Countless bright fireworks exploded in the night sky, and these fireworks were specially customized by the dwarves for the celebration association.

The Celebration Association is composed of countless intelligent beings who love festivals, from all races, and integrate their own understanding of festivals.

All the large-scale celebrations and important festivals in the world have their participation.

The Hearthfire is now completely engulfed in a sea of ​​revelry, and the scent of ale fills the air.

On the streets of the city, all kinds of intelligent races come and go.

Almost everyone has a glass of beer and skewers.

"Hey, brother, come and have a drink."

At this moment, an orc passed by Kane's side and raised the cup towards Kane.

"Come on, I wish you a happy life."

Kane raised his glass, touched him, and drank the beer in it.

Seeing that Kane was so heroic, the orc did not show weakness, and poured all his big cups into his stomach in one breath.

"Ha! Cool!"

At this time, a dwarf next to him was carrying a huge wine barrel on his back, with a tap above it. After seeing the beer in Kane's cup, he ran over and handed him the tap.

They are the mainstay of the Oktoberfest, giving out beer to every empty glass in the room.

These beers are crafted by the dwarves themselves, and they are expensive in the outside world, but today, they are free for everyone to drink here.

Kane, all of them donned their Oktoberfest costumes, and roamed the city.

Feel the festive atmosphere.

Kane's favorable impression of the Oktoberfest has increased, because this is a pure festival of eating, drinking, and having fun, without any other requirements, just eat happily, drink happily, and play happily.

"Lilulu!" At this moment, someone in the crowd not far away was shouting Little Fairy.

It's not just Lilulu, Kane and the others are also looking in this direction.

I saw a little elf flashing with emerald green light and fluttering with two pairs of wings like dragonflies, waving at Li Lulu in the distance.

It was Phyllis.

After the two teams who were a little friendly met, they sat down in a small shed next to them.

The two lovely young ladies are holding hands in midair, happily spinning in circles.

Speaking of which, Kane and the others have been separated from the Amis team for a few months.

The warrior card of their team once had an appointment with Lombe to compete at the Oktoberfest. Unexpectedly, they actually met together even though their fate was not over.

Brothers Ka and Lombe were already drinking at the side. The dwarves were rarely able to meet them, and there were aliens who could match their drinking capacity.

And Kane checked their status with eagle eyes, and found that they had changed from copper to silver.

However, looking at the magic power in the body, it should have just stepped into the silver, indicating that they went to a dungeon and successfully promoted all of them.

"I haven't seen you for a few months. Your strength is much stronger. Compared with you, we are really ashamed."

As the captain of the team, Amis has certain sensing methods, and she clearly felt the powerful power of the people in Kane's team.

Compared to when they finally parted, she was stronger, and she didn't know how many times, but now she really understood what talent was.

For Amis's compliment, Kane just smiled, and then said: "You guys are not bad, it's been a long time since you all were promoted to silver."

"We've been through several dungeons at the copper-colored bottleneck, and it would be a shame if we didn't upgrade," Amis said.

"Mr. Kane, are you here just for the Oktoberfest?"

Regarding this question, Kane said Yaoyao's head: "Not all, but also to explore the surrounding dungeons."

Listening to Kane's words, Amis asked happily: "Is it for [Eternal Victory Battlefield]?"

After hearing Amis's words, Kane also knew. It seems that they have the same goal as himself, but Kane and the others have decided to break through the hidden dungeon first, and then explore this place.


"Very good, then is Mr. Kane willing to work with us?"

Listening to her words, Claire and the others also sat around curiously.

"What kind of cooperation method?"

Listening to Kane's words, Amis was a little happy, which meant that Kane and the others were not disgusted with cooperating with their own team.

"Yongsheng battlefield, the winner each time is 10 people, many explorers will cooperate with each other in two teams, this can not only improve the probability of customs clearance, but also will not conflict until the end, 10 people are always better than 5 people ."

Hearing her words, Kane couldn't help thinking.

Amis's team is the only team that Kane and the others are familiar with, and their character is also recognized by Li Lulu. There is really no problem in cooperating with them.

However, they have decided to explore the hidden dungeon first, and then explore the exit dungeon, so the time may not be right for them.

"Cooperation is of course possible, but before we explore the [Yongsheng Battlefield] dungeon, we have other things to complete, so the time may not be the same as yours."

Listening to Kane's words, Amis knew that Kane had changed his direction and admitted that he could cooperate with them, but they needed to wait for a while.

If they are willing to pay the price of this time, cooperation is not impossible.

For Kane's question, Amis of course agreed.

After all, she also knew in her heart that Kane's team was definitely a thigh, and they had just finished exploring the dungeon, so it wouldn't hurt to wait a month or two to be promoted to silver.

After all, they are not in a hurry to improve their strength.

However, this is only her personal opinion, and she still needs to discuss it with her teammates.

Thinking of this, she turned to discuss with the teammates behind her.

After a while she turned her head and said to Kane.

"Yes, we can wait for you to finish things before exploring together."

Since they were all willing to wait a month or two, Kane had nothing to refuse.

"Okay, then we'll come back to Furnace to find you after we're done. How about we discuss the details of the cooperation together?"

Hearing Kane's words, Amis finally breathed a sigh of relief and nodded quickly.

"Of course there is no problem. Thank you for your willingness to cooperate with us. Speaking of which, it is still a big advantage for us."

With this level of upcoming cooperation, the relationship between the two teams can be said to be further.

Now is the time to enjoy the festive festivities.

The things to explore are still in the back of your mind.

ps: ask for a monthly pass

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