Wrapped in shadows, the demon who couldn't see his body clearly hovered in the air while holding Diberio.

He held up the commander-in-chief of the Volcano Fortress and gestured towards all the soldiers below.

After he saw that the eyes of all the soldiers were attracted, he released his palm.


The devil's harsh laughter penetrated into the ears of all the humans present.

Diberio fell from a high place where he had no relay.

All the soldiers watching this scene changed their faces, and some even wanted to jump under the city wall, trying to run over to catch their commander.

Powerless despair struck everyone's heart.

At this moment, a cloud floated under Diberio, catching him firmly, and his soft body even made him bounce on it twice.

Di Berio got up quickly, touched his whole body, made sure that he had nothing, and couldn't help sighing in relief.

Looking at the cloud under him that caught him, this seems to be the cloud in Kane's team, which means that Kane and the others are back.

He couldn't help but looked up and looked around, trying to find the powerful figure of the team.

Seeing that their commander-in-chief was caught and safe and sound, all the soldiers couldn't help cheering.

Seeing that his actions didn't work, the demon wrapped in the shadow couldn't help but let out an angry roar, flapping his wings and flying downwards.

However, at this moment, a golden light slammed into his back and smashed him to the ground.

This is Kane who has transformed into a demigod.

The whole body turned into a human body like a mass of holy light. The huge light wheel behind it was shining with dazzling light, and there were some runes floating above.

He held a transparent long gun in his hand.

"Demon Slayer!" "Demon Slayer!"

Looking at Kane, who looked like a god, all the soldiers couldn't help shouting his name.

Kane slowly floated down, and beside the demon who was smashed to the ground by himself, he reached out and threw two bottles of potions at him.

The broken energy of the potion wound up.

The cold and weak green poison made the demon a little immobile.

Then four mechanical creations bound the demon's limbs.

Controlling the mechanical creation, he unfolded the demon in large letters, slowly lifted it, and floated into the air.

And Kane came to him, and the transparent spear in his hand turned into a huge chopping axe.

like execution.

The bound demon struggled frantically, a cold light flashed, and the evil and ugly head of the demon slid down.

In the end, along with the device that restrained him, it turned into fly ash and scattered in the air.

Kane floated in the air, raising his weapon so that his voice could spread across the area.

"Wan Sheng!"

The morale of all the soldiers was high, and they raised their weapons to each other and shouted, and launched an attack on the demon ahead.

"The red-skinned cubs in the gutter, bullying the weak, are really like ants, come and be my enemy."

The deafening roar drilled into the ears of all the demons from below the city wall.

A gray giant more than 5 meters tall, raised a shield and a hammer and mocked them wildly.

The demons who were affected by the evil moonlight in the sky couldn't stand such ridicule, and they all threw down the enemies in front of them with red eyes and attacked Longbei.

These demons gathered together and rushed towards them like a tide.

The fanatic soldiers behind them couldn't help chasing these demons.

Kane and all of them surrounded Lombe, ready to meet this wave of demons.

"Starry Sky Gift" Li Lulu raised the staff in her hand, and countless rainbow-like streamers shot into the air.

The colorful stars in the sky are like a meteor shower, falling towards the demons below.

Now that Li Lulu has started to move, of course the others can't be left behind.

"The position is made, the firepower platform."

Kane's hands, madly pouring out magic.

Below the Kane team stood, a circular steel platform with a radius of 10 meters slowly rose, and launchers of various calibers were stacked on it.

Rotating bullet holes, side-by-side shells, and 1 missile silo.

These were all lined up, aimed at the demon ahead.

Longbei directly opened the iron wall shield to block the incoming long-range attack.

Various halo phantoms extend outward from Claire's feet.

"Bang bang bang!"

The explosions from the stars and Kane missiles shrouded all the demons that came.

Various metal storms recklessly harvested the lives of these demons, and the side-by-side muzzles quickly sent cannonballs to the heads of those demons.

At this time, the sound of bullets piercing the air, the sound of easter eggs cracking from the fall of stars, and the biggest explosion of artillery shells echoed throughout the battlefield.

Smoke and flashes enveloped the demons.

The soldiers around who wanted to attack were a little overwhelmed and froze in place, watching the attack by Kane and the others.

Diberio sat on Marshmallow's head, looking down at the battlefield.

His world view is a little broken, he has never seen such an attack, and he never thought that a demon could harvest such a creature.

The deafening explosion stopped.

Wait for all the smoke to dissipate.

The demons that attacked Kane and the others disappeared, leaving only countless craters on the ground and a thick layer of ashes covering the craters.

A small ball slid around in the crater on a pulley, collecting loot hidden beneath the ashes.

In the group of soldiers, Cole, who was covered in blood, dragged a broken arm, and had burns on his face, looked at Kane and the others, like a god-like heroic figure.

I couldn't help but shout out what I was thinking.

"Demon Slayer!" "Demon Slayer!"

All the soldiers stared blankly at this scene, and this sentence spread to all the soldiers like a plague.

Marshmallow also landed with Diberio.

The remaining legion commanders also came over.

The early morning sunrise rose from the horizon behind Kane and them.

The sun shines behind Kane and them.

Everyone in front of them looked at the hero whose face could not be seen clearly in the sunlight.

Diberio stood on his own, stretched out his right hand, and slammed a fist on his chest.

All the generals behind him, all the soldiers.

They all made the same action as him, paying great respect to Kane who saved them.

On the wall of the volcanic barrier, the beam of light soaring into the sky also turned into a faint gleam and floated into the air.

In the sky, countless golden brilliance sprinkled downward.

All soldiers are healed by such radiance.

Most of the brilliance flew towards Kane and their location, and then drilled into their bodies.

It is the gift of the fog, which means that Kane and the others have successfully cleared the dungeon.

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