After taking the oath with Finaris, Kane immediately informed his teammates from the ruby ​​lapel.

Assemble before and after the command department.

Claire held Yoyo in her arms and stood beside Kane, staring at Finaris with her eyes narrowed.

Finaris narrowed his eyes and smiled.

And Lombe and Metzker chatted on their own.

Only Li Lulu flew around the two of them with a smile on her face.

"Kane, what's wrong with her?"

To Claire's question, Kane did not answer, but said, "Don't worry, I'll talk about it later."

Listening to Kane's words, Claire didn't say anything more.

The crowd quickly ran towards a house in the fortress like this.

It didn't take long for them to come to a 3-story hut, open the door, and file in.

This house is the temporary residence that the Volcanic Fort gave to Kane and the others. Compared with the Blackstone Fort, this house is much better.

Various structures and facilities are built according to a better living environment.

After pushing the door and entering, everyone sat down directly around the large round table in the center of the living room.

Everyone just stared at Kane, waiting for his explanation.

"cough cough"

Clearing his throat, Kane gestured to Finalis with his hand and said, "Saint, Finalis, you should all know her. Her true identity is the spirit of freedom in this dungeon."

After hearing Kane's introduction, everyone's expressions were slightly surprised.

To be honest, they didn't see it at all along the way, and they always thought that this saint was still a replica created by the dungeon.

Except for the inexplicable enthusiasm for Kane.

Now that I think about it, I should feel the thick aura of the mist on Kane's body.

"Is there something important that brought her to us?" Claire asked.

"That's what I'm going to say next."

"You should all know what the spirit of freedom represents, but."

Kane suddenly increased his voice, attracting everyone's attention.

"This dungeon is a historical silhouette, now you understand."

After Kaende's suggestion, everyone suddenly nodded.

Even Li Lulu nodded along with everyone. As for whether she understood or not, it is unknown.

Lombe's voice suddenly said with excitement: "So she has all the personal experience of the jihad from beginning to end, and more than once."

Kane nodded to Lombe's question.

Then why not pass the customs?

But Claire got right to the point of the question, this woman didn't look like a good person.

"Then what's the price?"

Regarding Claire's question, Kane directly stretched his sleeves up a little, exposing the circle of gold and green patterns on his wrists.

The moment she looked at the pattern, Claire stood up and asked nervously, "What is this? Is it a curse?"

After speaking, a long sword appeared directly in his hand.

Kane took her hand immediately.

"It's okay, it's just a form of contract."

After listening to Kane's explanation, Claire nodded, then put away the weapon again, and returned to her seat to sit down.

At this time, Kane began to talk about his promise to Finalis.

"She helped us clear the customs. After this dungeon is cleared, we need to help her real freedom when we have the ability and the opportunity, which is to get out of the dungeon."

When Kane finished speaking, everyone turned to Kane in unison, and they could still look like this.

"This condition was mentioned by Finaris himself, and it has nothing to do with me." Kane explained a little.

Finalis watched their performance throughout the entire process, knowing that his conditions seemed to be very easy to succeed, and he seemed to be at a disadvantage.

However, this situation will not make her feel uncomfortable, it will only make her feel happier, which means that it is not difficult for her to want to be free, and it is even very simple.

This was the best news she had received, and the smile on her face couldn't help but grow brighter.

Claire and the others couldn't help but glance at Finaris' expression, seeing her smile even brighter.

There was a sense of guilt that took advantage of honest people for no reason.

Seeing that his teammates acquiesced, Kane turned his head and said to Finalis.

"Then it's time to tell us the information that you think will be helpful to us."

After finishing speaking, Kane also hugged Yoyo directly on the table and recorded the conversation between them so that Yoyo could analyze it at any time.

Finalis stroked the long blond hair beside his ear, and in a soft voice, began to briefly tell everyone the original history without any trouble from explorers.

In the original history, they lost in this battle.

After finishing speaking, Finalis cleared his throat, and then said with a serious face.

"You seem to think that the reason for this defeat is because of the final decisive battle, and our side's forces are not enough, right?"

Listening to her words, everyone nodded, because they really thought so.

"No, it's not because we don't have enough troops. During the second reincarnation, I tried to preserve my living strength as hard as you can, but I still failed."

"Then have you successfully won the holy war?"

Lombe couldn't help asking with some doubts.

For Lombe's question, Finalis nodded lightly, and then continued: "Of course I succeeded, otherwise I would dare to boast and say that I will help you and you win."

She pulled out a map directly from her robe and spread it in front of Kane and the others.

Then he pointed to a place in the area from the first line of defense to the volcanic fortress.

"There is actually a place where the energy is dissipated. The source of the energy is the Demon Overseer. In the repeated battles, the Demon Overseer has already opened a small gap in the seal, which can allow his energy to disperse.

When we evacuate, this place will be occupied by the army of demons, and then a portal to the abyss will be opened. Although the energy is limited, the demons pouring out are beyond our strength. "

Hearing this, Kane asked: "Then we can directly seal or destroy this energy dissipation site, and we can succeed?"

As for Kane's question, Finalis still shook his head, and then threw the map off the table.

"In fact, none of these matters, because now this place is sealed, it may not be possible to win."


By co-authoring your words, are you kidding us?

Finalis leaned on the seat, sighed heavily and said, "Because in the first two reincarnations, I have found that the demon commander Bartos on the opposite side has also become free."

? ? ?

Then this is a fart, and the whole picture hangs directly on the opposite side.

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