After Kane and his party left the fort.

He ran towards the front-line camp a few kilometers ahead. On the way, you could see a lot of soldiers and carts carrying supplies coming and going.

Many soldiers who walked to the fort from the front line had scars on their bodies, some were even carried by their comrades, and were carried by several people on stretchers.

Not long after riding the war horse, Kane and the others saw a vast military camp in front of them.

Even Kane and the others could hear the noisy voices in the barracks.

When Kane and the others rode their horses and came to the entrance at the rear of the barracks, several soldiers greeted them.

A soldier dressed as a captain stood in front of Kane and saluted Kane: "Commander Kane."

Kane nodded, and then said: "Our team will join the frontline battle during this time. Please arrange a place for us, and tell us about the situation here by the way."

Hearing that Kane and his team will participate in the frontline battle, not only the team leader, but also the surrounding soldiers will be happy when they hear the news.

They all know how powerful Kane's team is.

Even if there are people who haven't seen Kane and their battles, they have heard from people who have seen them.

How did Kane and the others beat those demons, those monsters that were like nightmares to them, were just mice to Kane and the others.

"Okay, no problem, please come with me."

After finishing speaking, the captain took Kane and the others into the military camp.

There are tents all over the barracks, and these tents are spaced at a certain distance to prevent the speed of the flames from spreading when attacked by the flames.

You can also see a large field in the middle of the barracks, where many soldiers are training with weapons.

There are still many resting soldiers chatting in the barracks. Judging from the outfits of these soldiers, it seems that they do not belong to one legion, but belong to several different legions.

There are as many as four different legion flags in the military camp, and there is also a Holy See flag with a green pattern on a white background.

When I passed a tent, I could see that it was a white tent with a gorgeous green border tattooed on it. From the breath I felt, it could be seen that this should be the temporary church of this camp.

Many soldiers can be seen walking in and praying around. The psychological problems of soldiers on the battlefield are also a very important aspect, and soldiers with faith are much better.

In war, it is also very easy to preach for soldiers, and it can also allow them to witness the glory of God.

Looking at the nuns and priests coming and going around, Kane retracted his gaze.

The team leader who led the way was still introducing the situation here to Kane and the others.

"This camp is the largest military camp in the entire line of defense. It guards the main attack route of the demons. Because the demons are very aggressive and reckless, they are also very accustomed to piling up their troops here."

"Isn't that afraid that they will break the defense line from other places."

"We have soldiers at every important point, and patrols along the entire line of defense. No matter which direction the demons attack with all their strength, we can receive news."

Then he pointed to the figures in black suits in the camp and said, "These scouts will deliver all kinds of news for us. They are very professional and will hardly let the demons attack silently. not be found by us."

Then he stopped.

In front of him was an open space and several empty tents.

"Generally, the mercenaries who come to participate in the holy war are placed here by us. After all, they are not soldiers in the legion and have their own fighting methods.

Since we don't have the strength to take the initiative to attack recently, we can only defend passively, so Commander Kane, you can also move freely. After all, we can't give you any cooperation now. "

After bringing Kane to the destination, he said some precautions, and the captain left. After all, this is the front-line military camp, and everyone has their own responsibilities.

However, before the captain could take two steps, he heard the deafening drumbeat coming from outside.

"The devil is attacking again, Commander Kane, do you need to go together?"

Of course, Kane and the others will not refuse this kind of thing. After all, he came to kill demons. Now he just encountered the demon attack, and just saw how the frontline war works.

"Of course, lead the way."

Then everyone trotted all the way into the barracks, and there were many soldiers on the way outside wearing armor and holding weapons and rushing out.

Afterwards, Kane and the others rushed out of the barracks together and quickly found their own team to organize.

The location of this barracks is on a higher hillside, and the demons usually attack from the bottom of the hillside.

When Kane and the others saw it, there were already quite a few soldiers shooting arrows down, and many bed crossbows were shooting down huge arrows.

The number of demons attacking below is actually not many, only more than 10 to the naked eye, and all of them have just reached the silver level.

Most of these attacking demons are force demons or heavy hammer demons.

The main part of the attack is the countless skinned monsters, as well as various hounds and beasts that have no skin to reveal their bright red flesh.

These monsters and beasts have extremely strong defenses, and there are several arrows that penetrate their bodies, but they still do not affect their actions.

The soldiers fired waves of arrows, and when they were about to charge these monsters, two rows of soldiers with tower shields appeared behind them. They hid themselves behind the shields and closed each other, and moved forward slowly.

They were followed by two rows of soldiers with spears, who mounted the spears on the tower shield and stabbed at the houndskin skin monsters that rushed up.

Only at this time can Kane and the others see the mages in the dungeon here. These mages are wearing light armor, holding their staffs and pouring their magic down, and all kinds of ice arrows and fireballs are smashed down.

Some of the bitten soldiers were quickly dragged out by teammates, and then sent to the rear, waiting for the priest to be treated.

With the sacrifice of the cannon fodder ahead, the dozen or so demons finally rushed up.

There were bloodthirsty red awns in their eyes and deafening roars from their mouths, and it was time for them to vent their bloodthirsty desires.

At this time, the church paladins in fine armor were able to stand up and be responsible for blocking these extremely powerful demons.

The surrounding crossbows and soldiers helped to assist.

However, it seems extremely difficult to see their performance.

Looking at this situation, Kane and the others rushed towards the demon in front of them at a distance from each other.

After all, there are many cannon fodder monsters assisting these demons.

Therefore, Kane and the others maintain a certain distance from each other when they attack, so that they can better support.

Metzker, on the other hand, took a cotton candy and flew to the sky where Kane and the others were fighting, providing them with healing and buffs at any time.

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