A larger vehicle was driving on the snow.

Then staggered through a small forest and came to the plain.

In the back compartment, Kane and the others all sip the ice cream in their hands with happy faces, and each sip will make them savor for a while.

This ice cream makes people feel happy, because it can make Kane and the others recall some things that make people feel happy and happy.

These memories even have some vague pictures in Kane's memory. If they usually think of these pictures, they can't remember them, let alone their emotions at that time, and every bite of ice cream can remind them of these, which makes them want to stop.

It is indeed a food that can bring short-lived happiness to a person.

But it didn't take long for them to feel the vehicle stop, and then they heard Yoyo's words coming through the speaker in the trunk, telling them that they had reached the location.

Kane and the others put down the ice cream in their hands, and then handed the remaining half bucket of ice cream to Claire and asked her to carefully store it in the space equipment.

After getting off the car, I found that the sky was completely dark. Didn't I expect them to spend such a long time in the car? Addicted to happiness, some forget the scale of time.

However, this thing is not addictive. Kane and the others are about to forget their previous feelings. Only the memories and pictures that help them recall are still clear.

Kane recalled the source of that moment in the soul vein, and helped him to clear the face that had begun to be blurred in the memory, so that he could see clearly.

Kane walked over, came to the position where he built the wooden house yesterday, and began to sway his magic power to rebuild it.

As for Claire and the others, they stared blankly at the sky, recalling the blurry picture they had once, and everyone was more or less emotional.


Li Lulu is not included here.

At this time, she was riding on a huge colorful butterfly flying above Kane and their heads, and a crisp laughter came.

"Wait a minute, what is that?"

Lombe was looking at the sky and sighed, but who knew that there was a flickering object in the starry sky in front of him, and it was smashing towards his position quickly.

After they heard Lombe's voice, they immediately looked in that direction, and saw an object similar to a meteor flying towards them, and they could also hear a subtle sound, coming from the object of the meteor, and as the meteor became more and more The closer you get, the clearer the sound becomes.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

It is a scream of screams, and if you distinguish it carefully, you can tell that there are three different timbres from three different sounds.

After looking at the place where the object fell, Kane and the others all stood to the side, vacating a place.


This object was wrapped in hot air and smashed directly into the area surrounded by them, smashing out a deep pit of dust that filled the surroundings, and wisps of blue smoke floated upwards.

"Rui, what an idiot, I told you not to touch it."

"What? What do you call me an idiot? If you hadn't pushed me from behind, I wouldn't have been able to touch me at all, so Xi is the idiot."

"What? How dare you say that your sister is an idiot!"

"It's a fool, it's a fool, Xi is a fool."

"Okay, see if I don't pluck your hair out for you."

"Okay! Can you two stop arguing, don't you see someone looking at us? What a shame."

Watching them disperse the dust the moment the dust was filled, they watched two boys and girls the size of seven or eight-year-olds arguing with each other, and finally beat them up.

The difference between these two children and human children is that their skin is very white, not pale but a kind of tender white.

Both have golden eyes and white eyebrows, the boy has short pink hair, the girl has pink, long hair, chubby cheeks, and baby fat, no matter who sees it, they will say ok. Cute little child.

But the biggest difference is that behind them, there are two pairs of white wings that fit their body shape.

Coupled with the white costumes they wear, it gives people the feeling of a little angel.

But after hearing the two of them beat each other, the merciless action and the words of scolding while beating, this feeling was instantly shattered.

The other person who made a more mature tone was a young girl with withered yellow hair in a hunting outfit.

Except for the dust on his face, which looks a little embarrassed, the rest is no different from an ordinary human girl.

However, looking at some accessories on her body, the mechanical armguards on her hands, the mechanical leggings on her legs, and the gears on her shoes, she has a strong mechanical style.

After she noticed Kane's gaze, she stopped the two little angels who were fighting each other and pulled them away.

However, on the final way of pulling the frame, the elder sister took the opportunity to slap the head of the younger brother with her wings, with a stern look on her face.

The younger brother was also angry at this time, but he did not continue to step forward. It seems that this girl has a certain authority.

After the girl climbed out of the deep pit with two little angels, she patted the dust on her body and face, and said embarrassedly to Kane and the others.

"Sorry, I fell down at this time and disturbed your camping."

Regarding the three girls, Kane and the others were vigilant, but they did not show it too much. After all, although this dungeon is huge, there are also many explorers, and the conflict between the explorers is not serious.

So just keep your due vigilance and don't get too excited.

"It's okay, but you..." Kane stood up and said, and then pointed to the sky.

When the girl heard Kane's words and saw his actions, she smiled embarrassedly, and then explained: "There is a floating island in the sky, we are not very lucky, the hunting target we received happened to be the empty island. Unique, we accidentally stepped on the trap after catching it and were thrown off."

In the sky of this dungeon, there is also a relatively wide empty island with a lot of unique animals and plants. If the explorer is not lucky and draws the unique species above, they must go up to catch or hunt them. If you don't have the means to fly, you can only say goodbye to dungeon clearance.

After hearing his words, Kane turned to look at Li Lulu on his shoulder. Li Lulu nodded knowingly when she saw Kane's gaze, and then gave a thumbs up.

Nodding means that the group is not malicious, and giving a thumbs up means that their character is still very good, which is relatively positive.

Kane nodded, and then said to the girl, "Then you are really unlucky, but bad luck will not always be there, I believe it will get better in a while, but are you injured and do you need help?"

"Thank you for your kindness, we were not injured." But the girl also knew that it was not safe to communicate with the unfamiliar team of explorers in the dungeon, so she said.

"Thank you for your kindness, then we will say goodbye."

After speaking, the girl was about to pull away the two little angels behind her.

Sister Angel said: "It's very late now, and I'm tired, can I just camp here!"

Hearing her elder sister's words, her younger brother also echoed: "Yes, and only camping here is safer around here. Besides, we can't let us go back to the circular restaurant now, it's too far."

"Yes, Fona, and the light on them is not dark, very bright, so it's fine."

The words of Sister Angel were keenly noticed by Kane. The light on them was very bright, which made them feel at ease. It seems that this angel has the same skills or talent as Li Lulu.

Hearing the words of the two little angels, Fona smiled helplessly, then turned around and looked at Kane and they were about to speak.

"It's okay, you can camp here, just a little distance away."

Hearing Kane's words, Fona nodded, then said thank you, then pulled a spot next to the two angels' aisle, and began to take out the camping equipment from the space equipment and build it.

Kane and the others are not here to watch others all the time, but returned to their cabin. Since Kane is more than 10 meters away from the cabin, the cabin just built has only a few pillars on the edge. Still standing on the ground.

This caused Kane to have to start spending mana constructs all over again.

At this time, Lilulu appeared on Kane's shoulder with a flash, and whispered into his ear.

"Kane, can Li Lulu find those people to play with?"

"Are you sure they are safe?"

"Li Lulu doesn't find them annoying."

After hearing Li Lulu's words, Kane nodded and said, "Okay, then you can go and be safe."

Li Lulu flickered and disappeared from Kane's shoulders again.

Watching Li Lulu head towards the little angel's camp.

Claire came to Kane's side and asked, "Just let Li Lulu communicate with those strangers?"

"It's alright, Li Lulu's strength is enough for her to ensure her own safety, and it's good, isn't it? It's not a bad thing to get in touch, it's just right to leave this kind of thing to Li Lulu."

Thinking of Li Lulu's character, Claire also smiled, and then no longer bothered.

At this time, Kane suddenly asked: "Do you recognize the race of those two children?"

This kind of question can only be asked by Claire, who knows all kinds of bizarre books. Kane still hasn't been too involved in this aspect.

Hearing Kane's words, Claire nodded.

"Those two children should be from the angel race. They should be new races that appeared in this world in the last epoch. They are very rare. I have only read them in books. It's the first time I've seen them."

Each era represents the appearance of the Ring of the World, which Kane learned later. He initially thought that each era had a fixed time.

However, this kind of algorithm can really reflect the characteristics of this world, and it can also record major events in this world very well. After all, major events are always accompanied by the Ring of the World.

"It is said that this race lives on a mountain surrounded by white light. As for the specific location, I don't know. All I know is that all members of this race are users of holy light, and the level of holy light used is very high." Claire said so.

After listening to Claire's introduction, Kane nodded, as if he had a simple understanding of the two children who appeared.

At the same time, he once again sighed in his heart that there are so many great races in this world.

And before long, a large number of new races appeared.

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