The sky was bright and the sun was shining brightly.

On a huge circular stone platform stabilized on the sea.

Ekron slowly came to Li Lulu's position, then stretched out his finger and tapped the protective cover in front of her and said.

"Little guy, I don't understand your magic the most, so I think I can teach you the least, you come first."

Then he disappeared, appeared on the other side of the platform, and beckoned in their direction.

Kane looked at Li Lulu who was about to fly out with fluttering wings and said, "Be careful."

"Understood, Kane is really long-winded, look at Li Lulu, Li Lulu will definitely take revenge."

After speaking, Li Lulu still looked resentful and waved her little fist excitedly.

She still can't forget the first trial of her own situation, and now is the time for revenge.

Then several flashes appeared in the center of the high platform.

"Does the little guy need the weather?" Ai Kronn, who was opposite, also asked intimately.

Hearing what he said, Li Lulu really said: "Can it be a night with a very round and bright moon? Li Lulu doesn't like sunny days very much."

As Li Lulu's voice fell, the clear sky suddenly darkened, a huge full moon hung in the sky, and the curtain of the night sky was full of stars and stars.

The dim light of the moon shone straight on the platform where Kane and the others were located, allowing them to clearly see everything on the field even at night.

"Little guy, how is this?"

"That's it, that's it." Li Lulu's voice was a little happy, it seemed that the current scene was in line with her mind.

"Then let's do it."

"Li Lulu, you're welcome."

As Li Lulu's voice fell, a huge magical reaction began to radiate from her position. In the eyes of Kaiende's eagle, such a magical reaction was as conspicuous as a lit flash bomb.

"Step into the world of fairy tales."

Lilulu raised her magic wand high, and a pale pink ripple waved from her position to the surroundings.

With the coverage of the ripples, all kinds of green plants that glowed with fluorescence grew on the stone platform that was originally just ordinary, and on countless wings, butterflies decorated with fluorescence were flying.

As the ripples expanded, various strange trees bearing fluorescent fruits also grew.

Under the bright moonlight, this scene directly brought Kane and the others into a dream.

Not just butterflies, all kinds of small animals, foxes, rabbits, deer, squirrels, are running around in the whole dreamy forest.

? ? ?

Kane and the others watched this scene like this, watching Li Lulu's powerful state, although she hadn't launched any attacks yet, this scene had shocked Kane and the others.

It turns out that you are the one who hides the deepest among us.

It's okay to give you such a large-scale venue change directly.

In such a field, the enemy will be limited, and Lilulu's magic will be strengthened in all directions.

However, Ekron, who looked at this situation, shook his head and commented: "It's a waste of magic power."

"Falling Star"

Following Li Lulu's words, countless five-pointed stars shining with rainbow light smashed towards Ekron at a high speed, among which were also huge meteorite stars.

In the face of such an attack, Ekron did not evade at all, and he seemed to want to endure the attack in order to discern Lilulu's strength.

Countless stars fell on him like this, and then they shattered with their own energy.

All kinds of sounds like Easter eggs breaking open sounded beside him, and countless colored papers flew in all directions with the explosion.

"These attacks actually have various attributes, and they can also break through the relatively solid outer layer of defense, which is very good." Ekron, who had endured all the attacks, said lightly.

Seeing that her previous attack didn't work, Li Lulu continued to use magic, and a rainbow-colored light arrow flew towards Akron.

"This attack is not bad, it actually has the effect of forced deformation." Akron, who blocked the light arrow with his arm, looked at the arm that was deforming towards the cat's claw and said, and then with force, the energy attached to it dissipated. .

The rainbow-colored beam struck towards Akron, hitting him with a bang.

"Not fast enough, not gathered enough."

A bigger beam rushed towards him.

Ekron's voice still came from the beam.

"I am asking you to gather, not to let you spend more energy, gather together, and control your energy with your heart, don't throw it all out like opening the floodgates."

However, Li Lulu's subsequent attack did not change much.

"Imagine a magic power pipe, gather your own magic power in it, and release it in this form. If you can't squeeze it in, squeeze it until you squeeze it in."

Then Li Lulu's attack frequency slowed down.

With his teaching, Lilulu's beam attack became faster and more slender. When you saw this attack, it had already hit you.

Aware that Lilulu had learned how to condense her attacks, Akron said, "Then now, I will start to fight back."

After speaking, his foot stomped on the ground and his figure disappeared instantly, and a harsh voice appeared, he came to Li Lulu in an instant, and punched Li Lulu with a punch.

Looking at the fist that suddenly appeared in front of her, the wind pressure on the fist had already pressed against her face, Li Lulu instinctively released a flicker.

Li Lulu, who appeared on the other side, was panting frantically, and the pressure of the punch just now made her almost suffocate.

"Carved into the instinctive flicker? Yes, keep that in mind."

After he finished speaking, he disappeared in place again, then appeared in front of Li Lulu, and swung a punch at Li Lulu again.

Lilulu didn't have time to use Blink this time, but she still appeared at the furthest distance from Akron after being hit.

Only the silk robe on her body dimmed.

This means that she has just suffered a fatal attack.

"Don't feel sorry, the effects of these equipment will return to their original state at the end of use."

After finishing speaking, Ekron appeared in front of Li Lulu again. Li Lulu wanted to use Blink, but felt that the surrounding space had become solidified, and she could only condense a shield in front of her.

But this punch knocked the shield and Li Lulu into ashes.

Then Li Lulu reappeared in the middle of the platform.

He was kneeling in the middle of the platform, breathing heavily.

She just died, but came back to life, and all the magic power she just used and the clothes on her body were restored to their best condition.

Akron appeared in front of her again, only this time with his hands behind his back, he looked at Li Lulu, who would be sitting on the ground, and said lightly.

"Think about your own powerlessness, and continue when you're ready."

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