The empty tents in this open space were not used by Kane because the range inside was extremely limited and uncomfortable.

Place the skill [Child of the Forest] on the reinforcement grid of the original skill, and directly build a two-story log cabin on the spot.

And the soldiers patrolling around, their eyes almost fell when they saw this scene.

More firm in their hearts, Kane they are the definition of God-given warriors.

In just one week, Kane and the others gained the respect of all the soldiers in the 2nd line of defense.

They believe that as long as they fight with Kane they will not fail, as long as they fight with Kane they will receive blessings, as long as they fight with Kane they will win.

Kane and others, who didn't know how fanatical these soldiers were towards them, were resting comfortably on the wooden bed in the wooden house.

Although the battle just now was not fierce, it was still consumed due to the large number of enemies. Kane and the others had a certain amount of physical strength and magic power.

When everyone was chatting in the living room, Lombe had already obtained all the layout diagrams of the defense line from the command tent outside.

There is also some information on the demons on the map, including their specific gathering places and where they like to attack at what time.

Generally speaking, this kind of work needs to be understood by Captain Kane, but now that the cabin is made, it cannot be left within 10 meters of this building.

After holding the map, Kane greeted everyone to the big round table in the middle, let Yoyo come to the table, projected the map he just scanned in midair and zoomed in.

"Tell me where we'll go to clean up the demons later, it's just noon."

Kane looked at the map and asked his teammates.

This map projected in mid-air, each point has been carefully marked, what does it mean.

Of course, this is not what was originally on the map, but added by Yoyo himself.

Claire and Lombe are also carefully staring at the route on the map, thinking about which places are suitable for them to quickly clear the demons.

Li Lulu usually doesn't participate in such activities. She is playing in the living room now, with the toy that Kane just made for her.

To be honest, because of Lilulu's existence, Kane feels that his skills in making all kinds of interesting toys are getting better and better.

Correspondingly, even the use skills of the original skills have been improved.

After all, if Lilulu didn't make these toys to distract her, she would now fly around Kane and the others, letting Kane and the others play with her.

Lombe pointed to a point on the map and said, "Why don't we go to this point at night. It is marked that this point is outside here. The most frequent demon attacks come here almost every night."

"Then this demon's camp, we can also drop by in the afternoon and take it away."

Claire said while looking at a camp marked outside the defense line on the map.

Listening to their opinions, Kane carefully looked at the situation on the map, and finally had an idea in his heart.

After telling Yoyo about the decision that he and others had negotiated and where he needed to go, and after letting him plan the route, everyone ate a meal hastily.

Before long, they led the horses out of the camp.

After riding the war horse and forming a formation, Yoyo began to lead the way for everyone in front.

In their current direction, they headed straight for the periphery of the line of defense. Their first primary goal was to quickly go to a camp they had just explored not long ago, to take out the monsters in the entire camp.

Not far from the defense line, I saw a lot of skinned monsters scattered in the wasteland, and some beasts without skin.

These monsters have no purpose, wandering around the wasteland at will.

Some even bite each other.

Afterwards, they would all be attracted by Kane and his party, and scrambled around to send warmth.

For such generous behavior, Kane and the others certainly wouldn't mind, taking the heads of these monsters one by one to get some spoils that would explode from time to time.

In this way, after riding a war horse for about half an hour, they saw their target ahead.

A shabby and dilapidated camp.

Even if they were about 1 kilometer away from the camp, they could still smell the blood and some rancid smells coming from afar.

The closer the taste is, the more serious it is, and it has even affected their judgment.

These rich, bloody, rancid smells are disgusting.

"This smell is too unpleasant, Li Lulu can't stand it anymore!"

Li Lulu was suspended in mid-air, covering her nose and rolling around, her face flushed red.

Not only her, but even Kane and the others felt a little uncomfortable, and they didn't dare to take a deep breath.

There was no other way, magic power poured out of Kane's hands, and 5 gas masks tailored for everyone's face were made by Kane.

Spend mana again to make the mask permanent.

The silver magic power to create such an object will not reduce Kane's magic power much.

Claire took Kane's mask and held it in her hands, looking left and right: "What's the use of this thing?"

"It can filter poisonous gas" Kane first slowly put the mask on his head and showed everyone how to wear it: "At the same time, it can also prevent us from smelling these stench."

Listening to Kane's explanation, coupled with Kane's actions, everyone quickly put on their masks, and they couldn't smell the odor outside.

"How is it, does Li Lulu look good?" Li Lulu asked while wearing this gas mask, flapping her wings and flying around in front of everyone.

Hehe, can you see it for yourself?

Looking at everyone's expressions, Li Lulu also instantly understood, it didn't look good.

For the little fairy, how can it not be good-looking?

Then he took out his magic wand and nodded at the mask on his head.

In a burst of splendor, the mask turned into a pink cat headgear with a filter.

"Hehe, it looks good now!"

Now it is increasingly incomprehensible, the upper limit of Lilulu's magic.

With the gas mask, everyone can finally breathe well, and no longer be affected by the strong smell of the dilapidated demon camp in the distance.

Kane and the others hid for a while on the back of the hillside, and let Metzker control the magic eye to check it out first.

The entire demon camp was dilapidated, with various stumps and broken arms, and carrion hanging everywhere.

The source of the stench was a huge black earthen pot in the camp, with several obvious gaps at the edge of the pot.

The green liquid in the pot was bubbling and bubbling, and some stumps could be seen from time to time.

There are about 20 lower-rank demons in the entire camp, and none of the middle-rank demons have been seen.

The rest are all kinds of monster cannon fodder.

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