In the night, a circular robot was sliding on the stone pavement of the gray fortress on a roller.

The peculiar appearance frequently attracts the attention of the surrounding patrolling soldiers.

A soldier finally couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to pick up his long spear and fiddle with the little guy when he passed by.

Fortunately, the companion next to him stopped him quickly.

"Do you know whose thing this is? Dare to touch it."

Listening to his companion's words, the soldier tapped the helmet on his head and asked in confusion, "Whose is it?"

"I've seen him in the team of the Warriors of God before. There must be an urgent matter to see how others look. You dare to disturb him at will, don't want your life, and take care of your own hands."

Hearing the words of his companion, the soldier nodded frequently with a look of fear on his face.

But in addition to this recruit, many people have seen this robot in the team of the Warriors of God, so they did not go up to stop it.

Just watching from a distance, to see the strange.

At this time, Yoyo's destination was the headquarters in the fortress.

Not long ago, Claire received a message from Kane, asking Yoyo to go to the headquarters.

So there is this scene.

Yoyo stepped on the pulley all the way unobstructed, and it didn't take long to come to the front of the headquarters.

Grumble, slipped to Kane's feet.

"Master, master, Yoyo is here."

After seeing Yoyo coming, Kane directly picked it up from his feet.

Said to the sand table in front of him.

"From here to here, you have planned a route for these four fortresses to retreat while fighting, so that we can gather in this area at about the same time."

After hearing Kane's words, Yoyo's camera shot a blue scanning ray from one eye.

The blue spectrum scans back and forth across the entire sand table, and it doesn't take long for the light to disappear.

After Yoyo paused in Kane's arms for a while, he re-projected a projection the same size as the sand table from his one eye.

The projection slowly overlapped with the sand table.

4 winding routes extending from the fort appeared on the sand table and finally intersected.

"Okay, this is the route that Yoyo has planned, and it is the optimal solution that Yoyo can calculate now."

After listening to Yoyo's words, Kane patted Yoyo's head and praised, "Yoyo is awesome, I'm really helpful this time."

After hearing Kane's praise, the wires on Yoyo's head twisted and turned: "Hee hee"

The virtual lines on the sand table were drawn by the commander next to them and printed on the sand table.

Put down Yoyo.

Then he turned his head to the surrounding commanders and Thackerem and said, "Let's see if this route is suitable? Ask any questions as soon as possible."

As early as after Yoyo planned the retreat route, the surrounding commanders were carefully studying it.

While watching and thinking, the mouth kept making a tsk tsk.

"Commander Kane's team is really amazing! There are all kinds of talents, it's like an almighty, it's really enviable." A commander next to him couldn't help but sigh.

The others around him, including Zackrem, nodded, expressing deep agreement with the commander's words.

That's really how they've always felt about Kane's squad.

This team seems to have no shortcomings, everything can be done, everything can be done.

Finally, after a brief discussion, these people determined the feasibility of these routes.

After seeing everyone's decision, Kane said: "Then tomorrow morning, I will disperse into your fort with my teammates. When we retreat, we will communicate with each other. I hope you can trust my teammates."

A bald-headed commander next to him quickly waved his hand and said, "Of course, it's too late for us to welcome you. Commander Kane, you may not know how high a position you hold in our soldiers' hearts. The things you said are definitely not the case. It will happen, don't worry."

After hearing the words of these commanders, Kane nodded.

"Then I'll leave first, and I need to go back and prepare with my teammates."

"Okay, Commander Kane, walk slowly."

Then Kane said goodbye first, and took Yoyo back to his stone house.

After Cairne left, the commanders of the other three fortresses kept their eyes on Thakkrem.

"Zackrem, you know that our fortress has the smallest number of troops. If you don't give us any support, then we will be a little sad."

The other commander next to him was not happy when he heard this.

"You are the least? Your elite soldiers can be tough on the devil. You are the least. If you want to be shameless, you can also give me support."

"You two, stop arguing, no matter how miserable I am..."

In this way, Zackrem helplessly watched the three fortress commanders in front of him arguing with each other.

When Kane returned to the house, Claire had already prepared the meal and filled the entire dining table.

After seeing Kane, Claire said: "Come and eat, I'll wait for you, what are you doing? It took so long, even Yoyo called over."

Kane came to the table and sat down, took a piece of steak, put it on his plate, and took a bite.

Watching his teammates eat at the table.

He directly told the communication with those commanders in the headquarters just now, and by the way, he also told everyone that the demons would attack tomorrow night.

"And then?" Claire put a piece of steak in her mouth and chewed: "They shouldn't be able to keep it."

"They can't be trying to take the lives of soldiers to hard top, Zackrem seems not to be such a stupid person." Lombe was also talking next to him.

"Of course not, the method has been decided in our exchange just now."

Then Kane will retreat and fight, try to delay time and save more troops.

They were then dispersed into each retreating team, and the decision to act as a liaison was also told to them.

After hearing this, Lombe nodded: "This method is not bad, but why does it sound like it was tailor-made for us?"

"Because I heard it, I know that it was Kane who came up with it. It was completely based on the feature that we can communicate with each other."

Hearing Claire's words, Kane gave her a thumbs up.

After a simple exchange, after eating, Kane began to assign the team to which they were going.

"Clea, you take Yoyo to the westernmost limestone fortress. Most of their area and retreat route are plains suitable for you."

"Lombet, you take the cotton candy to the easternmost woodland fortress. There are more long-range soldiers in their team."

"And I'm at the most central Blackstone Fortress."

"Metzker and Lilulu will go to the remaining stone and wood fortress."

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