Long-lost quiet morning.

No worries, nothing to do, just lay down and sleep in.

Under the body is a long-lost soft bed, lovely cotton candy.

In the dungeon, the marshmallows have been floating in the air, acting as a scout, and Kane temporarily lost his soft bed.

Kane released his perception, okay, if no one gets up early, that's fine.

I will also lie down for a while.

As the famous last person in the team to get up, how can he be the first? You can't get involved with your teammates.

Speaking of which, after clearing the dungeon, I haven't checked how much magic power in their bodies has grown.

Kane summons [Book of Adventure]

Turning to the page of the source skill grid, he began to check his own magic bar.

[Silver 36%]

This time, the magic power of the dungeon has increased a little, directly by 16%.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be right, after all, the chance of clearing this dungeon is only 1/20.

After reaching the silver level, Kane can clearly feel that their progress in improving their strength has slowed down, because the energy increase brought by the silver dungeon after customs clearance is much lower than that of the bronze level.

After reading it, Kane swept away the [Book of Adventure], lay on the cotton candy, looked up at the ceiling, didn't think about anything, just lay quietly like this.

After lying down like this for a while, he suddenly remembered something, and began to rummage through the space equipment where he specially kept valuables.

There are three space equipments that Kane carries with him now, and one smaller space equipment is specially used to store valuables. A larger space is used to store materials, food, personal clothing and other items.

The last space equipment is warehouse-type space equipment, and there are a total of 5 equipment items that can connect to this space, which are brought to Kane and the others.

Everyone can open this space, and the items stored in the space are shared by the team.

Kane took out a primitive coin hanging on a pendant from his space equipment for storing valuables.

This item was the item that the angel handed to Kane when he was about to leave. At that time, after his identification, the secret message on it told Kane to go to the silver level to check it again.

Now is the time to check it out.

【Golden Bridge Coins】


【Color: Silver】

[Attribute: Extremely strong]

[Introduction: A souvenir from a certain dungeon, there is some kind of power left on it, accept the guidance. 】

(Secret Intelligence: Use Eagle Eye to observe the ancient coin and follow its lead, but then you better have silver strength.)

(Now you have silver strength, but you are not ready yet.)

Compared with the previous appraisal, there is now one more secret language, but this secret language is not the same.

What does it mean to be not ready? Riddler, right?

But these two secret words also provide a message, and it is hard not to believe that this guide is not a dungeon.

First of all, the first condition is that the strength reaches the silver level. It means that it is not ready, which means that either a certain item is missing, or the strength has not reached a certain level.

But in the past, if an item was needed, the secret language would be pointed out directly.

But this time I didn't point it out directly, which means that there is a high possibility that it is not a prop. After all, the world is so big, if you need a specific prop without explaining it, Kane may not be able to meet it in his life.

It's not like a secret language at all.

Not ready means that it is only possible that the strength is not enough, or the time has not come.

Forget it, it's useless to think about it now, just re-evaluate it every once in a while and write it down.

Forget it, don't lie down, let's get up.

Kane thought silently, slipped from the marshmallow to the floor, lay down for a while before standing up again, and walked towards the bathroom.

Although the dungeon has been explored, there is still a lot to do today.

After washing up, Kane took the marshmallows to the living room. After a while, Claire and Lombe woke up one after another. As for Danforth, she had already gone out, and she would be very busy this year.

The people around the table are eating breakfast.

At this time, Kane suddenly asked Claire, "Did you try on that cloak last night?"

Claire nodded when she heard Kane's words.

"Do you feel that there is any change in the whole suit after wearing it compared to before?"

"No." Claire shook her head: "Except for the strengthening effect brought by the cloak itself, I don't feel any strengthening of the suit's effect when they are worn together."

Claire noticed such a question when she tried it on last night. She wanted to ask Kane today, but Kane asked first.

After listening to Kane, he nodded understandingly, and then explained: "Because it still needs a ceremony to combine the cloak and other parts for sublimation, otherwise, if you wear it like this, there will be no additional effect. "

"Oh, so that's what it is, no wonder."

The topic of the two successfully aroused the curiosity of others at the table.

After eating, Kane took Claire and Lombé and the others to the training ground at the back of the room.

Kane began to prepare according to the process of the secret words above when he identified the cloak yesterday.

First, Kane spent his magic power to carve a standing statue of a male lion about 3 meters high and 4 meters long.

"No, this lion looks weird."

Hearing Claire's words, Kane re-examined the statue he constructed.

It does look a little weird.

"Then you will guide me."

Since Claire obtained the lion set, she has often dealt with the phantoms of various lions, and she does know a lot more than Kane.

Following Claire's guidance, Kane re-decorated the statue so that it looks much more powerful and domineering.

Kane then constructed a sloping altar in front of the statue, with a steel mannequin in the shape of a centaur.

This model's body stats are the same as Claire's.

As for why Kane knew, it was down to his hunter-like eyes.

Do you understand the gold content of the first hunter?

As a hunter, what's wrong with your eyesight?

Then Kane began to instill magic in a frenzy, completely materializing the statue and the altar.

However, this kind of structure without any magic power really does not cost Kane too much magic power.

"Okay, when you're done, Claire put your suit on the model in the middle of the altar."

After hearing Kane's words, Claire nodded, then jogged, came to the model, and put all the parts of the suit from her original arsenal on the model.

When Claire was all dressed, she stood for a while before walking back, her face a little red, and she glared at Kane.

Because she found the model, these outfits fit perfectly on her body, as if she was wearing them herself.

When this series of work was completed, Kane also carved a circle below the statue and the altar.

Then I took out some purchased magic materials from the space equipment. These magic materials were originally intended to be used as batteries for Yoyo at any time, but now they are just needed.

Put these magic materials in each corner of the magic circle.

In this way, the preparations for the ceremony are all completed.

"Okay, Claire, come and stand in this position, then throw a drop of your blood on the statue, and then throw a drop of blood on the statue of the centaur in the middle of the altar."

Claire followed Kane's instructions and stood where he was.

When Kane stepped back, Claire cut a wound on her finger, and then, according to Kane's words, threw the blood on the statue and the model in order.

When the blood dripped, the entire circle began to light up, and then the material above turned into a pile of fly ash, and the energy was transmitted along the circle to the statue and the altar in the middle.

On the statue that was originally carved into one piece, the steel lion suddenly moved, turned his head to stare at Claire in front, and then roared into the sky, and light appeared in the position of his eyeballs and shot on the altar in the middle.

Afterwards, the steel lion, which had done all this, turned into a pile of iron powder and fell on the base of the statue.

In the middle of the altar, a large number of rays of light gathered, and these rays of light gathered and transformed, and a phantom of a male lion appeared.

The phantom turned its head and slammed into the model.

The first is the cloak with a pattern of golden lions, which shines brightly, and then the light is transmitted to various parts of the body.

Finally, all the parts together exude a bright light.

When the light dissipated, the lion's pattern appeared on each part of the already gorgeous golden armor.

And the whole armor becomes brighter, giving a thicker texture.

In the end, even the altar disappeared, leaving only the model in the middle and the equipment on her body.

After watching it all complete, Kane said, "Okay, the ceremony is complete."

Next to Lombé and the others, they could say they were feasting their eyes. It was the first time they had seen such a ceremony, and even Burton was full of novelty.

Kane walked over, put his hand on the equipment on the model, and identified it.

The original bronze-level armor suits have all been upgraded to silver, and various attributes have not been added, just a stage of upward promotion.

The biggest change is the set effect.

【Group of Lions Set】

【Armor Set】

[Attribute bonus: physical fitness is greatly improved]

[Set Skill: Lion God's Blessing Field] (Once a day, step on a field under your feet, and the Lion God in the field will bless you, get all-round upgrades, and make all attacks with the Lion God's attributes. Your teammates will Get the blessing of the Lion King and get all-round attribute improvement.)

The original attribute bonus has changed from medium to large, and the set skills have been directly improved, I don't know how many grades.

As for the effect of the upgraded skills, you can only get a rough idea from the introduction. In fact, you have to use Claire to know.

He took off all the equipment on the model and handed it to Claire.

Claire put it back into her original arsenal, and then used the skills to switch directly to herself.

When the equipment was put on her body, Claire closed her eyes and carefully felt the attribute enhancement and skill effects brought by the equipment.

After a while, Claire opened her eyes directly, stomped her forefoot on the ground, and stomped a footprint.

"The attribute enhancement brought by this set is much more than before."

After finishing speaking, Claire turned to Kane and said, "Get ready, I'm going to use the skills that come with this set."

After he finished speaking, he directly used the skills that came with the suit.

An extremely obvious halo extended from under her feet and quickly enveloped the entire training ground.

A huge lion god phantom appeared from the sky, and then crashed into Claire's body.

Claire's suit began to glow, and all the light came from the lion pattern on the gear and cape.

These lines started to run directly on her equipment, and they seemed to be alive.

There was also light on the double-edged sword in his hand, and the roar of lions could be heard from above.

She got an all-around boost.

And next to Kane, they have also obtained a full range of attribute enhancements.

The phantom of the male lion also appeared on his body, but their phantom was exactly the same as the phantom of the lion king on Claire's body when there was no sublimation suit.

Feeling the increase in strength that appeared on his body, Kane, watching Claire waving the double-edged sword in her hand, pointed to the model not far away.

When Claire saw it, she ran straight over, swung the double-edged sword in her hand, and slashed at the statue.

There was originally only one wound in the slash, but the wound on the statue was as if it had been scratched by a lion's claw, and there were 4 more scars beside it.

And when Claire attacked, she could clearly see the phantom of the lion's palm.

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