An unremarkable little hill in the wasteland.

It looks like an ordinary hill, but it has a lot of things inside it.

A huge hole was dug out of the entire small hill, and Kane and his party were resting inside.

However, it is not a stone wall inside, but a double-storey wooden house built close to the hollow.

And the enhancement of Kane's source skills has also been installed [Child of the Forest], so that the consumption of maintaining the wooden house is almost negligible.

In addition, the range of the void is always to keep the log house within 10 meters of the radius of Kane, so the log house can be maintained in good condition.

The crowd built the fire next to the wooden house, and Claire began to sort out the ingredients she needed.

Sitting next to the fire, Lombe looked at the wooden house in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh: "Good brother's skills are getting more and more outrageous, and of course they are getting better and better."

For Lombe's sigh, everyone except Kane nodded in unison, affirming his words.

Although they all know that after Kane's skills are sublimated, the range has been greatly improved, but they are still very clear about the consumption of constructing things to maintain their existence.

It would surprise them to some extent that Kane was now able to maintain the existence of the hut without caring about its consumption.

Of course, this also makes them convenient in every way.

Among them, Claire is the happiest. She has been exploring outside all year round. What troubles her the most is the various breaks caused by her body. The room that is suitable for her use may not be able to be encountered every time, and there are many in the wild. inconvenient.

And now Kane and Li Lulu helped her solve this trouble perfectly.

Now that the rest has begun, the spoils of war obtained during this period need to be properly identified one by one.

From the space equipment, Kane piled all the unidentified magic items obtained during this period in the middle of the crowd.

Counting carefully, there are 23 in total.

Let's start with the most precious and conspicuous equipment inside.

The first is an extremely conspicuous giant tooth sword. The source of this sword is the power warrior.

【Abyss tearing】

【Giant Sword】

【Color: Silver】


[Hit Bleeding - Moderate]

[Medium strength suppression]

[Minor Destruction-Elements]

[Skill: Lava Enchantment] (Spend mana to make a layer of lava attached to the blade, causing its attack to cause serious burning damage)

[Introduction: The middle-level demons in the abyss, the powerful demons who fought from the thousands of low-level demons, and the weapons that were tailor-made for themselves. There are countless demons who died under their swords. 】

No matter its length or weight, this piece of equipment is very suitable for Claire, and it just so happens that she doesn't have any more powerful heavy blades, and now this piece of equipment may become a frequent visitor in her hands.

Finally, he picked up a black cloak, which was exploding from the previous two nocturnal demons.

【Skin of Night Demon】


【Color: Silver】


[Moderately enhances action agility]

【Silent Action】

[Skill: Escape into the Shadow] (Once a day, when using the skill, the user will enter the shadow, and the next attack that jumps out of the shadow will add a certain amount of shadow damage.)

[Introduction: From the name of the equipment, you can see what this equipment is made of. Demons are like a nightmare to ordinary people, but they are just a material for the strong. 】

This piece of equipment was finally handed over to Kane for use after everyone's discussion.

Since there is no such thing as a thief in the team, I can only give him this panacea to use.

It stands to reason that this kind of equipment with a certain life-saving nature will generally be handed over to Mezick, but he already has equipment of the same nature, and one more piece of equipment will not bring him any more security.

Then I picked up a magic equipment like a crystal ball. As for the source of this equipment, I have forgotten who exploded it.

【Moon of Power】

【Crystal Ball】

【Color: Silver】


[Moderately increase the speed of interpretation]

[Medium increase magic power]

[Skill: Meditation] (When the caster is equipped, it can help him better understand and learn magic.)

[Introduction: The people of the Dark Moon used to refer to their worship object, the moon, to make magical equipment. The material is a piece of debris that fell from the moon in the sky. 】

There is no doubt about this piece of equipment, and it was handed over to Li Lulu by Kane. After all, she is the only spell caster in the team.

Lilulu was very satisfied with the appearance of this equipment, and then directly reduced it and embedded it into her magic wand.

It's a crude and direct way to use it.

There are also three other pieces of magic equipment, all of which are copper-colored equipment. I didn't expect that there would still be low-level equipment in the silver dungeon.

But it's right to think about it this way. After all, the monsters in the silver dungeon are not all silver, and there are also a large number of monsters with strength in the copper color.

As for the rest, there is a medium silver magic material and more than ten traces of silver magic material.

Coupled with the silver medium magic material that Kane once obtained, it may be just enough to charge a silver magic stone.

Thinking of this, Kane couldn't wait. He rummaged through his space equipment and found the magic material obtained in the earliest dungeon.

Mix it with the pile of silver magic materials on the ground, and then summon the [Book of Adventure].

Take out a blank magic stone from the extraction circle and insert it on the material pile.

The silver magic power in the pile of silver magic materials on the ground began to slowly pour out like a ribbon, and got into the blank magic stone.

As the silver magic power poured into the magic stone, it gradually began to be filled with silver.

When all the materials were consumed, the magic stone was also filled up and turned into a rhombus-like object made of silver metal.

And Lombé and the others seemed to have seen this magic stone. Compared with Kane's previous differences, they all cast curious glances.

Kane looked at the magic stone in his hand, and his heart began to beat and jump, and he couldn't help feeling a little excited.

He regained the feeling that he had drawn skills for the first time.

But don't rush.

Put [Lucky Blessing] into the skill grid and choose to use it. A four-leaf clover phantom appears in front of Kane, and then disappears.

I don't know if it's his illusion, but Kane seems to really feel lucky.

Turning the book page to the page where the magic circle was extracted, the palm of the hand slowly pressed on it, and the other hand held the magic stone tightly.

【Extraction skill】

[Whether to consume the silver magic stone extraction skill]



[Girls are praying...]

【Skill extraction in progress...】

The magic circle on the book began to rotate, and bursts of shimmering light began to radiate, and the silver magic stone in his hand disappeared, followed by a metal silver piece with a luminous pattern.

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