dim sky.

The edge of the sky was burnt red.

The churning lava snakes roamed the edge.

The amazing heat of the lava under the deep pit does not seem to change the weather of the rest of the map.

On the last day when the map was about to collapse, the snowstorm stopped, and now the snow began to fall from the sky again, and the cold wind in the air began to blow again, heralding the beginning of the next snowstorm.

Under the dim sky, in a sparse wood, there was a low cliff at the edge of the wood, and the faint light of the fire shone out from a point in the mountain wall.

"Captain, what are we going to do now, whether to take a break or continue walking towards the center of the map." A male humanoid race with a single horn, sitting next to the bonfire in the cave, asked.

There are 5 figures surrounded by the bonfire in the cave. From the appearance of these people, it can be seen that they are all from different races.

The unicorn man's words did not attract an answer from their captain.

A woman with green hair and snake pupils next to her said: "Hey, we were really unlucky this time. We fell directly on the very edge of the map when we entered the map. We have been on our way for a few days, and now the temperature has started to drop again. The drowsiness is here again, hiss."

When she spoke, she kept spitting out a slender, forked snake tongue.

Finally, the human male who had been sitting above the bonfire pushed the lens on the bridge of his nose, which reflected the firelight in front of him, making it unreal.

"I want to kill the Mist Warriors."

Hearing his captain's speech, everyone else turned to look at him.

A white-skinned girl beside him slowly turned her head and said to him, "But, we don't necessarily have the ability to win, they. Before, your warning wasn't warning you. "

When the girl spoke, her expression was stiff, her mouth opened and closed, and her voice seemed to be stuck, not coherent.

"So I'm not going to use our team to fight the enemy alone. That team of Mist Warriors is not an existence that we can annihilate alone, and if our team is reduced, it will be bad." The glasses male captain, slowly explained his ideas to his teammates.

Hearing his captain's words, the last figure who had been silent beside the bonfire said, "So, are you going to find a few well-known teams and work together to annihilate them?"

"Well, I do think so."

After listening to their captain's thoughts, the others pondered for a while, and then nodded in agreement.

After seeing that his teammates agreed, the man with glasses turned to look at the teammate next to him, who had been taciturn and said, "Then, please."

The teammate got up helplessly, and only saw his appearance at this time. He has dark red skin, two slender double horns on his head, and bloody eyes with square pupils.

"You know, I can only use a dungeon 5 times, so how many teams are you going to contact to encircle it together?"

The man with glasses stretched out a slap, then pressed his thumb down, making a 4 gesture: "4 should be enough, and there are only four explorer teams around us."

"If that's the case, then let's go." The purgatory devil waved beside him, a red portal appeared, and then everyone walked in.


at this time.

Beside the boulders on the plains.

After Kane and the others rested for a night, they decided to set off and lean towards the center of the map again. Although they were not on the edge of the map, they could be regarded as the periphery.

After the collapse of the edge of the map yesterday, now their periphery has naturally become the edge.

After they were going to travel for a while, they stopped and found a place to rest for another day.

After each map collapse, the range of the next collapsed map will appear in the sky every other day, and then they can decide the next course of action.

The snow in the sky is also getting heavier and heavier, and the blizzard will come again soon.

They came to the outskirts of the boulders, and Kane started building the vehicle on the side of the road.

At this time, Li Lulu suddenly pointed to the sky and said, "Hey, Li Lulu's face is hanging in the sky again, it's so cute." Then she turned her head to look at Claire next to her, and asked, "Is that so? Leia."

Seeing Li Lulu's movements, Claire had already raised her head to look at the sky, but immediately lowered her head and sighed.

After hearing Li Lulu's words, she turned her head, stretched out her index finger and thumb to tug at her little face, and said, "Yes, yes, Li Lulu is so cute."


Hearing Li Lulu's words, Kane also looked up at the sky. As expected, their wanted portraits were hanging in the sky again.

Didn't it say that it would only hang for an hour?

I took out the information from the space equipment and looked through it.


It was actually hanging for an hour every day until Kane and their bounty were taken by others.

This thing in the sky, the more you look at it, the more uncomfortable and ashamed it becomes.

"Can you let this thing go!" Longbei's voice was full of sorrow.

He was still smug about his head hanging in the sky yesterday.

Because although everyone's avatars are hanging in the sky, they still look very normal. Only Longbei's avatar has a grinning smile, which is brilliant.

This is the expression that Lombe always likes to use when mocking.

It was fine at first sight, but now I'm getting more and more embarrassed.

"I really want to kill myself now, let him quickly take down my avatar."

"It turns out that every time I make fun of others, my expression is like this. I want to punch myself when I look at it."

Have you reached this level of smiling brightly to yourself? Lombe.

"Okay, let's all come up, let's act quickly, the blizzard seems to be coming soon." After Kane built the vehicle, he felt the stronger and stronger cold wind, and said to the people behind him.

After hearing Kane's words, everyone no longer bothered about the avatar that appeared again in the sky, and quickly boarded the vehicle.

They couldn't help but tighten the cold-proof clothes on their bodies, and the temperature did drop again, and it seemed that the blizzard was indeed not far away.

After boarding the vehicle, Kane directly picked up Yoyo and placed it on the pedestal dedicated to Yoyo in the driver's seat.

"Master, please set the destination."

"It's okay, just look at it yourself."


Kane will no longer go to order Yoyo or help Yoyo make decisions on many things now.

Instead, let him judge or think for himself to strengthen his AI capabilities.

When he obtained Yoyo, he was bound to Kane to a certain extent.

When Kane was upgraded to silver before, he didn't feel much, but in the following time, Kane almost judged it.

With the sublimation of his level, Yoyo has also gained a certain degree of strengthening, whether it is the energy reserve consumption or the level of AI intelligence, it is much stronger than his bronze level.

The level of intelligence of the AI ​​may also be said to be the improvement it has gained from interacting with the Kane team for so long.

But this kind of calculation and the improvement brought by the hardware can only be attributed to the changes that come after the level upgrade.

The doors began to close and shut, and then, under Kane's control, formed a one-piece structure.

Under the control of Yoyo, the vehicle began to drive slowly.

The wind and snow outside the window began to gradually increase, and it didn't take long for the snow to cover the vehicle, and the transparent creations that could be seen outside were completely covered.

Inside the dark vehicle, a circle of white light began to light up around it, restoring the light inside the vehicle.

"Someone is ambushing us ahead." After a short distance, Metzker's voice broke the silence in the car.

After hearing Metzker's words, Kane immediately asked, "How many people are there, what squad are they, and where are they located?"

"It's a 5-person team. The snowstorm was so heavy that I couldn't see their faces. I could only see their magical reaction, on the left slope in front."

"Yuyou, turn directly in the direction of the pair of people. Others are ready. I will directly disperse the vehicle on the way to the collision, pay attention to the landing, and make a quick decision."

Kane made a quick judgment, then started to act and reminded his teammates. Everyone else nodded. They cooperated tacitly and instantly understood what each other wanted to do.

Under such a big snowstorm outside, it is better to fight quickly.

The moving vehicle suddenly turned and rolled towards a place on the hillside.

The moment they collided, the team had already left their position and dodged.

These figures, covered in snow-white clothes, were squatting on the snow and couldn't see them clearly, let alone the heavy snow that was still falling around them.

The vehicle disintegrated in an instant, and Claire and the others were well prepared and landed firmly on the ground.

Since the clothes on this group of people were all the same, they couldn't tell their respective occupational positions, so one of them chose one and killed them directly.

Due to Kane's words and the surrounding environment, they each used a quick-moving ultimate move, and they never dragged their feet.

After Kane came out, a flicker appeared behind a white figure, and the spider silk around him instantly shot 4 threads around his limbs.

The transparent long spear in his hand turned into a golden glow, pierced through the chest of the white figure, and after piercing a self-defense shield, the man's right arm broke the spider silk instantly.

He bent down obliquely, avoiding the penetration of the spear, but the spear still cut through the clothes on his body, opening a long gap on his back.

A long knife appeared on the right hand that broke free, cut off the spider silk entangled in other parts of himself, and then turned back and slashed towards Kane who was withdrawing the long spear.

Kane built a huge mechanical iron fist directly on his left arm, blocked the slash of the long knife, and then retracted the long spear in his right hand and stabbed again at a faster speed.

The long gun successfully pierced his abdomen, and black smoke from the gun erupted inside his body.

At this time, Kane let go of his hand holding the crystal spear, and grabbed a dagger that suddenly hit him behind him with his backhand.

There was a mechanical structure spread in the hand instantly, and a mechanical iron fist was built in less than a second. Grab the arm holding the dagger and smash him in front of you with a hard swing.

Four blue fists appeared on the assassin who fell to the ground, and then alternately punched towards the assassin's chest.

And Kane let go of his arm.

Then the iron fist was clenched, and a fist smashed hard at the figure next to him who slashed again with the knife.

The mechanical iron fist and the long sword collided in the air, and then competed with each other forcefully.

Kane stared at him, and the web shot out of the surrounding air again, wrapping around his limbs.

A pair of transparent spikes appeared on the enemy's left abdomen and slammed into the bleeding wound.

But the power of this thorn is not even enough to break through its physical defense.

Sure enough, it still doesn't work. Kane rarely uses objects that are suddenly constructed to cause damage. The power is of little significance to the silver level.

Thinking of this, Kane disappeared again and appeared behind the figure, and a spider silk attached to the transparent spear on the ground appeared in his hand, holding the spear and stabbing it hard.

This time, the figure had no chance to dodge.

It turned into a tombstone and fell to the ground, and the assassin who fell to the ground not far away has long since turned into a tombstone engraved with other people's heads.

When Kane and the others eliminated their opponents and looked up in other directions.

Except for Lombe, everyone else has already killed their opponents, and Lombe is indeed worthy of being the meat shield in the team.

The single damage is not enough, but the defense is very strong.

He has been dragging his opponent fiercely, and his opponent can't cause even the slightest damage to Lombe.

After finally finding the opportunity to flow out of his attack range, he was hooked by the transparent long hook and dragged back again.

Now watching his teammates one after another, they were all annihilated in less than a few minutes, and he knew that he was almost there.

"Ah!" shouted, and then the skin began to turn red.

Even if Kane and the others did not use any means, they could clearly sense the amazing heat in his body.

This person actually has the skills to make him directly self-destruct. It seems that he wants to drag Kane and the others into the water.

The speed of the energy is extremely fast, and it is too late.

Lombe stood directly in the direction of Kane and the others, and the comprehensive defense in his hand was opened to the maximum, and there was a phantom of an iron wall shield attached to it.


The surrounding snow and dirt were shaken all over the sky, and Kane and the others were completely shrouded in the fine particles that the dirt, dust and snow turned into.

However, the blizzard that hit, in a few seconds, blew all the smoke and dust flying all over the sky.

Kane and the others patted the dust and snow on their bodies.

Lombe doesn't have any scars either, this damage can only consume some of the magic power in his body.

At this time, the heads of Kane and the others appeared again in the sky after a day.

Their wanted notice just disappeared from the sky.

In just 4 days, Kane and the others killed 6 teams of explorers, 25 heads.

Now in the dungeon, among the remaining explorers, Kane and the others have been labeled as mad dogs and cannot be removed.

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