A fiery celestial body hangs high in the sky.

The golden light emitted by the celestial body was reflected in the dark clouds, and the entire sky was illuminated in orange.

The color in the sky, plus the gray clouds that flutter from time to time.

An oncoming depressing atmosphere.

Illuminating the entire earth as if the end of the world is coming, it seems to be accusing the never-ending war in this area.

But when the sun just rises in the early morning, the sun can always see through some gaps and project it with the most normal color and temperature.

When this ray of golden sunlight shines on the majestic high wall.

The grey-black stone boulder bricks are piled up to form a city wall more than 20 meters high.

The entire city wall is built on the cliffs on both sides.

In this way, the cost of the city wall can be minimized and the area of ​​defense can be expanded.

As a breeze blew past, the red and white flags erected on the city walls fluttered.

As the sun shines on the city wall, patrolling back and forth on the city wall, and the soldiers on guard, the metal armor on their bodies also reflects a cold luster.

All kinds of defense equipment, small trebuchets, and huge crossbows can be seen on the entire city wall.

A middle-aged man wearing a heavier and more advanced red and white armor stood solemnly on the high wall of the fortress.

His eyes have been looking into the distance, not knowing what he is looking at, or thinking seriously.

At this time, there was a noise on the stairs leading to the city wall, and Kane's figure appeared from the corner of the stairs.

A herald who led Kane over, trotted over and stood beside Horn, and saluted.

"Captain Horn, brought by Centurion Kane."

Hearing the herald's words, Horn's gaze from the distance was withdrawn, and then he turned to look at Kane who was walking towards him.

"Captain Kane, I'm sorry to find you so early." Captain Horn nodded to Kane and said.

Kane came over, stood beside Horn, and waved: "It's getting late, the enemy won't sleep in, nor will they wait for us to get enough sleep before attacking."

"Hahaha." Hearing Kane's words, Horn smiled proudly: "Captain Kane is right, the enemy doesn't think so for us."

"Captain Horn, come to me so early, there must be something important."

Hearing Kane's words, Horn nodded: "My sentry has sent news that the five camps near the fortress have received news of the fortress's fall last night.

They've been preparing soldiers overnight, and by the time we're talking, they're probably already on their way. "

It's coming very fast.

"Then when will they arrive in front of the fortress?" Kane squinted his eyes and asked thoughtfully.

"According to the calculation of the distance, it will arrive around the fortress around the time of dusk."

"Can they prepare engineering equipment in such a short time?"

Kane's question is not unreasonable. After all, when they wanted to capture this dungeon before, Horn was ready to build the engineering equipment first, and then come to attack.

Hearing Kane's question, Horn explained: "These five camps carried the task of attacking this fortress not long ago. At that time, they prepared a lot of construction machinery, and most of them still have a lot left. Xiu can continue to use it, so they must have come here with a lot of engineering equipment."

After he finished speaking, Horn thought for a while, and then added: "Maybe in a short while, my sentinel will send news again, and then they will know how much engineering equipment they are carrying."

After listening to Horn's words, Kane nodded, and he continued to ask: "The most important question, how many troops did they prepare to attack this fortress?"

"10,000." Hornby pointed a finger: "There are at least 10,000 soldiers, and it is unlikely that they will pull out all the soldiers in their camp, but most of them should be no problem.

Even if it is calculated by leading half of the soldiers, there is no problem at all with 10,000 soldiers in five camps. "

"So much?" Kane frowned.

Some of these soldiers are too many, and they are only at least 10,000, which means that there are only more or less.

And now the soldiers in the fortress, plus Kane and the others, are about 6,000.

Because Horn has some soldiers, they need to be scattered into the camps they occupied before.

Otherwise, the blue party will send an elite team to cross the two mountains and rush in, and stealthily occupy the two camps, then it will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, it is necessary to have at least 1,000 soldiers in each camp.

Because such a number can persist until other camps get news, can they have the opportunity to dare to come to support.

And they didn't get too many soldier rewards for occupying the fortress. There were only about 1,000 soldiers. Because the location of the fortress was the overlap of the camps on both sides, it could only be regarded as an important terrain.

This is found throughout the dungeon, and these strategic locations overlap with the surrounding camp areas, so they won't get as many soldiers as the camp after occupation.

But it is certain to get a certain amount of soldier rewards, and more importantly, these important places bring greater advantages to the war.

Kane frowned and thought for a while before asking: "The distance between these five camps is not close, and in order to attack us, each camp will at least use half of its own camp, right?"

Although he didn't know what Kane was thinking, in the face of his question, Horn nodded to confirm.

"To attack us, they will definitely bring all the silver-strength soldiers in their camp first, and leave the bronze-colored recruits in the camp. This is a consistent measure in almost every camp, right?"


Not only the blue party, even Horn and the others stationed some bronze-colored recruits in the camp.

Because these people are only bronze-colored in strength, they are called recruits.

But in this dungeon, they are only new recruits in terms of strength, and they are not much different from veterans in terms of combat and combat awareness.

After listening to Horn's answer, Kane began to construct a plan in his mind.

Taking away at least half of the troops in one's own camp represents the five camps of the enemy, and the remaining troops in each camp will never exceed 2,000.

About 2,000 to 1,000 people.

And they should all be bronze-level soldiers.

In addition, according to the display on the topographic map yesterday, the distance between the five camps is not far or near, which is in a moderate range.

According to the information obtained, the plan began to be constructed in Kane's mind.

After watching Kane think for a while, Horn said, "It seems that Captain Kane has a plan."


Kane nodded and began to describe his plan: "According to the existing soldiers of Captain Horn in the camp, with my help, the fortress can be completely defended."

"And now is a rare opportunity. The five camps closest to us are the biggest threat to us, and now we just have an empty back."

"If the remaining members of my squad take their soldiers to capture one by one, with their strength, they will definitely be able to easily take all the camps in one day and one night."

Just do what he said, Kane directly pulled the topographic map ready at any time from his space equipment and put it on the wall.

Start a discussion with Horn.

Before the discussion, he did not forget to ask Yoyo beside him to plan a roadmap according to his ideas.

Yoyo's calculation is very large. According to the number of enemy troops and the general direction of action provided by Horn, he can completely calculate the route the enemy troops may take to reach the fortress.

Then through these routes, quickly choosing a safe route allowed Kane's plan to succeed.

"Now my teammates bring our team's soldiers, and if they pass through this line, they can avoid all the soldiers they brought and go to the camp behind them.

When they attacked us, the camps on their backs would have been taken out one by one, and when the time was right, we would attack from the front and back and rush out from the fortress to wipe them all out. "

Horn listened to Kane's orders attentively throughout the whole process. After listening, he simply thought for a moment.

The plan is entirely doable, he thought.

He immediately nodded and agreed with Kane's plan.

"There is nothing wrong with this plan, I have no reason not to agree to it, just do it this way."

Hearing Horn's answer, Kane nodded, and then immediately notified his teammates through the ruby ​​lavalier.

"Clea, you are now taking Lombe. They are adding all our soldiers to attack the five camps behind the enemy. Be sure to remove them all within the specified time."

Following Kane's words, it reached Claire's ears through the ruby ​​lavalier.

After waiting for a while, Claire's answer came from the ruby ​​lapel clip: "No problem, but what's the specific plan?"

"I have brought Yoyo back, he will explain the whole process to you and lead you to the enemy's camp through a safe route."

"Okay, that's fine."

"Let's act now, time is urgent."

Claire ended the call with Kane and immediately got up.

Next to Lombe, they also got up one after another.

They'd been in the living room the whole time, and they could hear Claire and Kane's call the entire time.

Not to mention these conversations, which happened in everyone's public channels.

Claire turned to Lombe and the others and said, "You heard what Kane said, right now, let's go out immediately to gather all the soldiers, wait for Yoyo to come over and start action."

Once Kane's teammates' action target is determined, the action will be very fast.

Claire and Lombe went directly outside and began to gather the soldiers.

Metzker and Lilulu quickly rushed to the logistics officer in the fortress and bought logistics supplies with her for a few days.

Of course, these logistical materials used for expeditions are not free, they need to be exchanged for military exploits, and they are only free when dining in various camps and occupied areas.

After they purchased the supplies, Claire and the others had already assembled the soldiers and were waiting to be dispatched at any time. At this time, Yunyou had also rushed back.

Looking at Yunyun, Claire directly picked it up from the ground.

Youyou said directly: "Master asked me to follow you and take you to the rear of the enemy's position through a safe route."

"Then please Yunyun." Claire said with a smile.

"Hehe, leave it to Yoyo."

Claire said to the soldiers behind her, "Let's go."

If they want to act, of course they have to leave the gate where Kane is now.

Kane was on the city wall at this time, waiting for Claire and the others to arrive.

From a distance, he saw Claire and the others walking over from the fortress with thousands of soldiers.

Looking at Claire and the others, Kane waved his hand and said, "Pay attention to safety and contact us at any time."

"Don't worry, leave it to us." After saying that, Claire gave Kane a thumbs up.

Watching Claire and the others gradually disappear from sight.

"Captain Kane really believes in the strength of his subordinates."

"Not a subordinate, but a partner who lives and dies together."

"Oh, sorry."

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