"Dong Dong Dong!"

Hearing a knock on the door, Kane, who was chatting in the living room, turned their heads.

Li Lulu flashed on the door handle and opened the door.

Bernard outside the house saw a small head poking out of the crack when he was wondering when the door opened.

"What's the matter?" Li Lulu asked suspiciously, looking at the housekeeper outside the door.

Hearing this, Bernard immediately said: "It's time to eat, I'm here to lead you to the restaurant for dinner."

"Okay, Li Lulu got it." After speaking, Li Lulu retracted her head and slammed the door shut.

A gust of cold wind blew through the window next to the corridor, blowing on Bernard's face, and he looked at the door that was closed again.

Li Lulu left an indelible impression on him in his housekeeping career.

Kane in the room asked, "Who is it, Li Lulu?"

"It's the housekeeper of Claire's house, he told us to go to dinner."

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Kane got up and walked out of the room with Longbei and the others.

Bernard, who was waiting outside the door, saw Kane and the others coming out, and said, "Please come with me, everyone."

Following Bernard, after walking around the house for a while, he finally came to a restaurant with various portraits hanging. There was a long long table in the middle of the restaurant.

Aside from a few chairs around the long table, there are upholstered rugs on the ground.

At this time, Fordina was already sitting in the main seat, and Claire was on her right. At this time, Claire was waving to them.

"Sister Claire." Lilulu appeared next to Claire in a flash and hugged her neck.

Then she whispered in her ear: "You are so beautiful today."

At this time, Claire was no longer wearing armor or casual clothes, but an elegant and luxurious dress, plus the accessories on her body and the slightly turning gems on her hairstyle, which looked extremely beautiful.

Kane was stunned, then went to the seat next to Claire cheekily and sat down. Anyway, he was known, so there was no need to hide.

Then, a small chair was constructed in the middle of the two and floated in the air, so that Li Lulu could sit on it and lean on the table top.

"Clea, you are so beautiful today." Kane whispered close to Claire's cheek.

Claire gave Kane a sidelong glance, then clenched a fist under the table and slapped his thigh.

Fordina opened her eyes slightly, watching the two flirting in front of her.

Obviously, in order to keep himself from hiding in the morning, he was so blatant when he was discovered.

At this time, the marshmallow that had been following Kane gently floated down, and it was right next to Fordina's hand.

Claire's mother was directly attracted, and she reached over and squeezed with her hand.

And Marshmallow is also close to Fortina under Kane's deliberate order.

Nice job!

"It's cute, Mom," Claire said with a smile.

Fordina nodded, then stretched out her hands and rubbed Marshmallow's cheeks vigorously.

At this time, at the small door on the other side, one after another maids walked in with rich dishes and placed them on the dining table.

At this time, Fordina also withdrew her hands, cleared her throat and said, "Then let's start eating, and try our special food here."

Kane and the others looked at the food on the table. They could name each dish and even know most of the preparation methods.

No way, Claire used to be best at these dishes.

But it's enough to know these things in your heart.

Cain, who was eating, suddenly thought of Claire's father.

While thinking about it, Claire suddenly spoke up.

"Mother and father, why didn't you see him."

Hearing her daughter's question, Fortina wiped her mouth with the napkin next to her and replied.

"Your father should be discussing things in the capital now. He will be very busy in the next few years, and he may not have time to come back to see you, but I will urge him."

Hearing her mother's words, Claire nodded, and she roughly knew what kept her father busy for so long.

During this time, all the forces are busy.

After the meal, Claire did not leave with her mother, but returned to their room with Kane.

"Finally relax." As soon as she entered the room, a light appeared on Claire's body, and the gorgeous dress on her body also turned into a casual everyday dress.

The original noble and elegant temperament disappeared in an instant, and then he came to lie down on the cushion next to the sofa and leaned on the sofa.

Kane came in to watch this scene and asked, "Your mother seems to be very strict with your etiquette."

Hearing Kane's words, Claire nodded and said: "Yes, mother is very good in other aspects, but she is very strict in this regard, which is really distressing."

At this time, Lombe sat on the sofa and asked, "Does your family seem to be very powerful in this country?"

Hearing Lombe's question, Kane and the others all cast curious glances. In the end of the day, they also discovered such a problem. The Keriya family is not just rich.

Hearing Lombe's words, Claire had nothing to hide and started to answer.

"Yes, I told you this before, the king of the United Kingdom is elected, there are 13 electors in total, and our family occupies one of the seats.

My grandfather was the king of the previous generation, but the king cannot appear in the same elector's house in succession. This grassland is our family's fief. "

After listening to Claire's explanation, everyone nodded.

Speaking of which, Claire could be considered a princess.

"Okay, let's not talk about that." After speaking, Claire took out a portfolio from her space equipment and put it on the table.

"These materials are the dungeon information I got from my mother, and the complete internal information is very comprehensive."

Kane and the others were instantly attracted by Claire's words, and they used to look at the information on the table in order to do so.

Open the portfolio and take a part of each to look at it.

Claire also picked up a portion, she didn't check it, she just asked for a portion from her mother.

In this way, everyone quietly checked, and it took a while to check all the information.

"This dungeon is interesting," Kane said.

The name of this dungeon is [General's Order]

This dungeon is similar to the peerless game Kane once played.

The entire dungeon is a war-torn area. There is not a single civilian in the entire area, but all kinds of soldiers and auxiliary soldiers.

All the forces are fighting against each other. These forces are big and small, and they don't have any development needs. The only goal is to kill other forces and make their occupied territories larger.

These forces have a large rear at the rear to provide them with soldiers and supplies. They just need to occupy more territory in this area and kill more enemies.

Not long after the war between each other, the world was destroyed, and this battlefield just shattered into a whole piece and drifted into the fog, which formed such a mechanism.

And if an explorer joins the dungeon, he must choose a faction in the initial stage. Each faction has a simple rating selection by the fog. The lower the level, the weaker the force. In the end, the more you gain.

What the explorer has to do is to follow his own forces to kill more enemies, and kill all the enemies he can come across, from the frontal battlefield.

The entire battlefield does not have the slightest strategy, all are frontal combat, relying entirely on bravery.

Only those who kill more deserve to have more resources and a larger territory.

The reason why this dungeon was chosen as the featured dungeon in this area is to simply block the news.

It was because the dungeon was changed shortly after its appearance, and there were only two of the original forces left on the battlefield.

One company occupies 95% of the map, and the other has only 5% of the site and resources, which means that all explorers who enter the dungeon start directly with the highest difficulty.

This has led to a sharp increase in the number of enemies in this dungeon. Before, they would fight each other because of their different forces, but now it has become that everyone is attacking you.

According to the information, according to the calculation of the existing silver dungeon, the number of enemies in this dungeon is the largest.

And far more than the others.

The huge difference in numbers brings huge gains. You must know that every enemy will explode with magical items.

If this is the case, of course, it will not be called a special dungeon and the news will not be blocked. The most important thing is that gold coins will explode after each enemy dies.

At least 10 gold, no cap.

The huge number of enemies and the gold coins must be dropped after death, and this dungeon has become a gold mine.

Because of this huge gain, when clearing the dungeon, many people are willing to exceed the limit of 5-person squads and form 10-person, 15-person, or even 20-person squads.

Although it will cause the number of people who distribute the spoils to increase exponentially, but there are too many spoils to bear, and the dungeon is too dangerous.

"This dungeon Li Lulu will definitely clear the level." After reading all the information, Li Lulu clenched her fist and waved it hard.

This is simply a clear spring in the desert.

No one can understand how short of money Li Lulu is now. Her fairy tale world can't be called a fairy tale world at all, it should be called a gold swallowing monster now.

All the profits she and Kane got from going to the dungeon were all invested in the construction of the fairy tale world, and they also stole materials from the dungeon from time to time.

According to the information, the gold coin harvest from this dungeon is completely more than the sum of the money they have gained from clearing all the dungeons so far.

This is not a gold mine what is this?

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