The entire fortress reverberated with the unwilling roar of the Demon Overseer, and the unwillingness and anger in the voice were heard.

Golden energy sprayed outward from his features.

Then this huge demon warlord turned into ashes in the golden light particles.

"It's the God of War, it must be the God of War, who has come to the world to help us."

Looking at the demon that disappeared on Kane's spear, all the soldiers looked devout and fanatical, and many soldiers knelt directly on the ground.

Even Diberio was shocked. In the era when heroes were born in large numbers, countless hero ancestors spent the price of blood to seal this demon and died in the hands of Kane.

DiBerio was a little confused, he stretched out his palm and slammed it on his face, to determine whether he was psychedelic by a demon, and his mind had such an illusion.

Zackrem came to his commander-in-chief, looked at his behavior, and couldn't help but patted his shoulder.

"The commander doesn't have to do this, we have truly won, with the help of the Demon Slayer."

Listening to Zackrem's words, Diberio couldn't help but relax, and his face became a little old.

Yes, since he was 16 years old, this volcanic fortress has been fighting against demons all his life.

No gossip about love, no time to enjoy life, and spent his life running around how to destroy demons.

He has no descendants, and the soldiers and subordinates who accompany him are his children.

More than a hundred years of long-term persistence finally ushered in an end today.

"Hahaha...! Yeah! We finally won, Chucky, Anzeqi, Spertanks... Did you see that? Those demons are dead! We won!"

Diberio knelt on the ground regardless of his image, raised his hands and stared at the sky and shouted.

Thackerem, who knew what the old man had experienced, just stayed by his side silently.


Kane and the others came to the volcanic fortress, which has been floating in the mage tower in the air.

Looking at the door that was covered with runes and shimmered with blue light in front of him, Diberio stepped forward.

With a series of cumbersome actions, as well as language passwords.

The door finally banged open to both sides.

"Come with me, everyone."

Enter the deep tunnel and walk towards the depths.

The walls are made of transparent gems emitting light, which not only illuminate the tunnel, but also keep its interior space within a certain magical concentration.

Finally they came to a wide hall surrounded by dozens of stone statues.

The portraits were issued with stone tablets engraved with the deeds of these characters, and there is a transparent showcase below, which stores the magic equipment that can be passed on to future generations.

When Kane and the others entered this space, there seemed to be some kind of induction.

They dispersed and followed the guide to different statues.

The stone statue in front of Kane is a human archer with some kind of lens on his eyes.

Kane looked at the stone tablet below.

【Midi Rich Lake】

[The freest wind in the legion, his sharp arrows can always hit the weakest spots of those demons, killing countless enemies in his life, he stuck to the last moment of the fortress. 】

Look at the magic equipment in the showcase below.

These should be the archer's glasses, one lens is inlaid with dark green metal, suspended in mid-air.

【Accurately see through】


【Color: Silver】


【Increase line of sight】

【Increase dynamic vision】

[Skill: See Through] (Spend magic power to see the enemy's weaknesses. The stronger the strength, the fewer weaknesses you can see, and attacking the weaknesses will cause a lot of damage.)

[Introduction: The lens made of the crystal carapace of the Red Life Poisonous Scorpion has been forged in a magical ritual, allowing him to see the weakness of life. 】

Sure enough, I followed the guidelines and found the most suitable equipment for me, which should also be one of the invisible benefits of clearing the dungeon.

Not just Kane, of course, everyone else got a piece of gear that suits them very well.

Claire obtained a silver spear, which has a powerful armor-piercing effect and can be automatically recovered.

Lilulu gets a ring with a shield and increased magic damage.

What Lombe gets is a pair of leg armor with an unwavering passive skill.

【Sturdy】(Makes oneself steady, extremely difficult to be knocked down or repelled.)

Metzker has obtained a set of Apothecary components, which can help him quickly manufacture medicines and improve the success rate of medicines.

One of these heroes was once the master of medicine in this world.

"How? The equipment of these former heroes is good, but it's a pity that it is difficult for anyone to get their approval and obtain these equipment. Of course, this is just a piece of cake for you."

Diberio said to everyone who had already prepared their equipment.

Kane shook his head with a smile and said: "Where, we also want to thank you for these excellent equipment, which can improve our strength."

"Compared to the help you have provided us, our equipment is simply not worth mentioning, and we can't compare it at all."

Kane smiled and didn't say anything more, and followed Diberio out of the magic tower.

Standing outside the tower, looking up at the bright sky.

"Are you ready?" Kane turned his head and asked his teammates behind him, it was time to leave the dungeon.

The teammates behind him nodded.

Then the whole world seemed to be caught in a time stop, the fluttering breeze seemed to be fixed in the air, the clouds and the sun in the sky stopped moving, and Dibergo, who was beside him, just raised his right leg.

Watching this scene, Kane and the others disappeared into the air.

On the teleportation platform of the Mist Post, Kane and the others suddenly appeared on it.

At this time, it was night outside, the sky was dense with nebulae, and the moon was no longer a half-red crescent moon, but a full moon shining with blue light, quiet and elegant.

As soon as he stood firm, Kane noticed something strange on his arm.

Lifting the sleeves, I saw the golden-green thorn pattern on the wrist, which began to spread to the arm, extending all the way to the shoulder.

Now is the time for Kane to fulfill his promise.

Kane had expected such a scene for a long time. He thought it would appear when the dungeon was cleared, but he did not expect that the oath of the dungeon Finaris would be completed.

Put the sleeves down again.

Breathe the fresh air outside the dungeon for a long time.

This time they were in the dungeon, but they stayed for a long time, and the moment they came outside, there was a feeling of a lifetime.

Shaking his head and laughing, he followed his teammates into the city not far away.

Go back to the previous hotel to reopen the room and rest for one night, and then think about the next thing.

pc: ask for a monthly pass

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