The golden sun was already hanging high in the sky.

Affected by the scorching sun, the snowstorm will weaken at noon.

At least it can make people see the surrounding clearly, and not like the night and the morning, all the sight is blocked by the white expanse, and it is also attacked by the cold wind and snow.

At this time, on a small mountain shone by the scorching sun, there is a slender log cabin on the edge of the mountain peak.

At this time, Kane, who was in the living room of the wooden house, looked at the weather outside and finally reached an acceptable level.

He turned his head and said to Claire, who was doing the puzzle with Lilulu not far away: "The weather outside Claire seems to have cleared up quite a bit. Let's go out and learn about it, and by the way, try my new skills."

After Kane extracted the skill in front of everyone late last night, due to the limitation of the environment, he did not really try the effect of this skill, but just put it in the skill grid to experience it for a while.

Claire and the others just looked at the extracted skills, but they didn't know what Kane's skills were. At that time, Kane made an appointment with Claire. If the weather is good today, let's discuss with him and be the best of his skills. test subject.

Hearing Kane's words, Claire turned her head, rubbed Li Lulu's head, and said, "Sister go out to train for a while, and then fight with you at night?"

"It's alright, Li Lulu will also go to see it together." After speaking, Li Lulu carefully put away the puzzle to avoid the accident of yesterday.

As for Metzker, it seems that he has entered the key moment of researching potions. Now he is constantly developing potions when he is free, so Kane did not bother him.

When Kane took Claire outside the house, Lombe was already outside, and his feet were exactly the skateboards he had made with him earlier.

I just saw him fall on the ground and roll twice, and then I saw him stand up and pat the snow on his body as if he was nothing.

He looked up and saw Kane and the others, and waved hello.

Kane and Claire came to the open space together, and then put all the new skills from yesterday into the skill slot.

The effect of [Shen Wu Shi] is indeed very obvious.

When Kane pressed this skill into the skill grid, everything in the surrounding area seemed to be under his control, and there was a mysterious and mysterious touch.

When this skill was put into the skill slot, the impact of information and experience did not cause too much burden on Kane, because Kane had completely learned his previous level of martial intuition, so when he was accepting a higher level When leveling up, it is very fast to integrate, and it does not feel uncomfortable and weird.

Kane can also clearly feel this skill. If you add Lingming Tongwu, it will not take long for him to learn it completely.

Today is also a good time to use Lingming Tongwu.

Both Kane and Claire were sitting in place. Due to the difference in the lower limbs, Kane could sit cross-legged on the cushion, while Claire could only control the horse to lie down normally.

However, this does not affect the effect of her meditation, which is still effective.

Of course, compared to the orthodox successor of Kane's skill, it must be much weaker.

After Longbei and Lilulu watched the two of them enter the meditation, they spontaneously became vigilant around them, so that no one would disturb them.

It didn't take long for the two to get out of the state of meditation and open their eyes. Their stronger learning ability and some kind of mysterious perception were strengthened. Now is the time for training.

Kane stood opposite Claire, then slowly closed his eyes and said, "Now you attack me first to see if I can dodge or perceive your attack."

"Okay" Claire took out a large amount of wooden balls from the space equipment. This is an offensive prop that they often use during training between them: "I'm going to attack."

"call out!"

First of all, a wooden ball was thrown out by Claire, and the target was Kane's thigh.

At this time, the distance between Claire and Kane was 200 meters away.

The moment the wooden ball was thrown, Kane felt a danger signal from his thigh, and raised his leg to dodge to the side, but at this time Claire also threw the wooden ball.

The wooden ball smashed directly into the snow.

Claire looked a little surprised at this scene, because just as she was about to attack, Kane noticed his target and dodged, but Kane closed his eyes at this time.

Such pre-judgment behavior generally requires both eyes to check the eyes and movements of the other party in order to capture it ingeniously.

But she also knew last night that Kane has a skill that is about perception of the surroundings, so she no longer struggled and continued to throw wooden balls at Kane.

No matter how many Claire threw, with how much power and speed Kane could easily dodge, most of them were predicted in advance, so it seemed very easy to do.

After all the wooden balls were thrown, Claire took out two wooden swords and said to Kane, "I'm going to make a melee attack, come, catch it."

Kane, who closed his eyes, felt the wooden sword flying, and caught it firmly.

Then he felt something, and he threw a wooden sword in front of him, blocking Claire's sudden attack.

Just like that, Kane closed his eyes and practiced with Claire using the wooden sword.

When the practice was over, Kane returned the wooden sword to Claire and then covered his eyes with a cloth belt.

"Clea, turn me to face the cliff."


Hearing Kane's request, Claire was extremely puzzled: "Why do you do this?"

The skill introduction of Shenwu Shi has an introduction to the skill of predicting the danger that will come. Kane wants to try to see what direction such danger points.

"There is such a function in my skills, which predicts the danger, so I want to try it out." It may be explained in this way.

"Okay." Hearing Kane's explanation, Claire adjusted his direction slightly.

Then, Kane walked in that direction, and the marshmallow was already waiting for him on the cliff in front of him.

Looking at Kane's actions, both Lombe and Lilulu came over curiously to watch, and by the way asked Claire about the reason for Kane's actions.

Kane himself couldn't feel the distance between him and the cliff, so he asked Claire to point in the direction for her, the speed became faster and faster, and finally he ran directly.

Finally, Kane was about to step off the cliff, and his alarm sounded frantically in his head.

Kane stopped immediately.

After watching Kane stop, Claire and the others, who were holding their breath, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Kane took off the bandages tied to his eyes and looked to the side. Sure enough, he was only one step away from the cliff, and after two steps he fell.

I almost understand the purpose of this skill.

As for perceiving a powerful enemy, there is no condition now, only to experience it when there is a chance.

Kane walked over to Claire and the others, then stared at Lombe and suddenly said, "Lombé, I have a new skill here that can make you experience the feeling of being upside down. Do you want to try it out?"

Hearing the words of gratitude, Lombe's eyes clearly flashed with curiosity, and then he thought about it, and asked worriedly, "Will this skill cause damage to me?"

"No, this can only be regarded as a control skill, but when the experience is reversed, don't panic too much."

After hearing Kane's explanation, Lombe patted his chest and said, "Since there's no harm, come on, let me see what it's like to be upside down."

Claire and Lilulu also opened their eyes wide, staring at Kane and Lombe, not wanting to let go of the slightest detail. This skill sounds interesting.

"Ready? I'm going to start."

"bring it on."

Hearing Lombe's words, Kane stretched out a finger and pointed in Lombe's direction, then used magic power.

This time, Kane deliberately did not use the skill quickly, but used it slowly. He wanted to see the skill, the magic output route and the process of condensation.

I saw that the magic power began to wrap around into a ball in his hand, and it was divided into two groups of different colors. He felt that the skill had been formed and Kane released it. The ball immediately flew out and hit Lombe.

Lombe's eyes widened like this, then raised his head and stretched out a left arm to scratch.

As if feeling something, Lombe's eyes widened, as if he was surprised by his own behavior and stepped back.

It seemed that he felt something was wrong with his behavior, so he immediately stood in place, and after some thought, his raised head slowly began to fall down.

But it seems to have dropped, and his chin is pressed against his chest again.

In this way, Lombe adjusted for a while before turning his head towards Kane and the others, and then slowly stretched out his left foot and walked towards Kane and the others. Every step was very difficult.

In the sight of Kane and the others, all of Lombe's actions were very stiff and cautious, as if his body was no longer his.

In the end, Lombe successfully tripped himself to the ground, rolled for a few laps and tried to get up, but couldn't get up, and finally gave up and fell on the ground.

In this way, from accepting the spell until the spell disappeared. After a minute, Lombe felt that the wrong feeling on his body disappeared and immediately got up from the ground and patted the dust on his body.

With lingering fear on his face, he said: "This skill is really terrible, I will never feel that state again."

Looking at Lombe's state just now, and looking at his fearful expression, Kane and the others gathered around very curiously.

"How, how do you feel?"

"It's terrifying. That feeling makes people want to die. When I look up, he bows his head. When he stretches out his left hand, he stretches out his right hand. When he moves forward and backward, stretches his right leg, he stretches his left leg. If he wants to get up, he can't get up at all. It was completely messed up in an instant, and no matter how calm I was, I couldn’t seem to get up, I don’t know why.”

Listening to Lombe's remarks, Claire and the others began to imagine what that feeling was like based on Lombe's previous behavior. Although looking at Lombe is very frightening, they still want to try it out, what does it feel like.

Finally, Li Lulu couldn't bear it anymore. After all, it was only a minute of discomfort. She fought for her curiosity: "Kane will also use this skill for Li Lulu."

Looking at Li Lulu, Kane said, "Have you made up your mind?"


"Okay." A ball of energy appeared in Kane's hands again and threw it on Li Lulu.

Li Lulu fell directly to the ground after being hit. She couldn't get up on the spot, her eyes were tightly closed and her mouth was tightly closed. She kept struggling on the ground like this, and the way she was struggling was very strange.

However, Li Lulu seemed to have taken nearly two minutes to fully recover from this state.


The moment he recovered, he saw Li Lulu screaming into the sky, the panic in the voice almost penetrated, Kane and the others' ears.

"Li Lulu doesn't play anymore, it's too scary, it scared Li Lulu to death."

Li Lulu floated in the air, constantly soothing her chest and calming her emotions down.

Seeing such a situation, Kane turned his head to stare at Claire, and seemed curious to see Claire's expression just now.

Claire smiled awkwardly, then waved her hand, expressing that she was no longer curious.

You can tell from the appearance of Li Lulu and Longbei, it must be very uncomfortable.

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