Under the sunlight, the ground is a sea of ​​flowers, all kinds of floral fragrances are floating in the air, and the petals are flying around.

Makes the whole area into the sea of ​​flowers.

In the center of the sea of ​​flowers, there is a huge tree covered with huge flowers. Under the branches hung large and small beehives. One of the largest beehives was several times larger than the central tree trunk, and fell heavily on it.

In addition to the flowers, all kinds of bees are diligently collecting honey. These bees are not ordinary bees, and many of them are the size of fists.

And those beehives are not the ugly beehives of Huang Tongtong, but huge cakes, and even the decoration of petals can be seen on them.

This is where Cake Honey resides. They have almost no natural enemies in this area, because their queen is a 7-star powerhouse, and her strength has reached the silver bottleneck period.

And Kane and the others were observing the situation at the very edge of the sea of ​​​​flowers.

Li Lulu looked around at the flowers, admiring them to their heart's content, and from time to time scattered the bees that wanted to besiege her and attack her.

"The flowers here are beautiful, the bees here are nasty."

Kane opened his eagle eyes and observed it carefully.

Innumerable magical reactions appeared in his field of vision. These magical reactions were silver and copper, but they were not very large. The only huge silver magical reaction was the Queen, but it was no more than the size of a person.

"There are a lot of guards. Forget it, let's fight it quickly. Be careful not to damage those beehives. We used to direct the bees to fight."

Kane said to his teammates.

Afterwards, Longbei stood in the first place and directly turned into a grey stone giant, holding a shield to open the iron wall and advancing forward.

Kane set up a fire platform directly behind, but it was no longer a muzzle, but a dense muzzle on which various rotary machine guns were built.

In Kane's eyes, the red cross has also marked all the bees in his field of vision. As long as there is a magical response, all of them will be marked in his field of vision.

Claire put on a group of lion suits directly behind, and auras of various colors spread out from under his feet and wrapped around Kane's feet, providing them with benefits.

"Attack!" The command was also shouted from Keria's mouth, and Kane and the others could feel that their attack power and speed had been strengthened.

Their swaggering appearance alarmed all the bees in this sea of ​​flowers. They began to form groups of bees and charged towards Kane and the others. The whole air was filled with the buzzing sound of bees, and they could even listen to the words. not sure.

Many bees the size of Lilulu could be seen gushing out of the hive.

It was Kane who attacked first.

The dense bullets directly formed a metal storm and swept toward these honeys.

On Kane's fire platform, the rotating launchers began to spin wildly, and the muzzle began to spew blue flames, sending the hot bullets out.

The hot projectile dragged the blue magic trail and hit the bees that were rushing towards Kane and the others.

The size of a bullet can account for a small half of the honey, and it will directly shatter them.

Green body fluids and stumps were scattered.

Some of the larger ones were also directly pierced by the projectile, and were divided into upper and lower halves, or left and right.

These bees are fast, but not as fast as bullets, and their body defense is not very good. After all, they are insects and have no carapace on their bodies.

Each bullet can take away one, and if you are lucky, you can also get 1 and 2.

With Kane's attack, these honey bees began to fall down in large swaths.

The fishy smell permeates the whole space, these are the smells emitted by the body fluids after the death of honey.

In the sea of ​​​​flowers below, the bright and delicate petals were also dyed dark green and pitch-black, and the stumps of bees were smeared on them.

On the other side, Claire took her 10 ghost cavalry and entered a ghost form burning with blue flames, rushing directly towards the hive, and the bees she wanted to block along the way could not cause any damage at all, and even killed herself. ignite.

Finally, a swarm of bees with glittering wings appeared, and they shot blue tail needles from their tails and shot at Claire and the others.

These tail needles have magic damage, which can cause damage to Claire and the others, but they are also completely blocked by the magic armor on Claire's body.

The tail needles that hit the ghost cavalry in the rear were also stopped by their shields. These cavalry were extremely fast and rushed directly in front of the bees, cutting them in half with one sword and falling down. The corpse was also swallowed up by the blue flames burning on his body.

On the other side, Kane and the others have also advanced, and they are covered with bee corpses along the way, when Kane and the others will be together.

In the largest beehive on the tree, a human-sized bee flew out dragging its fat body.

This is the queen of the entire colony.

Those remaining bees immediately gave up besieging Kane and they gathered near the queen, buzzing around.

The Queen opened the huge claws on her head and roared at Kane and the others with angry and harsh roars.

With the roar, all the bees condensed into two groups, rushing towards Kane and the others like a black tornado. These bees were covered with a faint magic light, which should have been blessed by the queen.

The Queen's tail also showed orange light, and orange-yellow tail needles began to shoot towards Kane and the others. Each tail needle was the size of an adult's palm.

Claire charged directly in front of the queen holding her shield, and there were still a few huge bees guarding her beside the queen, wanting to attack, but was stopped by the guard next to Claire.

The battle axe in Claire's hand slashed towards the bee, but it was flexibly dodged, and then the crazy limbs stabbed towards Claire like a rapier, and a cloud of pollen began to appear in the air to wrap them.

A giant red lion phantom emerged from Claire's body and surrounded her. Claire's long red hair also fluttered up, condensed into the appearance of thorns, and followed Claire. Leia launched an attack.

These hairs blocked the limbs that the Queen stabbed, and then the blocked limbs caused Claire to quickly cut off with an axe.

A harsh wailing sound came from the Queen's mouth, and the surrounding bee guards wanted to come back and were killed one by one by the Ghost Riders who found the opportunity.

The swarms that heard the call also wanted to go back, but they were few in number and were shot down one by one by Kane's bullet storm.

Although the queen made a harsh pain, Claire was not affected in the slightest, and the blue flame wrapped around the battle axe also began to change to black and white.

Claire raised her battle axe and slashed at the queen's fat body. The black and white flames followed the wound and attached to her whole body. The scream became even more harsh, but then it became weaker until it disappeared. not see.

This process takes less than two seconds.

The black and white flames burned the queen to ashes.

With the Queen's death, those remaining bees were also killed by Cain's bullets one by one.

He walked to Claire's side, and Claire had also transformed from a ghost form to a real body at this time.

The blue flames on his body also disappeared.

Kane has also seen the black and white flames attached to Claire's weapons before, but it was sometimes invisible at the time, and now it can completely cover the weapons and even set the enemy on fire.

"What is that black and white flame just now?" Kane asked involuntarily.

Hearing Kane's words, Claire blinked: "Secret, I'll tell you when I'm in complete control."

At this moment, Kane and the others felt a surge of energy pouring into their bodies. This energy was all too familiar to them. This was the signal for them to clear the dungeon.

"This dungeon is finally cleared, let's collect our spoils now." Kane said, and walked towards the beehive under the tree.

The most valuable thing for these bees is the honey in their hives, and even the entire hive is made of honey. Their honey is called cake honey, which can be directly made into desserts.

The absolute best dessert.

The fastest ones were Claire and Lilulu. They directly passed Kane and rushed to the hives, and then began to carefully collect the honey according to the introduction in the pictorial.

After Kane came over, he couldn't help sticking his hands and stuffed it into his mouth.

It's delicious, it's not the kind of sweet, it's the kind of sweet but not greasy at all.

"I like this honey," Kane said.

"Come and help if you like it." Claire rolled her eyes and said after hearing Kane's words.

Kane smiled, and then began to help recycle these hives, took out all the bee pupae inside, and threw them on the ground. Even if these bee pupae were not in the hive, they could still come out and become bees. After all, they were magical creatures.

It can be regarded as leaving a species for the bee colony here, so that they will not become extinct.

After collecting all the spoils, Kane couldn't help stretching.

"Finally, the dungeon has been cleared. Well, let's start returning."

After that, the vehicle was built on the spot.

Looking around, Lombe couldn't help but grumble: "Why can't we just throw us to the entrance of the dungeon? We have to go back by ourselves, I'm really not used to it."

Hearing Longbei's words, everyone could only shrug, after all, this is someone else's private dungeon.

It will not throw you out like other dungeons, or even prohibit you from entering again.

You won't be thrown out here, and you can still enter again, although it can't cause damage to the creatures here.

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