For Metzker's words, Kane is more convinced.

Because the reconnaissance position in the team has now been handed over to Mezick, outside the dungeon, he has already memorized the information of the exploring team one by one, and recorded the characteristics of all teams.

So in this regard, he has more say.

Lombe's stone head was strangled by Metzker with a rare brainstorm.

"Okay, let's get started."

After Kane finished speaking, he began to pour out magic power from his hands, and a large off-road magic power vehicle began to be constructed in front of him.

This vehicle, from the overall design to the internal mechanics, was all done by Kane, and has recently been upgraded.

When the vehicle was fully constructed, Kane said to his teammates: "Okay, get in the car."

Due to the different races of the team, Kane followed them in every position of the vehicle, and made various adjustments to ensure the comfort of his teammates.

As for the driving position, it was naturally left to Yoyo.

You can also plan the best route by the way.

It was not the first time for Claire and the others to ride on a vehicle made by Kane, and they sat on it with ease.

Looking at the position that was made according to her body shape, Claire couldn't help but exclaim: "Not bad, this position is much more comfortable than last time."

Kane, who was sitting next to Claire, turned his head after hearing her words, and said with an air: "Of course."

The top cover of the entire vehicle is covered by transparent steel, so it can widen Kane's field of vision and enable them to clearly grasp the surrounding situation.

By the way, it can also stop the heavy snow that has been floating now.

in the viewing area.

Burton has been watching Kane and their series of actions from a side-by-side perspective.

However, these screens also have privacy settings. Whenever there is some privacy screen, the screen will be cut to the surrounding scenery, and when there is no confrontation with each other, even the voices of these participating explorer teams are blocked. of.

Although Burton knew that Kane and the others were very powerful, he had never seen a picture of them exploring and fighting, and now he was very relieved to see their series of maneuvers in the dungeon with ease.

Especially their comprehensive abilities.

"Master Rob, come and see, this way."

A young man in the uniform of the Mechanical Association was pulling a somewhat sloppy old man to Kane's screen.

The old man named Rob followed the guidance of the young man and looked at Kane's screen.

"Is this team so powerful? Even the vehicle was brought in, and I have never seen this vehicle. Who designed it? No, this doesn't look like a general-purpose technology..."

In this way, Rob stared at the vehicle in Kane's screen and began to talk to himself.

This is the young man next to him interrupted: "No master, this vehicle was not brought in by them, but constructed out of thin air by someone in their squad."

"Really? Then I'll sit down here and observe them carefully. You can go elsewhere to see if there are any good seedlings."

After speaking, Rob sent the young man away, and then slowly came to sit next to Burton, and smiled politely at Burton when he sat down.

Burton listened to them the whole time, knowing that they had begun to pay attention to Kane, and smiled politely.

It seems that good people really attract attention.

Inside the dungeon at this time.

Yoyo is controlling the vehicle, moving rapidly on the land.

The surrounding ground has begun to be covered with a thin layer of snow.

Kane and the others have also changed into warm clothes now.

On the transparent car cover, there is already a lot of snow accumulated on it. Kane randomly extends some transparent structures to retain the snow, so that the vehicle can be perfectly integrated into the surrounding environment.

As the snow piled up, the more Kane and the others were able to hide.

Claire and the others were all looking at their surroundings.

"Ow~" At this time, a little wolf king who looked like a husky was running around in the vehicle.

She is now sticking her tongue out in a silly way.

Then he came to the car window next to him: "Kane, open a hole, Li Lulu wants to feel the wind outside."

Kane had no choice but to open a small hole for her to let the cold wind in.

Afterwards, Li Lulu closed her eyes against the cold wind with a look of enjoyment on her face, her tongue still fluttering in the wind.

It's too similar.

Kane complained wildly in his heart, what is the difference between this and the Husky?

"Someone!" Metzker said suddenly.

Hearing Metzker's reminder, the vehicle drifted to a stop in an instant, and was then buried in the snow.

The surrounding snow covered the entire surface of the two vehicles under the control of Kane's transparent bricks, making them hide in them.

When the vehicle came to a complete stop, Metzker continued to investigate for a while and said, "It's the B11 team."

Kane and the others have everyone's information, but the details of each team's information are different.

Not only Kane and the others have these materials, but all teams have them.

Kane and the others marked the team in the silver bottleneck period as A, and the team in the silver peak period as B.

There are a total of 15 numbered teams in the silver bottleneck period A. There are a total of 25 numbered teams in Silver Peak Period B.

Among them, four of the teams in the silver bottleneck period were three-person teams. Two of the Silver Peak teams were four-man teams.

It's hard for a team to keep going from bronze to silver, and there are always people who are not talented enough to fall behind.

Therefore, many teams will be reorganized during the Silver Age.

Because some teams are not used to cooperating with others, they have always maintained a state of insufficient numbers.

This happens more and more frequently.

In the golden period, it is almost difficult to find a full team of 5 people.

So the world is more willing to let the talented and talented form a team.

This is a harsh reality that has to be faced.

After hearing Metzker's words, Yunyou instantly projected the information of the B11 team in front of Kane and the others.

Team B11: During the silver peak period of strength, the formation was full of 5 people, and the original skills and position assignments were not exposed.

The famous point of this team is that they once encountered a silver dungeon that was about to be destroyed and became the last team to clear the dungeon. There were no casualties after the customs clearance.

The captain is a Beastman, a strong man of the Lion tribe.

The team consists of two human females, a cat-human male, and a blue humanoid race of which Kane does not know the race. This race has only one gender and reproduces by division.

Maybe call him a stickman, like a slime.

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