A huge white beam of light was so straight that it penetrated a giant beast.

This attack was just sent by Sainte Finalis, and she was a little out of breath when she used this attack.

However, there were still three giant beasts unstopped and continued to charge in the direction of the fort.

In front of Kane was a huge muzzle launcher, which he had specially prepared for those demons.

It seems that it can only be used to destroy these giant beasts now.

With Kane's control, the pitch-black muzzle aimed at one of the behemoths.

call out!

A slender and sharp cannonball flew out.


The giant beast fell to the ground, and a huge blood hole was blasted directly in its waist.

Then the muzzle was turned and two shots were fired.

The other two summoned siege beasts were also blown to the ground.

The monster that had just been summoned was destroyed in an instant.

Even if you can't see the expressions of the demons, you can feel their anger.

Following the orders of the enemy leader, the demons finally began to act.

They attacked in the direction of the fortress like wild beasts, and all kinds of roars were passed into their ears.

This situation made Kane feel a little pity.

He had thought the demons would huddle together until it was within its range.

However, that long distance has spread out.

As the magic power poured out, the thick and long barrel in front of it began to shrink and was rebuilt, and then a launcher with a smaller caliber but a slender barrel was constructed.

Kane directly half-kneeled above and raised the launcher, his eyes changed from golden dragon pupils to eagle eyes.

Shot after shot.

The sound of bullets breaking through the air repeatedly sounded in front of him.

A winged demon that was flying towards the fortress suddenly fell in the air, and the thing he was holding on his neck had disappeared.

The demons that were rushing towards the fortress fell one by one with the faint sound of gunfire.

These fallen demons turned to ashes without exception, and on the way down, you could see how their heads were instantly shattered.

Kane, who was frantically sniping the demon, suddenly disappeared in place with a flash.

At this moment, I saw a bloody spear stuck in the place where Kane had just squatted, and the long spear tip had completely plunged into the wall of the black stone.

The one who issued this attack was the demon commander sitting on the floating platform in the distance.

He stood up, his eyes fixed on Kane's position.

And Kane had already appeared on the other side of the city wall by flickering. At this time, he was still in a half-kneeling posture and continued to snipe at the rushing demon.

However, no matter how strong and fast his attack is.

Still only destroyed 10 demons on the way.

Hundreds of demons have already rushed over.

Some demons with agile movements or flying abilities directly climbed over the city wall.

The squad of elite soldiers who had been waiting for a long time greeted them, and some weaker demons were directly surrounded and then hacked to death in place.

However, there are more powerful demons. The soldiers attacked by these demons are losing ground. They can only try their best to defend and contain them, and they dare not take the slightest offensive behavior.

Looking at the situation outside the wall, Kane knew that the fort would not last long.

Not only them, but also the fortress where Claire and Lombe were about to be captured.

However, before that, these demons who rushed into the road of the fortress were eliminated first to prevent them from delaying the opportunity to retreat.

Kane, holding a crystal spear, began to kill these demons.

After a few jumps, he came to the back of a demon, and the spear in his hand also turned into a huge crystal axe.

Due to the restraint of these elite squads, these demons are simply unable to defend against Kane's attack.

Once Kane gets close to them.

They cannot escape the fate of death.

Bloodthirsty and bellicose desire made them unaware of the surrounding situation, and they were still fighting with the soldiers in front of them to their heart's content.

Every time he rushed behind a demon, Kane cut off their heads directly with a crystal axe.

There are not many demons that can rush into fortresses.

It didn't take much time for Kane to destroy all these demons by him.

With the help of these elite soldiers, he didn't need to spend much effort and time at all, and he could take their lives with a few attacks.

As soon as this side was eliminated, the demon at the city gate was about to smash the city gate.

From time to time, skin monsters could be seen rushing up on the city wall, although they were immediately stabbed to death by the rest of the soldiers.

But it can still be seen that they are struggling to defend now.

Quickly came to Zackrem's side.

At this time, Zackrem's face was covered in blood, and with a long sword, he slashed at the skinning monsters that rushed up around him.

The Holy Maiden is no longer here, and seems to be rescuing the soldiers from behind.

A flayed monster was slashed by a sword, and Zackrem reached out and wiped the blood from his face.

"We're running out of defense, it's time to retreat, what about the teams in other directions."

Hearing Zackrem's question, Kane replied, "They're almost starting to retreat, too."

Listening to Kane's answer, Zackrem nodded, then raised his right hand.

"Everyone listens and prepares to retreat."

His orders were quickly passed to the ears of every soldier.

The priests who were treating the soldiers had already carried some seriously injured soldiers and walked away from the city gate at the rear.

Some less injured soldiers followed and walked out.

Soldiers with better stamina climbed the city wall to replace those above who had been fighting for a long time.

Then the replaced soldiers quickly lined up and retreated to the rear.

Finally, the padding is carried out by the soldiers on these walls.

Wait for the time to come.

Thackerem waved his arm down.


Following his order, all the soldiers on the city wall quickly retreated.

All the remaining soldiers in the fort began to run towards the back door of the fort at the fastest speed.

Kane and Shakrem are among them.

As the soldiers retreated, the flayers soon stormed the walls.

However, there was a loud noise, and all the skinning monsters who boarded the city gate were enveloped by the explosion of fire.

There are explosives that Metzker has already buried on the city walls.

The purpose is to delay more time for the retreating soldiers.

Allow these soldiers to have more time to organize a team line after exiting the fortress and retreat while fighting.

The explosion also caused the city wall to collapse, blocking the pace that these monsters wanted to quickly follow.

The retreating soldiers had already assembled behind the fort.

Begin to jog away along the planned route.

"Are you sure you're going to wait here for a while?"

Listening to Zackrem's question, Kane smiled: "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Seeing how he had made up his mind, Zackrim didn't confirm, and quickly followed the retreating team.

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