A scarlet sky with yellow clouds floating on it.

Two scarlet stars that look like the sun but don't look like the sun hang in the sky.

The maddened breath of evil intentions paints the whole land.

At this time, in a dilapidated wooden house outside the village, a gray wolf head stuck out, with a human-like vigilant expression, turning left and right to check the surrounding situation.

The black nose on the wolf's snout twitched slightly, sniffing the smell in the surrounding air.

The smell of blood and decay is permeating the air at any time, which interferes with Kane's detection of the surrounding situation through his sense of smell.

Now Kane has two priorities.

One is to quickly find his teammates through the wolf-shaped body.

The other is to find food and water. He is an ordinary person now, and he can no longer be like his former explorer, even if he does not eat, sleep or drink for a few days, there is no problem.

After patrolling around, there is a small village not far from the wooden house.

Only from a distance, the village is a bit dilapidated, and there are still some severed limbs hanging on the wooden poles outside the village, which means that the people in this village are not easy to mess with.

After looking around, I came to the bushes and got in, and slowly slipped past the bushes towards the side of the village.

The whole village was filled with the smell of blood.

Look in through the crevice in the hut in front of you and sniff carefully.

After confirming that the hut was empty, Kane got in through a gap next to it.

The interior of the hut was in shambles, all kinds of furniture were tattered and fell to one side, and there was no intact place.

There are blood splatters on various walls and furniture, all of which signify what happened to the owner of the house.

Quickly bypassing the tattered furniture on the ground, from a tattered staircase next to it, carefully climbed up to the second floor.

From the window on the second floor, you can clearly see the original appearance of the village.

But looking around, the whole village did not see a single shadow of a human figure, and a breeze blew past, blowing a leaf on the village street.

It seemed that the entire village was completely deserted.


A burst of dilapidated door, the sound of being pushed sounded from behind.

After Kane heard the sound, he looked behind him sharply, and saw that the wooden door of a room behind him was slightly moving back and forth.

A gust of wind poured out from the crack of the door.

Oh, it was the wind.

Kane turned his wolf head and continued to look out the window.

Then suddenly turned back.

The broken door blown by the breeze is still moving back and forth, and there seems to be nothing strange about it.

To be honest, the weak strength now makes Kane a little suspicious.

He moved his limbs forward and slowly moved towards the room.

The thick pads on the soles of his feet covered up the sound of his actions.

Slowly came to the broken door, gently pushed the shaking broken door forward, and looked at the situation inside.

This room appears to be a woman's bedroom.

A wooden bed with a broken leg, leaning on the ground, the bed was covered with blackened blood and a large cloud of black dirt.

A dead bone fell to the ground on the bed, and there was a huge crack in the skull of the dead bone.

It seemed that someone had been slashed into the forehead with a knife.

Kane got into the room and walked towards the dead bone, wanting to check her death situation in detail.


A huge meat cleaver was cut towards Kane's position.

Kane had already stepped forward, dodged the attack, turned around in the air, and looked at the enemy who was attacking him.

It was a fat man in an apron, covered in oil and dark blood.

The dim eyes were full of madness, waving the meat cleaver in his hand, facing Kane.

Still screaming incessantly.

Kane kicked hard on his hind legs and pounced towards the butcher, avoiding his attack again by the way.

One bite hit the butcher's neck.

A bloody smell filled Kane's mouth, and blood sprayed on Kane's gray fur.

He let go of his mouth and spit out.

The meat cleaver in the butcher's hand had fallen to the floor, his hands were clasping his neck, and blood was still flowing from the crevices of his tightly covered hands.

His mouth opened slightly to say something, but blood kept spewing out of his mouth.

He stepped back, leaned against the door, and then slid to the ground and sat down.

Kane stared at the butcher, his ears twitching.

There were all kinds of panicked footsteps all around, and it seemed that a lot of people had gathered around and were rushing into the house.

Kane turned around and slammed out of the window behind him, causing the sawdust to splash.

A figure slipped from the air and landed firmly on the ground.

At the moment of landing, Kane looked behind him.

In the originally desolate village, the closed doors have long been opened, and countless crazy figures poured out in dark and tattered clothes, all of them holding all kinds of weapons.

Kitchen knives, boning knives, pitchforks.

Many people had already rushed to the second floor of the wooden house, and the figures surrounding the downstairs had already looked at Kane when they heard the movement, were yelling at Kane, and then rushed over with their weapons in their hands.

Looking at the rushing crowd, Kane directly used all fours and drilled into the woods not far away.

As for the crazy figures behind them, some stayed beside the forest, while others rushed in with a strange scream.

In the end, the villagers who rushed into the forest lost track of Kane after a while, turned around in a hurry, and walked back towards the village.

A pair of eyes were hidden on a tree trunk not far away, watching these figures return.

What the hell, these people, aren't they all crazy?

It's no different from zombies.

Looking at these people, Kane thought helplessly.

The group of villagers just now, Kane roughly looked at hundreds of people, and they couldn't afford it at all.

slip away.

Let's find out if there is any less crowded place.

Thinking of this, Kane jumped off the trunk and walked towards the other side of the forest.

Just a few steps away, Kane stopped.

Looking at a gray rabbit not far away.

ah? , So there are ordinary animals in this dungeon?

Then I have nothing to do with those lunatics. It's not impossible to find a forest and make a living by hunting.

Looking at the hare that was grazing, Kane squatted down and waited quietly for the time.

It just so happened that the hare buried its head and plucked up another grass root.

This is the time.

Kane rushed towards the hare with a single stride.

Biting the hare fiercely, he slammed it to the ground, making it lose its ability to resist.

With the hare in his mouth, Kane happily walked towards the cabin where he had just landed.

Fill your stomach first before you have the strength to do the next thing.

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