"Master, do you need to pick the melting heart pepper?"

Yunyou, who was leading the way in front, suddenly stopped, and two strong beams of light illuminated an area in front of her eyes, and asked Kane and the others.

And Kane and the others also used these two strong lights to finally see the first plant they encountered after traveling for so long.

The plant in that area is a type of pepper, but there is only one pepper per tree, and the peppers emerge from the ground with the tip up, more like a flower.

This chili is unique to this region, a seasoning that can only be found in this part of the volcano.

Coming to this area with such a high temperature, if they didn't pick all the peppers, they would be too sorry for themselves.

So everyone directly divided the labor and took off these peppers one by one and put them into the space equipment. As for the spiciness of the peppers, let's forget it.

The temperature is already hot, so don't blame yourself, let alone the name of this chili is Melting Heart Chili.

The reason why he took such a name is also very straightforward, because his spiciness gives people the feeling that his heart has been infused with a mass of lava and is about to melt.

"What is that?" Longbe was picking peppers, but saw a crack in the ground in front of him, and a red figure emerged from the crack and was stealing the pepper.

Hearing Lombe's words, everyone turned their attention to it.

shell, shell.

Kane rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not mistaken. The red figure was indeed a creature with a red shell. The speed of the shell was not slow. go inside.

After shutting down the peppers, the shells want to go back to the seam.

The six-sided steel plate covered the shell, and then closed it together, and the red shell, which noticed the movement, immediately rolled the clam shells on both sides into the transparent box and stopped moving.

The transparent steel with red shells floated towards Kane's hand, and then slid over, projecting scanning rays in his eyes, scanning the creatures in the river, and immediately found his information, and projected the information map into the air to share the information. Kane they watch.

This kind of creature is called a purgatory shell. It is a creature that can survive in lava. It has no attack power, and the shell's defense ability is good.

But the hunting level is 5 stars, it can only be seen in the volcanic area, and it is extremely difficult to meet, you must have enough patience to wait for the rabbit, otherwise you can only go to the lava to catch him, there are everywhere.

Without this ability, you can only stay on the ground well.

The two scallops of this shell have 100% flame resistance. After grinding the shells into powder, adding them to the armor can greatly improve the flame resistance of the armor.

And the meat in the shell is also very delicious and juicy. Of course, the juice here is not lava, please rest assured.

Kane looked at the picture book in mid-air, and then looked at the shell in his hand.

Only in this dungeon did Kane really experience the feeling of the European Emperor, and he could feel that his luck was very good all the time.

After packing up the spoils, everyone continued to walk forward. The temperature here has reached an extremely alarming level. Seeing that the ice cubes in their vests have changed one after another, they have just replaced a new batch of ice cubes. Immediately, water trails began to fall.

But they also finally reached the target area.

In the area above them, there was a figure of a fluttering dolphin, but because it was night, even if Kane and the others had their eagle eyes open, they couldn't see the sky.

There are already all kinds of toxic substances and volcanic ash floating in this area, and because the freshness gain on Kane and the others is still continuing, it is a lot more convenient for them.

Kane knocked on his chest: "Marshmallow, it's time to come out to work."

When entering this volcanic area, the marshmallow no longer floats in the air due to his body. He extremely hates staying in a high temperature area for a long time, so he has been attached to Kane along the way.

Now that the location has been reached, it's time to get out and start taking on the work.


Marshmallow let out a cry and burrowed out of Kane's body.

"Okay, okay, don't complain, just hold on for a while!" Kane touched Marshmallow's body and comforted.

Immediately after coming out, the marshmallow swelled his body to the maximum.

Kane and the others quickly got on the body of the marshmallow. When Kane and the others all got on, the marshmallow quickly lifted into the air, and they didn't want to stay on the ground at all.

As the altitude climbed, the temperature gradually decreased, but the updraft from below could still be felt from time to time.

But even if it's lower, the temperature is still very hot.

Finally, Kane and the others came to a height of 1,500 meters above the ground.

The temperature here has finally returned to normal, but it is slightly higher than other places, but at least Kane and the others are liberated.

This is not the highest height that Marshmallow can reach, but it is enough here, because the fluttering dolphin lives in this height range.

However, it was pitch black all around. Even with Kane's night vision ability, they still couldn't see it clearly, and the surroundings were blurry.

Kane, look at the time, wait for a while, the sun will rise soon.

Waiting on it for a while, no one has any opinion, Lombe and Claire are all lying on the clouds, resting well, and the softness of the marshmallows is very comfortable, making Claire and the others very comfortable. It's okay to stay all day long.

As time passed, the sun gradually rose, and the light brought by the sun illuminated the sky.

"Okay, let's get started!" After saying that, Kane patted the cotton candy under him.

Marshmallow began to flutter slowly in this area after receiving the order, and Kane's eyes had turned into eagle eyes.

And the same goes for Metzker's eyes.

The two of them were respectively in charge of constantly strafing, checking the fluttering dolphins hiding in the air. At such a height, there were constantly clouds floating around, blocking Kane's line of sight. Fish live within clouds.

The formation of these clouds has a certain magical factor itself, which has led to a great decrease in the detection efficiency of Kane and the others. In addition, the fluttering dolphins are not good at magic, which makes it even more difficult, so the marshmallow has been Carrying Kane and the others floating around in the air, and Kane and the others kept looking around, their eyes were a little dry.

"I found it, in that cloud." Hearing Metzker's voice behind him, Kane turned his head to look in the direction he pointed.

I only saw a large cloud of clouds there, and there was an area in the corner of the cloud where one could see one after another of circular magical reactions that appeared and disappeared.

A lot of spheroids of different sizes should be fluttering dolphins.

Kane patted the cotton candy under him: "Lean in slowly."

Kane re-adjusted the skill bar, and the vests on Claire and the others disappeared.

Marshmallow slowed down and slowly moved towards the huge cumulus cloud.

In Kainder's vision, the spherical magic reaction, which was firmly docked in the position of the cumulus, moved with the movement of the cumulus without the slightest change.

Since they couldn't see what was inside, Kane and the others didn't act rashly, but waited patiently on the marshmallow's body, following the fluttering of the cumulus clouds and slowly fluttering.

Finally, in the magic vision that I looked at, the group-shaped magic reaction finally began to move, and then one slowly swam towards the edge of the cloud.

As the edge of the cloud broke apart, a snow-white dolphin fish floated out like a balloon.

Relying on the gas in the bulging body, he floats in the air, and his tail can eject gas, which makes him move quickly in the air, and the fins on both sides adjust its direction.

After Kane and the others saw it, they slowly lowered their bodies.

And Marshmallow accelerated a little and moved towards the cumulus cloud.

The fluttering dolphin didn't feel the danger at all, and was still swimming slowly around the cumulus clouds.

"call out"

A white spider silk suddenly appeared and shot the dolphin quickly, wrapping it into a ball while the dolphin was still confused, without making any sound.

Kane's spider silk is not something these dolphin fish can struggle with. They threw the dolphin fish wrapped in a ball on the clouds, and Kane and the others continued to ambush.

This time, almost most of the group-shaped magic reaction began to act, breaking the edge of the cloud and swimming out one by one.

After a while, the entire group swam out.

With such a large number, what's the point of ambush.

"Free attack, can catch only one."

Beside Kane, several spider silks shot towards the dolphin fish, and Metzker's four magical hands appeared directly on the four different dolphin fish, grabbing them firmly.

And the marshmallows also accelerated. Since the dolphin fish was floating in their direction, the marshmallows came around the dolphin fish all at once.

Because Kane and Metzker had to attack first, these dolphins felt the danger and began to flee. I don't know if they were frightened. Some dolphins rushed directly towards the marshmallows.

Facing these dolphins, a fishing net appeared directly in Claire's hand. Since Lombe had no height advantage, he could only hold the fishing rod that Kane had condensed for him, and swing the fishing line to grab it.

Lilulu's bubble magic, one by one, moved towards the surrounding dolphins.

Due to Kane's sudden attack, they had nearly 10 seconds to catch these dolphins. After 10 seconds, these dolphins were already relying on the gas jets from their tails and ran far away to hide in the surrounding area. in the clouds.

But in these 10 seconds, each of them has gained a lot.

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