early morning.

The half-red evil crescent moon in the sky has just disappeared, and the demons and skinning monsters outside the fortress who have been roaring all night have just quieted down.

The volcanic fortress, outside the tall city walls.

There are a lot of skinned monster corpses piled up, and from time to time, one or two demons can be seen lying around.

These are all idiots who, under the influence of the moon, could not control their violent desires at night, and rushed over to try to climb over the city wall and kill the humans inside.

However, in front of such a tall and majestic city wall and the countless soldiers on the city wall, it was just a self-inflicted snare.

Speaking of which, this dungeon seems to have four seasons.

This is when the cold wave comes.

However, since the entire fort was built around the volcano, the fiery fire underground kept the surroundings in a relatively mild environment.

The warm sun of the early morning spreads on the volcanic fortress, and the soldiers need to get up early for training, or to replace these soldiers who patrol all night.

Birds chirping from outside the window, and the sound of armor colliding.

Kane, who was lying on the soft cloud bed, opened his eyes.

I haven't slept so comfortably in a long time like tonight.

Although with their current strength, even if they don't sleep for a long time, it still won't have any effect.

But if you have a good night's sleep, you will be full of energy.

This is a biological instinct, a habit and desire developed since childhood, and it is always a beautiful thing to sleep and wake up naturally.

Looking at the cloud bed under him, Kane couldn't help but ponder, and the range seemed to be getting bigger again.

When Marshmallow falls asleep, it is difficult to control his body size. Even if he controls his body size before falling asleep, it will release the control and slowly return to its original shape after falling asleep.

It's not an illusion, but the marshmallow has indeed grown in size again.

Its current size can easily carry two people, and it will not appear crowded in the air.

Checked its status bar, still a teenager, it seems that it is indeed time to grow.

If this trend continues, it won't be long before cotton candy will enter the next age stage.

I got up to wash and went to the living room.

There was no one in the living room at this time.

Walking along the back door to the backyard, speaking of this small building outside the fortress, it may not be a very good building.

But in a fort designed and built for war, such cabins are among the best in terms of comfort.

As soon as he stepped into the garden and was about to stretch himself out to soak up the sun, Kane was taken aback by the person in front of him.

After seeing who fell in the garden, Kane rolled his eyes helplessly.

Lombe was leaning against the fence next to the garden at this time, holding a skateboard in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other, just closing his eyes and purring a lot.

Looking at the garden floor, there are pulley marks all over the place.

It's really hard to face your hobbies.

Hearing the movement from behind, Kane turned to look.

Claire and Lilulu were walking over from the living room.

"Kane, why did you get up so early today?"

There was a hint of ridicule in Claire's voice.

For things like sleeping in, Kane is the best in the entire team, and he is almost always the last to wake up.

It's really rare to wake up for the first time today.

Claire, who was approaching, also saw the Lombe quilt on the ground, and was taken aback.

"Why is this alcoholic sleeping here?"

Facing Claire's question, Kane could only shrug.

Li Lulu thought this was very interesting, so she flew over and circled Longbei twice, took out her magic wand and knocked on Longbei's head.

Under the magic of fairy tales, Lombe's beard was transformed into the shape of a duck.

The duck seemed to be alive, looking at his situation in surprise, then opened the duck's mouth made of woven beard, and bit Lombe on the cheek.


This mouth seems to be strong, and Lombe's eyes widened and he jumped up.

"What? What is biting me?" Lombe stretched out his hands and kept slapping what was biting on his face.

After taking a couple of shots, I found out that it was actually my precious beard: "My beard has become a duck, and I must have not woken up from my ancestors."

At this moment, Li Lulu, who was beside her, was laughing so hard that she couldn't stand upright.

With a wave of the staff in his hand, Lombe's beard changed back to its previous appearance.

Even smoother and glossier than before.

Longbei now knew that it was Li Lulu who was playing a prank on him, but he snorted twice as he touched his beard, which had become better than before, and stopped caring about it.

Kane looked at Lombe and asked, "You're not going to sleep here all night, are you?"

"Haha..." Lombe patted the dirt on the back of his butt: "I got fascinated by playing and fell asleep here."

Then you really don't pick.

Shaking his head back to the living room.

It was a rare quiet morning.


"Dong Dong Dong!"

Hearing the knock on the door, Kane handed the card in his hand to Lombe next to him and asked him to take his place and play against Claire on the opposite side.

Taking over Kane's hand, Lombe pouted.

Good guy, such a bad card, no wonder you have to open the door.

Kane opened the door, stuck his head out, and saw a guard at the door.

The soldier immediately stood up straight after seeing Kane, and bowed his right hand on his chest: "Lord Kane"

"Well, what's the matter?"

After hearing Kane's question, the soldier immediately replied: "Commander Diberio ordered me to come to you. I hope you can go to the headquarters as soon as possible. It seems that there is something very important."

Listening to the soldier's words, Kane nodded.

It should be that Finaris has already told the commander the location of the missing seal, and he may be looking for him to discuss the next action.

"Okay, wait for me outside for a while."


Closing the door again, Kane returned to the living room.

"What's the matter, who is looking for you? The knights are all killed, okay, you are dead, next." Claire played her hand and asked Kane without raising her head.

Greeting Yoyo, Kane replied: "It should be that Finalis has already started to act according to the plan. I will go to the headquarters first."

"Well, be careful on the road."

With Yoyo, Kane followed the guidance of the soldiers and headed for the headquarters on the mountain.

Along the way, Kane obviously did not feel the sights hidden in the dark yesterday.

Although they can't feel the sight of these people, they can still detect their position. It seems that they have determined that Kane is harmless.

And the mage tower that has been floating in front of the headquarters has also risen high in the sky.

The huge gem at the top of the tower has been exuding a magical glow.

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