Because of Metzker's alchemy technology, he became a master.

Therefore, in the past two days, Kane and the others did not go out to explore and complete the last level of commissioned tasks.

Instead, they were doing their own thing in the room.

Metzker has acquired new technology, and the permanent secret potion has also been successfully broken, so he is now fully improving his potion and creating new potions.

Every day, four magical hands can be seen floating around the room.

And Claire is also doing her final cooking exercises, and she may also have acquired new skills in the same way, which makes her very fascinated.

Li Lulu is also taking care of her fairy tale world. This dungeon has injected a lot of new life into her fairy tale world. She needs to plan well.

Finally, there is Lombe. The new skills Kane gave him are very suitable for him. Perhaps it is because his original skills are getting bigger and smaller. The skill that can be seen by the naked eye can be seen. The stone is getting dim.

Lombe has always been the slowest one to learn skill stones, unless there is a long high-intensity battle.

During the period, Fona and the others also came to be guests, and they had completed the last level of the task, and now they are preparing to hunt the last difficulty, a seven-star creature with a silver pinnacle as the bottom.

However, although everyone is busy with their own affairs, they are mainly waiting for Metzker to upgrade all the potions.

Because Metzker's potion affects the combat effectiveness of the entire team, they should wait and must wait.

Finally, on the afternoon of the third day, Metzker walked out of his room.

At this time, in the living room of the hotel, only Kane was watching the new mechanical technology on the sofa, while Claire was processing fresh ingredients in the kitchen.

Hearing the sound of Metzker's door, Kane turned his head.

He was taken aback by this sight, and the feeling of deja vu came upon him.

Claire had already processed the ingredients, threw them into the space equipment, and walked out of the kitchen. She was also shocked when she looked at Metzker who was walking out of the door.

The two seemed to return to the day when they first met Metzker.

At this time, Metzker exuded a faint pungent odor all over his body, and the dark circles on the bags under his eyes seemed like he was wearing thick makeup.

It stands to reason that the physique of the silver explorer will not show such exaggerated performance even if he does not rest for a few days, but he can't stand Metzke refining new medicines day and night these days, constantly consuming himself energy.

Kane walked over and carefully observed Metzker and asked, "Is this really okay? Why don't you take a rest first."

Metzker shook his head and said, "It's done, and now it's just a simple recollection of the previous years."

It seems that Metzker has indeed succeeded. He can see the joy on his face, and even has the mood to play a little joke with Kane.

Kane took a closer look and determined that Metzker didn't have much problem, just a little tired, so he didn't discourage too much, after all, he had already completed it.

Kane informed the other two along his ruby ​​lavalier.

After waiting on the sofa for long, Li Lulu opened a rainbow-colored portal in the room and flew out, while Longbei also came back from outside.

When they came in, they saw that the table was full of potions, all kinds of different colors.

After they took their seats, Metzker began to distribute his customized potions according to each person's difference.

The first is the most basic three colors of red, blue, and yellow.

Kane touched the three-colored potions in his hands and identified them.

【Healing Potion】


【Color: Silver】

[Attribute: Quickly repair body damage]

[Skill: Customization] (When the user of the potion is Kane, the potency is strengthened and the treatment speed is increased.)

[Introduction: Masterpiece. 】

The colors, attributes, skills, and introductions of the three potions are very similar. The potions that belong to the silver level are all customized for Kane. When Kane uses it, he can get additional strengthening effects.

The ones assigned to Claire Lilulu and the others also have such custom attributes.

Then there are the upgraded versions of various gain potions, which have been verified by Kane and the others, and they are simple and easy to use.

Finally is the main event.

Metzker distributed 4 potions of different colors in front of him to Kane and the others. These potions were very special in appearance. They kept exuding a shimmer of magic power, and the liquid inside was like a Like the starry night scene, it keeps flowing.

However, compared to Claire and the others, the potion in Kane's hand was less than a bottle of purple, because he was the first taster.

There are 7 bottles of potions in front of each person, and Kane needs one less bottle of purple.

The attributes of these potions are to permanently increase strength, agility, constitution, magic power, physical resistance, magic resistance and mental resistance.

These potions are the focus of Metzker these days.

Then, under the guidance of Metzker, everyone began to drink these potions one by one.

In addition to the 3 kinds of resistance experience that are not obvious, the other 4 kinds of medicines that directly increase the attributes are very obvious after drinking.

According to each person's attributes, the improvement is about 10%~30%, and the improvement of Lilulu's strength and physique has reached 50%.

For example, magic power, a potion that permanently increases, is even less than 10% for Kane.

Because Kane's magic power is too much, the amount of this potion can only be regarded as icing on the cake for him.

When everything was done, Claire looked at Metzker's face that was about to die, so she didn't cook, but took out all kinds of food that had already been prepared from her golden pocket.

These are the delicacies that Claire has prepared for a long time, and they are stored in the golden pockets. After all, time stops inside, so when they are taken out, they are the same as the ones they just made, without any difference.

After eating, Metzker went straight back to his room to rest. He really needed a good night's sleep.

And Kane and the others are preparing to continue exploring tomorrow to complete the final commissioned task.

And by the way, they will capture all kinds of meat raw materials that they have been optimistic about, which indicates that they may need to wander around the entire dungeon in the next week or even two weeks.


next morning

Kane and the others passed through the seat belt. This time their target was at the far north of the entire dungeon, which is the top position of the map. They needed Kane 0 to pass through the entire dungeon.

But this is also just right, after capturing the mission target, they will start to capture and seal the various foods they need from top to bottom.

These are all efforts that must be made in order for them to still be able to feast their eyes in the future.

After all, there are chefs in their current team. It would be a pity if they couldn't eat the best food because of the ingredients.

The same is true for Claire, and it would also be a pity if she could not make the most delicious food with the best ingredients.

A silver-white metal yacht is galloping on the water, with a beautiful spray drawn from the tail.

Going to the top of the map is, of course, the fastest way to go by water, but no matter how fast it is, even if Kane and the others drive the yacht's horsepower to the maximum, it will still take a day and a night.

Kane sat on the yacht and looked at the order in his hand, which was the goal of their trip.

The goal this time is no longer to capture, but to hunt. The picture below shows a strange animal called the brown camel beast.

This creature is like a cow and a horse, with a single horn on its head similar to that of a rhino, and its average size can reach 5 meters in length and 3 meters in height.

Such a physique is a complete beast.

And this is an absolute delicacy. The meat quality of his body can be regarded as the top meat delicacy, and has been rated as the top meat ingredient by many gourmets.

Especially its thigh meat, Kane drooled watching the introduction.

However, the difficulty of capturing him to be rated 6 stars is also not due to the geographical environment, but his individual strength.

However, except for the seven-star creatures in this dungeon, other creatures basically cannot even pose a threat to Kane and the others.

In this way, they have been on the water for a day and a night. In the early morning of the second day, Kane and the others finally landed.

"It's still comfortable on the ground. The water is really uncomfortable." After landing on the shore, Longbei stretched fiercely, stomped the ground, and said comfortably.

For Lombe, whether it is in the water or in the sky makes him feel uncomfortable.

Only by stepping on the ground can he feel comfortable.

"Yuyou has planned the route." The first time Kane went ashore, he set a task for Youyou.

Yoyo directly projected the map of the entire dungeon into the air.

The so-called route is not from here to find the government objective, but the route around and all over the map, with the shortest route, so that they don't take the wrong road and capture all the creatures they want.

Due to the many goals of their trip, Kane and the others did not hesitate and built the vehicle directly on the spot.

Get on the vehicle and drive full speed towards the target location.

Except for the trees and forests that pop up from time to time, most of the ground is relatively flat, with only some gravel and shrubs.

Finally, after a short walk, they saw a huge lake from a distance. The sun's rays shone on the lake, and the reflections were sparkling.

At this time, there are countless animals on the shore of the lake gathering here to drink water. There are even carnivorous and herbivorous animals. They temporarily put down their hostility and maintain mutual restraint.

Kane swung the vehicle away, and Claire and the others squatted down after they landed, hiding in the tall plants and bushes.

Kane stood up, opened his eagle eyes, and carefully looked for their target among those animals.

"Why aren't there so many animals?" Kane stood and watched for a long time, but he didn't see their mission target.

But he said to Claire: "I saw Baizhi Cow, and Fragrant Deer."

"Really?" Claire said with a look of surprise.

These two animals were selected by Claire and wanted to capture the list.

They are all meats with their own seasonings. The meat of Baizhi Beef has a cheesy aroma, and it has extremely high calories, which can help them recover their physical strength.

There is no need to say more about the fragrant deer. Hearing the name, he knows that he brings his own seasoning, and uses his meat to cook it directly. Those who don't know it after eating it will think that the meat has been marinated.

But now the main target is not these two creatures.

"Lilulu sneaked over to mark these two creatures." But mark them first, so that they can be taken away faster later.

Hearing Kane's words, Li Lulu appeared above the animals in a flash. Due to her small size and natural affinity, no creatures found her.

Li Lulu immediately marked the target and flashed back.

As soon as Lilulu came back, Kane discovered their target. At this time, the brown camel beast was slowly walking towards the lake from not far away, and the power radiated along the way made all the animals give up for him. A road comes, dare not approach him.

"Come on, get ready."

Kane immediately reminded his teammates.

Immediately, everyone squatted and slowly touched the lake.

When the brown camel beast was drinking water slowly by the lake, Kane and the others had already arrived in the bushes not far away.

There are many animals next to them who have discovered Kane and the others, and have stayed away.

"Do it."

Following Kane's cry, several spider silks shot directly at the beast that was drinking water.

These spider silks were tightly wrapped around the limbs of the giant beast, and his huge unicorn was pulling him desperately, and the spider silk continued to shoot out, trying to wrap it all up.

The giant beast that sensed the danger ignited a flame, and wrapped it all along the skin. The temperature of these flames was extremely high, and all the spider silk was directly melted.

Although Spider Silk is afraid of fire, Lombe is not.

A 5-meter-tall little giant walked directly towards the giant beast, and a palm swelled rapidly, becoming larger than the giant beast, and slapped it fiercely.

The ground trembled violently in an instant, showing that the power was so great that when the smoke and dust dissipated, the brown camel beast had already fallen into the pothole, and its life and death were unknown.

Claire and the others, who were preparing to continue their actions, just stared blankly.

The first actual combat effect of Lombe's new skills perfectly explained the deterrent power after his shortcomings were filled.

Kane walked over to take a look, and then gave Lombe a thumbs up.

Although the brown camel beast is not dead, and its body is relatively intact, Kane has already discovered that many parts of his body should be broken, especially his limbs are twisted, and blood is dripping from the ear, nose and throat.

After brewing for a long time, it was solved with a slap from Longbei.

Since the target did not need to be captured alive, Kane went down and stabbed him directly in the heart, ending his pain.

Throwing the corpse into his own space warehouse.

"Okay, the mission goal has been completed, and now it's time to start our real mission."

After that, they let Li Lulu lead them to chase the two animals that had already run away.

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