Early in the morning of the second day, Kane and the others swept away the cabin and continued to move towards the set goal.

Claire walked forward with the team, yawning from time to time, as if she hadn't slept well last night.

And on the back of her horse, Li Lulu was lying on it, sleeping soundly.

The World Restaurant was the most extensive dungeon they had ever encountered.

Their destination does not look very far away, but in fact it takes a lot of time to walk.

However, Kane and the others are all silver-level explorers after all, so when they are on their way, they are always in a state of brisk walking.

When it was near noon, they finally left the plains and entered the jungle.

On the grasslands before, there was very little vegetation on the ground, just lawns, and all kinds of animals saw Kane and the others from a distance. Except for the iron-headed animals like the bread antelope, almost most of the animals saw Kane and the others. Turn around and run directly, not giving Kane a chance to catch them at all.

The aromas of these animals are overflowing, and they run away when they are finished, without leaving the water.

The forest seemed to act as a protective belt, and the deeper you went, the colder the air became.

At the edge of the forest, you can already see fine snow accumulations on the trees.

Li Lulu fluttered her wings and tilted her head as she watched the snow piled up on the leaves, and then stuck out a thumb on the snow and put it in her mouth.

"This snow, yogurt-flavored ice cream."

"Really? I'll try it." Lombe quickly ran to a nearby tree, and a thin layer of snow had already accumulated on the bark.

Lombe stretched out his fingers to scrape a layer and put it into his mouth.

"It seems to taste like milk." Lombé said with a slap in the face.

However, there wasn't a lot of snow on these trees, and they didn't look very clean, so Claire and the others didn't try, but moved on.

It didn't take long for Kane and the others to walk out of the woods, and the moment they walked out of the woods, the cold wind roared, as if they had stepped into the frozen environment in an instant.

Although their physique is completely able to wear short sleeves and move freely in such an environment, why should they suffer like this?

Everyone directly rummaged through their respective space equipment, and then dug out the clothes of later generations and put them on their bodies.

However, there are still a lot of plants in front, but you can see the layered peaks not far away.

The ground and surrounding vegetation were covered with thick snow, exuding a strong smell, and the whole land was covered with a layer of white satin.

The snow here looks very clean, and with a thick layer, there are many more locations that can be selected than in the previous woods.

Kane took two steps forward and came to the side of a boulder. Looking at the thick layer of snow covered on the stone, he condensed a spoon in his hand directly through the source skill. the middle layer.

Put a spoonful of snow in your mouth.

What kind of snow is this? It's just ice cream. Don't think that you can't recognize it with a snow-like coat.

Kane tasted it carefully, the almond milk flavor was not bad.

Then Kane came to another stone and dug a spoonful into his mouth in the same way.

Banana milk flavor, not very satisfied.

Looking at Kane's actions, Claire and the others didn't have any ink marks either. They took out the space equipment, and the cutlery digged out some snow in the surrounding places where they were satisfied and tasted it.

"Claire, come to Li Lulu, this snow tastes like white honey."

Hearing Li Lulu's cry, Claire ran over in an instant, and the two kept digging through the snow in that area, trying.

The snow at each location is not the same. Although the appearance looks exactly the same, the taste in the mouth is different.

At this moment, Kane was squatting beside a boulder, frowning at the black patches on the snow.

Yoyo next to him was emitting a ray from his head, scanning the black plaque, saying it was a plaque, but it was actually some gravel.

It's just that the colors of these rubble are very strange.

"How about you, did you scan the type of this stone?"

"It's a sugar nugget."

"Really." Kane couldn't help muttering to himself.

Most of the illustrated books sold by the outside world recorded various animals and plants, but Kane bought all the illustrated books that he could see, and then handed them over to Yoyo for recording.

In addition to all kinds of animals and plants, there are actually many illustrations that record things that are not animals and plants.

Just now, Kane felt that these stones looked wrong and smelled like chocolate, so he asked Yoyo to scan.

It turned out to be really chocolate.

Reached out and picked up a piece and threw it into his mouth, and the chocolate instantly melted in his mouth and flowed into his throat like a silky smooth.

The quality of this chocolate is very high.

Kane looked at it, and finally saw a tree with a strange bark walking over, condensing a sharp knife, and after making a circle on it, it peeled off a layer of bark.

After wrapping the bark into a pointed cylinder, he returned to the previous place to dig a spoonful of snow, and put the clumps of snow mixed with chocolate stones into the pointed cylinder.

Well, the chocolate cone is done.

Although it looks outrageous, it is true, that bark is an edible ingredient. And it's perfect for making crispy cones for ice cream.

However, it was colder here after all, so Kane and the others didn't eat much. They just tasted it and stopped after satisfying their curiosity.

Only Claire has a large refrigerated space equipment, so she dug up a large piece of snow and put it in the cold storage.

Fascinated by these various strange natural delicacies, they almost forgot the purpose of their trip.

Going forward, it didn't take long for the surrounding vegetation to begin to sparse, and only the whole piece of snow and the sloping hillside could be seen.

This kind of place is pretty much the habitat of weird red snakes.

Although strange red snakes are not rare and there are many in number, these red snakes have excellent hiding methods. Unless there are bait or their nests are found, it is extremely difficult to catch such snakes.

Kane took out the book that recorded the red snake illustration and began to study it.

As snakes, red snakes live in cold areas. In order to maintain their body heat, they need to eat some kind of extremely high-calorie food from time to time to preserve their own survival.

And that food is chili.

A chili that can only survive and grow in snowy mountain areas.

White chili peppers.

The Yoyo next to him was very smart, and projected the information of the white pepper's picture book into the air for Kane and the others to understand.

This is a spherical pepper. Their mustard stalks are buried in the snow or in the ground. Only the pepper-like fruit sticks out, but the outer skin of their pepper fruit is covered with a white protective color, which allows them to blend well into the snow. , so it is extremely difficult to find in places full of snow.

"Okay, the friends are the kind of things in the picture book. Let's find them separately. Be careful to keep communication with ruby ​​lapel clips at any time, and pay attention to your own safety."

Although the danger level of this snow-capped mountain does not exceed level 4, it is completely in a safe area for Kane and the others, but Kane still reminds them to pay attention to safety.

Everyone looked carefully, and Yoyo projected the picture book into the sky, and then they each found a direction to look for.

And Kane took Yoyo towards the heights.

Kane kept his eagle eyes open the whole time, carefully searching in the snow.

It didn't take long for Kane to feel a little uncomfortable in his eyes. It was white in pieces, but he needed to check the difference carefully, so as not to miss the target and make people's eyes a little tired.

Is that snow moving? Kane thought with some doubts, feeling that his eyes had been looking at white for a long time, and some illusions appeared.

However, with a vigilant attitude, Kane closed his eyes and rubbed to relax, then opened his eagle eyes again and looked carefully at the area.

That's right, the snow is indeed moving slowly.

"Yuyou, is there anything in your image inspection information that moves like snow?"

Hearing Kane's words, the small green light next to Yunyou's eyes began to turn red, indicating that he had entered a state of searching.

"There are some masters." After Yoyo finished speaking, he projected the two kinds of picture book data that he had inquired into the air.

Both illustrations are two-star level.

One is a flat creature with a huge body area on the ground, but the snow is just a part of his body. His original body is not snow, but a creature with many tentacles.

It just wraps the snow on its tentacles, and it looks like a piece of snow is moving. When the prey gets close, its tentacles will quickly stretch out and tie the prey until it freezes to death.

In another illustration, the real snow came alive.

One is the snow that can move, the snow block monster.

It will only appear in this creamy snow mountain. With the increase of snow, it has acquired the ability to act inexplicably.

The area of ​​this kind of snow is not large, but it is very solid. It is better to say that it is ice.

Although these snows are said to be two stars, they hardly have any means of attack. Their food source is the surrounding snow, so they do not need to hunt and kill.

The reason why they got two stars is because their bodies are very strong, and even if you break it for a long time, he can reassemble through the snow.

Their core is a small ball in that solid ice and snow, but no one will kill the creature.

Because their sturdy body knocks down a piece and is one of the top ice creams in the world.

As long as you don't kill him and knock the hard snow blocks off his body, it won't take long for him to reaggregate.

So most of the explorers who know this monster won't hurt them, just knock off parts of their bodies as a reward for letting them go.

Kane rubbed his hands and walked towards the moving snow.

Come on, let me see what kind you are.

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