple and direct method, and there is no technical content at all.

But that might work.

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