Above the plain, there is a teleportation building complex.

From time to time, the blue light during transmission shoots into the sky.

As another blue light appeared, Kane and the others appeared on the teleportation platform.

Kane and the others stepped off the teleportation platform and observed the staff around the teleportation platform. They were not humanoids with upright feet, but half-length species with all kinds of animals standing on four legs.

The surrounding environment is so open, there are hardly too many trees and flowers blocking the view, it is an open plain area.

And just not far from the teleportation station, the range that the field of vision can see, there is an entire building complex, which should be the capital of the United Kingdom.

"Where is your home? Claire." Lilulu pointed to the city and asked Claire.

Unexpectedly, Claire shook her head: "There is the capital of the country, and my family is still a long way from here on the grassland."

"The transmission line within the country uses the transmission station inside the city, and the outer transmission station is the platform from the outside world."

After hearing Claire's explanation, everyone nodded, this country was quite defensive when it was built.

After finishing speaking, Claire walked in front, greeted everyone with a smile on her face and said, "Okay, everyone, come with me, I will show you a brief tour of this place."

After she finished speaking, she took Kane and the others towards the city.

On the side of the road, there are explorers who are halflings like Claire, or civilians. It's just that their lower bodies are not horses, but other species.

For example, an explorer just a few dozen meters away from Kane should have a cow's lower body, and a pair of horns also grow on his head.

In addition to the cow, Kane also saw very strange lower parts, because he couldn't recognize what species it was.

I just suddenly saw a snake man with a snake in the lower body next to him.

Quietly approached Claire's side, and whispered in her ear, "Are the snake people of the same race as you?"

Hearing Kane's question, Claire looked around for a while, then saw the snake man not far away, then nodded and said, "Yes, it is also a half-length species, but some people do not admit that they belong to us. One race, so there are distributions elsewhere."

Everyone chatted and chatted for a long time, and they approached the entrance of the city. Looking at the city, Kane and the others couldn't help but be a little stunned.

The area of ​​this city is too vast to see at all.

Although there are no buildings that are too tall in the city, it is indeed inappropriate to think of buildings that are too tall for the Halflings.

However, the prosperity of the city can be seen from the entrance, and there is no city wall built, which shows that the history of the city's construction is not long, but it is also true that the half-breeds can be regarded as a new race in the whole world.

"This is the capital of the United Kingdom, Qilur, the city of the wide area." Claire looked at Kane and the others, introducing the city in front of them.

At the entrance in front of you, there are a lot of people coming and going, and there are vehicles pulling all kinds of goods.

Claire took Kane and the others into the city.

If you want to say what the first impression of this city is on Kane, it must be his ground.

The ground is very clean and flat. The road is paved with flat stone bricks. The entire road is extremely wide. Even the small road next to it is very wide, and there are no narrow alleys.

The whole city feels like an atmosphere, and the buildings are almost two or three times larger than those built in other cities.

It should be taken into account the size of the half body species.

It was also the first time that Kane discovered in other cities that the number of humans was completely inferior to that of the local races.

Humans are the largest population in the world, and they are evenly distributed in all foreign cities.

Even in many ethnic cities, the local ethnic residents are not necessarily as many as the local human beings.

In the city of the wide area, there are many human beings, but there are more local races. Although they can be divided into many tribes according to their lower bodies, they do belong to the same race.

And the lower body of these half-body species is beyond Kane's cognition.

Kane originally thought that Claire's race could be the same no matter how strange it was, such as a horse body, a cow body, a sheep body, and a deer body.

However, things backfired. The multitude of clans and the strangeness of the lower body were completely beyond Kane's thoughts.

For example, the body of a snake, although Kane has just seen it.

But what body is that?

The lower body looks like a lion or a tiger, and it is unclear because the fur on the body is gray.

And the whole body is bigger than the other races, a little bigger than Claire.

That's pretty normal.

But the one that just passed by Kane was completely abnormal.

What kind of giant lizard is that lower body?

They are all fine scales, shining with the light reflected by the sun, and on the human body, some joints also have some fine scales.

Seemingly aware of Kane's gaze, she turned her head to stare at Kane, with orange-yellow cold snake-shaped pupils, and with a hissing sound, a thin forked tongue like a lizard spit out from her mouth.

"Brother looks at a lady like this, but it's impolite. If you want to take a serious look, why don't you just follow me..."

She seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Claire who was standing between her and Kane.

She opened her orange-yellow pupils and looked carefully at Claire in front of her, then her face changed greatly, and she bent down and walked away.

After he left, Claire turned her head, looked at Kane and said, "Don't keep staring at this cold-blooded creature, their perception is very keen."

After listening to her words, Kane nodded, or he was too careless, otherwise, with his observation eyes, how could he be discovered.

At this moment, a figure hung down from a strange building next to him.

This building is much taller than most buildings with only one or two floors. Visually, it should have five or six floors.

The figure hanging down from the top was a spider girl with a spider on her lower body.

Seeing Kane's dull gaze, Claire turned her head to look.

"The lower body of the insect is also of the same clan?" Longbei couldn't help asking when he saw this scene.

Claire turned around and took the crowd away, and said as she walked, "Although it doesn't look very similar, the lower body is an insect, and it also belongs to the same half-body species as us."

Kane looked back from time to time, and his eyes had turned into eagle pupils.

The spider-shaped half-length species, in addition to the spider body, also has two pairs of small eyes on the forehead of the face.

It's so weird, it's so weird.

However, in the previous film and television works, there are also characters whose lower body is a spider, so Kane can still accept it.

After passing the eye addiction, I continued to follow Claire.

Lilulu fluttered her wings and fluttered around Kane and the others. The various half-body species around her also made her very curious.

Until she saw something, like a terrified creature, a flicker appeared in Claire's arms and buried her head in her arms.

Looking at her appearance, Kane couldn't help turning his head to look.


Forgive Kane's sudden foul language, but he couldn't help it.

Because not far away, he once again saw that the lower body was a half-body species of insects, and the insects were very infiltrating, it was actually a centipede!

Centipede Man!

The fine and sharp long legs, row after row, wriggled rapidly, controlling his body and moving forward quickly.

Until he passed by Kane and the others, he seemed to notice the gaze of Kane and his group, but he didn't mind, but turned around and raised his eyebrows, showing a sturdy posture.

Showing off his strong muscles.

Who sees your upper body! It's obviously your lower body!

Does this person have self-awareness?

Watching the man go away, Li Lulu raised her head, glanced back, and flew out with peace of mind.

"This person..." Kane and the others looked at Claire.

Claire shrugged and said helplessly: "Although it looks weird, it does belong to the same half-type as me."

Then she started to give Kane and the others a half-length seed while walking.

The largest terrestrial race among the half-bodied species is that most of the lower body types are mammals.

The lower body of these half-breeds is for a variety of cattle and horses, sheep, lions, tigers, wolves and the like

There is also a relatively small part, which are various oviparous creatures, and the lower body is usually various types of lizards, snakes and the like.

And the smallest one is all kinds of insects, spiders, centipedes, and even praying mantises.

It is said that some distant relatives live in the ocean, but they are separated because of their different living environments, but they still keep in touch.

Together these form the large family of halflings.

It is precisely because of the large number of various tribes that their United Kingdom covers a very large area, and various environmental geographies are involved to meet the different living habits of each tribe.

Although it is a new race, it has a certain right to speak in the whole world.

After Claire finished speaking, she also introduced various buildings and facilities to Kane and the others along the way.

"Since it's a kingdom, why didn't you see the palace?" Kane suddenly thought of something and asked.

Hearing Kane's question, Claire explained: "We are the United Kingdom, so there is no so-called royal family. Although there is a king, it is not a succession system, but an electoral system, elected from each clan, so The palace is of little significance, only the office of the government."

After listening to Claire's explanation, Kane nodded. There is such a system.

Finally they came to the teleportation station in the city.

The style of the building is similar to that of the City of Lions, but there are no stairs and it is flatly embedded on the ground.

There is not only the explorer's house around, but many guilds are also located in the surrounding area.

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